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]tw J&vtxtiMmmK rLlÏE ANNUAÏTmEËTI Ñ G OF THE Ladies' Liibrary Associat'n wlll be held on HOXJIAY, APEIT, ufh, at ffe oclocln'. ..inthoLudies1 Pnrlcr of the Presbytenan Churcli. All whn desire to become subscribe totho Library are invited to attend. . , . fï "ler g. w. HUNT, Secy. JJ.ated, Ann Albor, April 2, 1873. 2wi420 JiARM FOE SALE ! " IoLferaflr3t-rato80ncre grain and graas grnmng farm for sale, aituated in the townsliip of Aueiiatii, seven miles southeaat from Ypsilnmi ; witbin threefourths of u aiile of a Choose Factcry. It ia well waterud by Paint creek running the wliole lonuth of the farm, and two neveT-fniling wells. The building regood. I will takn in part payment a house nnd lot m tho city. For fmtlisr particular apply on the prrmises or addresa me ut l'aint t'reek. 2wl429 T. DEUEL. "A Chance for BargalnsT For snle at n great bsrfraln, ISO ACRES OP CHOIOE I.AM), lyini 2 miles from the city of Ionia. lou acrns under improvi-ment, with good orchard, barn rena shd, uud a cumfortnble hoiwe. Terms of pavment- from f2,000 to $2,500 down; balance on Ion" time. _AUw90 ACBES, ib-,ut 2H miles from Anrtuta, italamnzoo County, all improved, with good buildmge. ïerms- citiemely low. Also 40 ACRES about eijht miles from Hastings. Also SO ACETES on section S iu the fown of Iliizelton. Sbinwasso County, about 12 milea from (Jorunna. V ell timbered. For terms addrcss tñe n-ndersigned. E. B. POUD. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. OBt The world is full of SF - h Ohildren crying for MP Wt Canfiliea Castor Oil. IVftw HDKsr harmless. Tho repulsive ' HMR ffKBK tiistcantl smcll of C:isPP wBLËB tori! is eiitirely overeóme M BBft IV lts ra.thn.rtis owers art? g %, i] mXf no irlce '.'.') ets. oofviuuunti) VSv ]VIf Tj AIX'S VEKIdIFUGE EOITBONS are crepant and effwMve. They rexiobl Crcam. Bonbons kept In confectioners' shops. Children lova Uiin and cry lor them. Priee 24 cents per boi. AllUiJ.Hop Pilis These Pilis Jo not contain QuinuM or Mincrals. i hey are lugsuMToKed. l'Hce, 6O ets. per Hox. Vr. McXann, Garrtner, IU., says " I hav taken them myself and given them to my ife and children. They have curcilthcm and many othera wl.ohavousedtlirm." Thoy aro made to cure Feicr and Ague at once. Bumb Asue and Ague Fevors are cnred spcedfly. They are simple, harmless, and ïompacy'tnem?' .Dlrectk1'3 iu iüUr languages acB. W. EI.LIS & CO., are the Afwttn. I4J0yl Sheriff s Sale. OTATE OFMICIIIOAX, Coukty Wakktenaw, kJ as. - fiy virtue of a writ of execution issned out of and unito the nal of the Circuit Oourt for thcCcmnty of Washtenaw,and to me directed and delivercd acruinst tlo ffoodn, chuttles, lands and tenemcnts of Monea Mnrks, and for the w:int of !oods and chattlea to mitjsfjr snid exccution, I did, on the twenty-iirst dily of January, A. 1). 1873, soizc and levy apon ull the right, tftle and intoresl IToidi Marks has inand to the following described Iundn, to wit : Lots niimlip r two (2). four (4), six [6), eight (R), and ten (1), in block flve noi-th, rane four cast in the city of Ann Arlior. County and litote iifnrosairt Wh'ich nhove described propeity, I shnll exposé for :ilo to the hiehest bidder, at public aucuon at the pouth door of the Court Houac, in the Cty of Ann Arbor, 'hi tho County of Washtenaw, on ilie Becond day of April, A. D. 1873 at oue o'eloek 1'. M. of said day. Dated, this 7lh day of Febiuary, A. D. 1873. MIOÍIAIiL FLEMING. Sheriff. U13 ByMYitOX WEB, L'nder Sheriff. For ivnnt of biddora the above sale is adjonrned nntil Wednesday, April ninth, at the sume place und time of day. Dutcci, Ann Arbor , April 2, 1872. MICUAEL, Sheriff, By Mïitos Weub, L'nder-Sheriff. t egisteation notice. jl ■ The Boards of Registr.-ttion of the City of Atm Arbor will meet on Saturday, April Stil, 1873, nt the following phtees in the Mveral wards: lst Ward- At F. Korg' Paint Shop. 2d Ward- At Tracy W. ltoot's Law Offico. M Ward- At Slierüf's OfHoo, Court House. 41 li Ward - At Mofles Koger's Shop. 5th Ward- At the Waahtenav House, 6th Ward- At T. F. McDonald's Store. Commencinp at 8 o'clock a. m , and cloping at, S o'eloek P. M., for the purpose of correctiug nud eompleling the several Wacd registvution s. AH peio-ns whowill be entitted to vote at the charter cleetion to be held on llonday, April 7th, 1S73, should reírister their ñames. By order ol the Board of Kegistration. C. B. FOKTElt, Chairman. John N. Gott, Secretary. Ann Arbor, March 24, 1873. 1419 "pAEM FOR SALE ! Chcap if sold soon. Situatod in the Town of Dexíer, oí' ovor TWO HVJSURKD ACRES. Known as the LÜllbtidm farra at Porfage Lake. I mu anxious to Ht-U (tod givo a person a good bargaln. Also bloek six souíh of range six eaat, and lot four imd lot three in block seven, lying northwesterly ot the Wushtenaw House in the Fifth ward. Cali on me tur purticuhti-s. R.S. SilfITII. Aun Arbor, March 13, 1873. J4l7if OOR SALE ! 70 _BL.Z:KC.aE3 70 On WiiKlitciiiiiv Avenue, On ma a quartar miles from Postofficc. Ten .icrps wood líind, rest in liich state of eultiv;ition. Will le sold iu lots oí' 10 acres or more lis buyera may desm One lot oí ten acres has on ü house, bnrn, and wi-U nf [jood wnter. Terms easy. I'or further partioulais, enquireof J. FKKIIOA, J 14l;wl C8 State Slroet.Ann Albor. j DI8S0LUTI0N. The co-p:trtnprsliip heretofore exiating bc t ween C1ÏAMEU & WALDHON, ís this duy dissolved by i mutual consent. P. CRAMER, ManblO, '73. [141flw3] K. C. WALUIÍOX. HHAKE N0TI0E! JL . i Parties coming from Ann Arbor to Chicago wíll picase not oall on me for the loan of any money, as 1 tra out of the business, and they will thereby save me no little inconvenienoe, and perhaps tlie sheddiug of t] Dlood. CHARLES M. WELLS, u H19w3 213 Itandolph Bt., Chicago, 111.


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Michigan Argus