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Local Brevities

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- Recitations and lecturas were resumed in tho Cnivorsity on Wednesday. - March marchod out in a vor? pleasant nood ; bnt April oamo iti - nuff sBd. - That shaq) white froston Tuesdny morning jfn not a forerunner of fair weather. - Palm Sunday, April Gth; Good Friday, April llth ; Easter Sunday, April 13th. - "Ifthis is April give us January" was the diclamation of our weather reporter on Wednesday moming. - Consolation: that " leautiful snow" disctos„d yesterday morning is pronounced both good forsugarand wheat. - At sunrise on Tuosday tlie promio was for beauttful day, but it was anything else, in fact i recular " April fooi." - If yon wísh to vote on Mondny neit see that your name is propcrly registered to-morrow, in tlip Ward in which rou resido. _Tho Arqus gives more reading matter than ny other paper publislied in tho county. Adyi vour neighbor to subscribe for it. - " Pips :" that's the " pet name" a Republi=cati w.ird oaucus orator called his opponents durjug the Tuesday evening set-to of the clans. A large audience convened to hear Gough sml "Peculiar People" on Wednesday evening, mi "langh and grow fat" was the order of the hour. - Isaac DuFe-seas. father of Andrew De Forest, died very suddenly yesterday morning, of heart disease. He was 82 years and C months ■olJ. - The Tpsilanti Commercial goes back on its promise to favor the Court House loan, and comes out flat-footed against it. Who's sur■priüetl ? _ Wnnted : a local Nast. Subject-the First TTard (Reptösfic.n) " Pups" led by3íastiff Beat,, and raütive under the lash of Xeeper Dean, who ditln't prove master of the situation. - The Register of last week proclaimed ■"Brtakers Ahcad." The Register wing of the Bepubhcan pnrty dashod upon tho "breakeis" on Tuesday eveninsr, with saïls all ffying. - Thos. Coxdox who ran awayïoiïie weeks upo, to escape trial on a charge ol NBMÜKÏBg lidies in the street, hastien arrestad and brought lick, and nowTroaras with sheriff FLesiINO. - We are indebted to James Vick, of Rochen 'in, N. Y., Seedman and Florist, for a dox of garden and flower seeds. Vick never sends "his customcrs anyihing but a number one article. - To hear the street talkoce would imagino that our city was in danger of being deluged by s Water-Works " ring." We fear it will be a 'dry dcluge or elsc from other sources than War ter-Works. --Rev. Geo. MacTJoxald, wife and son, spent ■Wedncsday night in our city, the guost of Rev. L. I!. Fisk. H has pone west on a two week's lecture tour and on his return will spend seYeral lays hcre. - 'The Saline Jln-icfr is the name of the cighth weeUy paper pu))lished in this eounty. It is a !l column slieet with Chicago "innar'ls,"is publiahcd by D. B. Sherwood, and makes a very reat appearance. a ycar. - The Tolodo Commercial copies the " card'of ïï. B. Covert from the last Arocs, com■mends it as a model, and suggests, that if ofïiceieekets generaüy woukl be "as full in their ofiers"it would save a hcap of trouble. - ïi you are designing to " go west" cali at the AitGl'9 office and rrt a circular and map descriptivo of the lands of Atchison.'ifopoka nd Santa Te Railroiul Company: and a!so your tickets ïrom Chicago to any point on that road and retnm. - The lecture of Dr. Geohok MacDonald, Scotch divine and novelist, - the last in the S. L. X. rourse for tho season, - will take place on Friiny evening, April lSth insteail of on tho eveninR of the lGth as hewtofore announcod. ject: "John Milton." - W. W. Hawk, late of the Ratth'bun House "Grand Hapids, has bought the Miss? s. Aveky' Icsre o{ Cook's Hotel, with furniture, &c, and rnteredintoposKession. AVe aresofry to lose the Icssrs. Avery hut are glad to announcc so expericnced a suceessor. - If the Street Commissioner, City Marshal or nome Trustee of the Congregational Society will stang some loose planks on the walks adjoining the foundation ot the church on State street, citileng who now get staltod several times a day "will te under great oligations. - Speaking of the proposition of the Ann ArV)r Citizens' Committee, recoinmending tlic Hol1}' Water-Works minus the Holly pumps, the Toledo Commercial says : " Those who have witnessed the play of ' Hamlet,' minus the Dane, will appreciatc the arraJjgement." - The Salino Iieviein adopts in its first issue the " dog in the manger policy" of sundry other paper, and breaks ground agaiust the Court House loan. lts a great pity the Court House could not be built on wheels and rotated in turn to each of the jealoua provincial towns oL the County. ■ - The Ypsilanti Scniinel is down on the Court House loan of course. Those two rooms for city use are a great bug-bear to the Sentmcl. Besides it thinks ?ó0,000 ougkt to )mild a Court House good enough, and probably (though it don't exactly say so) that Ann Arbor ought to pay all öf tlwt. - The Register is very much alarmed for fear that a Water-Works ring may get control of the ew Common Council, charter a company, and io some other terrible thing. A Council, howTer, that would aid in forcing upon the people, by misrepresentation, its pet scheme of Holly Works, operated by an insufficient water power, Voulrt he all right in its estimation. - Tho Detroit dailies of Friday morning last ere prolific and eulogistic in their praise of the Adelaide PniLLirPS Concert which cameoff the Cvening before. Miss PHillipps' rendering of " Una Voce Poco Fa," " The Angels' Serenade," "nd The Rosebush" is mentioned with special favor, and Camilla Urso is spoken of as having wondetfiil power over tho violin. 'f his troupe Rings at the Opera House to-moïTow evfining. - WearcadvisedthatSupervisorElUprisvery indignant at the suggestion that he was the " saloon" choice for Mayor. " He is no such man." We are pleaserl to licar that the managers of the " "ng" - who ofiiciouFly seek to fix p both ticket- "eounted their chickens before they were hrtchod." May they come to grief in other directions. Meantime we apologise to Mr. Krapf {lr the annoyance the exposition of the " ring' üeaign has given him. Two freight trains collided on Tuesday afternoon, near the plank road bridge, smashing tlie ngiueB and several cars. The accident is cuargd to the enginecr of the western bound train "niitakinp; a brakeman's wave of tho hand, intended to send the train, on to a side track for an order to go on. The conductor was in the te!e Sraph office waiting orders which came just aftcr his tmn had passed the station and directed him to hold his train. Engineers should not be " sen off" vrith a motion. Better wait explcit orders The engineers of the two trains jumped thei engines and uo one was injured. The Democratie Ward Caucuses were hek laat evening, but aftcr the Arcus was put to prees The City Convention is to be held to-morrow aftcrnrxm. r' a good ticket and it con te elooted.