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Sore !t pples.- ThesMííerínfí which many ladios e'ïperiencc from caked breasts and s re nipples, ia lit" tle renlizcfl by mon. A rem'ïdy.lma now come feo thom, and the wonder is thit it ha not been 'lisnovered bebro. The Centaur Linimpnt isas delieute and poothi g as a cosmetio, and affords such spedy and permanent relief, tliat we aie showered down with hanks. Ttis simply awouderful tliing for all sores, umeness, and swellings. C-Uïldren cry - for Pitcher Castorla. It reSilates the etomach, cures wind colic, and causes natural sleep. It is a tubstitute for castor oil. 1420w' ÏCInff of tlfté Blood.- Scrofolous ErtjpTI0N3. Case. - When I commenced using Ii!i of the Blood. I was troubled with a Scrofulou3 Erupion on the back of ray neck, extending to the b:ick of my ears. It had existed for several raonths, also he itisido of ray ears, both hal beon sore for more hm a year, and had resisted all attemp's at healin and they were mnny). I had uaed your medicine but a few monthfc before ray neck and ears were entirely well, and huve not troublod me siuce, and it has been fcVeral monthmsiüce. Mrb. C. H. WHITE, Alden, Erie Co., Pa. See aiverliscment in another column. 1420 IScyond tJio lïssissïppi.-Thousandshave lrortdy g-one, and thouaands more are timing1 their yes tnwards new homes in the fertile West. To hose going to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraaka, Colorado, "trth, Wyoming, Neriida, Orefjrl or Chlifornia, we ecoramend'n cheap, guíe, quiek and dirdct route, via 5t. Louid, over the Missouri Pacific lïailrond, which uns its fine liay Cosclu's and Pullman Sleepers from 'it. Louis to "principal points in the West without hongo. "We believe that the Missouri Paciflc Railoud has the best track fin'l the flnost nnd Biiföst quipment of any line westof the Mississippi, and its connections with roads further West are prompt and reliitble. The Texas couneclion of tilla i-ond is now ompletod, and passeners are offered a fírst-class, all:i route from St. Louiy to Texas, eitlier over the fiasuori, Kansas & Texas B. K., n'j Sedalia, or over he Atlantic &" Pacific K. R., via Vinüa. For map3 ime tables, mformation as to rates, routes, &c, we efer our readers to I. O. Wheeler, Northern PnssenX' r Agent, 72 Lloyd strect, Buffalo, N. Y., or E. A ord, General BaMepger Agant, St. Louis, Mo. Qucstions wilï he clue.rfiúUj and promptly answered .' rrairalion Xiirnïntr ! Chcap Farm il Sout5i--wït ITIissouri !- The Atlaniio & Puciflc iUilvoal Cettnpany oiTers 1.200,000 nom of land in Central nnd Southwest Missouri, at front $3 to 1S mr acre, on neren years tiin.1. with free transKrtaiion from St. Louis to all purchasers. Climate, ril, timbar, mineral weaïth, nehoob, ohareheaand aw abiüina society invite omigrants fioni all points o thislsnd of fruits and il )vors. For particulars, i-ldreps A. Tuck, Land Commissioner, St. Louin, Alissouri. ■ 1417


Old News
Michigan Argus