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Detroit Live Stock Market

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illcniBAïi CextrMj Yuros, Mnndny, March 31. The reeeipts at these yards tor the week, and also for the three previous weeks, were as folows: Cnttle. Hocrs. Shenp. "eek cnclin? March 3 117 641 1,090 Weck endino March 10 ÍS1 2M 2 OSfi Week ending Mnrch 17 SÜ9 777 1,379 Week endiner March 24 214 457 1,260 Week onding llaich 31 257 941 880 Totul 1,288 8.009 6.5S1 Jlonth of .Tarmary, 1,915 10,326 13,771 Month of Fcüruary, 1,798 5.0WS 11,31)2 Through cattle shipped East, 1,364 head, agaiust 1,799 on the previous week. Hogs, 2,84". CATTLE. The market opened witli a lively competition among buyers for ehoice lots in pena. Sales were made with rcference to bulk, thus dispensing with the breaking up of lots into single heads. The firm tone of tho Eastern market induced many to buy for finns there, and also to secure what light cattle could be bought for summer pasturage. The quality presented was about medium on an average of all lots, and shows no deterioration of quality. The pnces realizod were a shade firmer. We quote : Chulee to extra, nverasing 1,000 to 1,200 11-., in good flash itnd build $5 00@ft 50 Cuuiuiüii to cholee, averivging 1,000 to 1,200 tb , in medium fleshund buüd... . 4 50@5 00 Light cattle for feederü 3 50(34 CO noas. From the State the reeeipts continué Üght, the supply for Detroit packing and storehouses beïng obtained from the Northwest via Chicago, ao iudicated in last week's report. Some very ehoice lots are daily m traMit for the East, farmers in the western región realizing remunerativo prices now. As that portion of the Umon is exclusively agricultural, the prices of farm products is regulated by the demand and supply of the South and East, and the seaboard for expurtatiou. Michigan, consuming a great amouut ef her owrl producís, was nearly the first of the AVestern States to have her hog erop exhausted, though a ncw channel of mmerce was opened by the Detroit & Eel Eivcr Hailroad, and through which a vast amount was poured into thia market. Locally, the oiïerings were very few in yesterday's market. Under sales made wo quote : Lots averng-ing 150 to 200 Iba. nice shape and good lor store $5 00(35 13 Lots nveriiging 100 to 15u lbs. suitable for packers, j( 5o@4 75 SHEEP. But two lots wore held for sale, and Bold at an advance figure. Two very fine lots were bought here last week by Eastern shippers, and indic.ato that the demand will be some botter. The average qualiry continúes about medium. We quote : Lot averafpnf; 30 to !)0 lhs, olioice grades and ia excellent coudllion .. ., $4 75@5 00 Ixt sverHglBg ) to 'Ju lbs, medium iirnd; nd order. , . 1 4 Jö"?! 50


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