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■ pellets J&X7& j. - Or Tnsíoleíc-Coaíocl, Conoeiitrníet!, Root ii!id lííTbal Jiiïce, A:ïï;BUions Granules. THL"Lrj GïAJiTT CATHAHX1C) or Mvltn'tm Ira Parvo I'Jtysic. O Th" modern Kwiiral, Chemioa PhaniKiCfiutira! Science. Tn'o ne of any Unieer takini; tho large, repateivu and naugenue pills', comí' Wiuu e olí lij 11 hik -.. i 'I diemica] Bcienoc, extract h;1 tlifl cattflirtio and othcr mcKliBJoAl proporties frooi l;:" oiosf valuable roots ar.'] herj'i, a-j-J concéntrate tïieni Into u Grannlc, scarci'iy ünrtrer tlmn immiard locd, thai. can be reaUily ev.aiiowed by tkeso o tliG mofltwníitivo Btom ■ tidions twtes. Enculittio Pnrifailïo i'oliet representf, in a most concentrated form, a much cctïiartic power a Is cra'iodinrt in any uf tho lre pilla ft) nale in tbs drug shops. Frora tfieir wooderfal at thavtic powor, ïn proiortion to tfaöir fize, peoplft who havo nottrioii tfiora are ipt t; fnppóna tti they are hareh or drasiic. in cfffct, luit such is not t all tho cuso, tlic different ctjvo nicfiicinilprlQcipleR of whicli tlu'y nrn composed being bo harmonized aiul nodiAcd, onp by the olhtr, as to produco n moft aoarrhins '■ ' ïttoruuih, yi-t Rcuily ar.d ki.i.llï o;f raili.g catliarttc. $5t0 Il"var1 ii hereby offcrerl by the proprietor of thesa Pelleta, to aiy cheiülst wbo, upon aiialyni--, will find nv Uiera any ( .'ilomel or other furms of mercury or aüy othcr mi"Hral poison. B!i5g ntlrelyveectaMe, no partfemar care iw reqniml wlitle ui:1 thcra. rj iiry o_ycrato withdiit difttnrbanco to tiio coDfltltüttoli, diet, oroccupatlnn. l-'or Janndlcc, ÏScisrtarhe, Constipniion, Impuro Itlocá, I'nSn lu tbc S!n)ul:!cr, fllifjic.- ol the Cliostf Xlizziiioniu Sotir lrnciaiionfl of the Stomarii, Bad taaie 1 moulli, Rllions nttacks, fa!n in reglo oí Ií i in"j h, I::ttiial FTr, Hlontcd tcrUuu Rbout KtomarSi, BbsU of lüloud to lïciid, IIlxli Coi orod tJrino, tUf os Eiioililjf and doom? l'orpbö-Jliigs, takc Dr. Pioree'B Plcufnii 1'nrantlTe Pellets. In explanaiion of the rcmudial power of ïny Parfitive Pellets over f o gruat avaricty of diaeasea, wishtosay tliat ttaoir action spon tbe anloial cconomy 1h universal, nota trlaud or tissue t-nsuniug thsir sanativo impresa. Ago does cot impair them; their oating oij bcicg enclosed in glasa bottles preserve tlielr vlrtiiea unUiipaired for any JenptH of time, in any climate, eo ttiatthey are al■woyt freffli ftnd rclisb'e, vhich is not the case with tli3 puls found. in ttie Uruj stores, jmt np in Chean wooii or punte-boartl boxea. Kecollcct tnat for all disca?0B wliere a L;iuítc, Alterativa or Purffntivo U indicateil, these little Pellets wlll glvo the most perfoct satisfaction to all whouBethem. Tbcy are old by all cntrprislngr Drugijiuts at 25 cents abottlc. Do not a!low any dnig;iBt to indnco you to take anythiug; clse tliat be jnny say ia just as good as my Pellets because be niükes a lurger proflt on tUat which bo recommeada. If yonr örugflet caunot eupply thom, encfosfl S5 cents and receivo tbem by return mail frora ft. r. runnen, m. n., fvopv, BURFALO, N. T. No Pcmon enn take these Bitters according to dlreotlons, anti remaiii long nnwel), provided their bones are not destroved by mineral polaoa or otner mcans, atiü vital oigaua waatcd beyond t&e point of repnir. Dyapopsia or Inllffci)Uon, Ileadache, Pain In the Sliouklers, Oonghs, TiRlitncss of the Chest, Dizzines.M, Sour Krnctations of ftie Stomach, Bad Tasto in tlie Motitii. Billous Atlacks. I'alpitation of tho Heart, Innammation of the Lung, Pain in the región of the Kidneya, aurl a hnndreU other painfnl symptoms, are the off-aprlngg of Dyspepsia. One bottle wlll prove a botter gnarantee of lts merita than a lenerthy advertisement. For Fcmalc Coitiplaints, In yonnff or old, marricd or sinsrle, at the dawn of womanhood, or the tnrn of life, these 'J'onio Bittere display so decided nn inauence that Lmprovement is soon perceptible. For Infintnmaf ory nnrï C'lironic IXfien niatistu and Goat, Buions, Remittent and Intermittent Fevera, Diaeisc3 of the Blood, Liver, Ki1neys and Bladder, these Bitters have no eqnal. Such IMseases aro cansefl by Vitiated Biood. TIley nrc a íreiitl PurLativc as vrell as m Tonic, possèrisiiiiï the medt of acting aa a powerfül airent in reliertng Congestión or Inflummation of the Liver and Visceral Orgaas, and in Bilioua Diseasea. For Skin nisrnscs, Ernpttons, Tetter, SaitRheum, Blotches. Spota, Pimples, Pustules, Hoü.% Carbuncles, Ring-wonus, Scalcl-Head, Sore Eyes, Erj'Sipelas, Itch. Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseasea of the Skin of whatever name or natnre, are literuilf dog up and carried out of the nystem lu a Bhort time by the use of these Bitters. Grateful Thousamls proclaira Vixegar BrTters the most wonrterful Invigoraat that ever Bustained the slnklng system. r. ii. mcikiNAi, & co. Drngirists and Gen. Agts., San ï"rancisco, Cal,, h oor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., N.y. 60LD BY AiA. UKUÜOISTS A DEALEK3, BOOKS, BOOKS. J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW Ï500K STORE 'EAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." Í.OOK TO YOUE IJÍTEREST AND CALL. BOOKS. ' __ j_ g B. GIDLEY, ■ Snccossor to COLQEOVE & SON. f DRÜGfilST AND MIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURÓN STEEET, DEALER IN DRU8, ÜIEiMf HER, 8VRUICAL nSTRl'.ÍIESTS, PCRE WI3ÍES AS LIQIOKS, fFOR MEDICAL PÜRPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Gootls, Pcriumery, PA1NTS, OII-S, VAUKISHES, GI.ASS ASBITTV, PBÏSICIASS' PBESCBIPTIO1VS Carefnlly componnded at all bonrs. I PBOPOr E KOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFÜRNISH AS GOGD AN ARTICLE. isom ■.-■.GMM.MW A GENÏS WAjNtTED FOIi BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! The best books pnbilehed on the Horsc mul (hc Cow. Liberal term, money m iderapiclly by A"ent8 jclliBlrthono bookR. Sevd for circu lars PORÏER & COATES, runT.reiii!E8.Phllaacliihia, Pa


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