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■ lili , fe' rjj' ; TEN REASONS WMY 3 No Family should pe without a bottU of f WHITTLESEY in tke house. -!- Itwill relieve the worst case of Billout F Chohcor Cholera Morb us in 15 minute 2d. - It will cure the most obstinate case m Dyspepsia and Indigestión in a few weeks. 3 - It i the best remedy in tlie worlil {r 7 Slok Headache, as thousands cun tctify,i 1 taken when the first symptoms appeor. 4th.-- It is the best diuretic ever put befort 3 the public; curing thosc distressing complaint, 9 Diabetes and Gravel and othcr Urlnaiy diffioultlos. - - It is a most excellent Emmena1 gogue, and to the Younfi Clrls. middle aged Women, and at the Turn of Life, thi 0 remedy 3 of incalculable valué. ötn. - It will remove wind from the bowcli, ö and henee a few drops in some sweetened water given to a babe is better than a dozen cordiais tö e Relieve and make It Sleep. Containine no anodyne. 1 7th, - It is a sure relief for ndults and childxen uffected with Worms and Pin Worms. [1 It will bring away the worms. 8th,- It will cure :hc PI les and Hemorrhodlal difficultie. ' Bth.- Itwill cure COnotlpatlOn and keep the bowels regular. It will alo cure rhe wjrst case ofSummerCo mp la Int and PysentorylOth.- It will cure Eour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to hcalthy action. Relieve Hoart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system, When taken dilute the dose with Pus ar and Water to a Wlne-Classfull and jvu havo a pie asant ton ic. rrv Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $i.3b per bottle. Whittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Eold by all druggists and warranted. Wfclttlsaer Prop. Mea. Co., Tolsd, 0, HATTER ! HAS EECEIVED HIS . Mi & WINTER Í1WL oír Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIES' FUR8, GESTS' FIBSISHiXG !00S, ETC., tt'nicn hk pnoposEs to set.t. a.t puices WHICH DBPT COMI-ETITIOX. 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi. WISIIARÏ'S PINE TREE TVATUEE'S GREAT REMEDÍ foPl thit THKOAT AND JLUNGS. Tt Ifa gratlfytng to ns to Inform the public that Br Q.í". 'ihart's Fine Tico Tar Cordial, for Throat ancTXuBg fllseapee, haa gained an envlabla reputation from Lhe Atlantic to the i'acifle coaat, and from tlionce to soino oftheiirst fam'ües of Europo, not t rough the prefs alone, litit by persons thronghoot the States aotaally buaefttd and cnred at Me office. While he publfches les, so fay uur roportera, he ïs uuablc to eupply the deinand. It goius and holds its rcpiiliinon - Firet. Not by Htoppínfcongli, but by loosening an í aseiatlüg nature to throw off the nnhealthy matter collecte:! abo ut the throat iindbronchial tnbes ivhkh cattses irritation. Becond. It removes the'causesofirritation (which produces congh) of the mncous membrane and bronchiai tubej, assfstl the IüfigS to act and thrw off the uuhealthy secretions, anrl pa rifles the blood. Third. It Is free from squills, ïobelia, ipecac and opinm, of which most throat and lung romedies are composed, which allay cougb only, and dia arganlao the stomach. ït has a Boothiug cfí'ect on the stomich, acts on the liverand kldneys, and 1 yin píthlc and nervouH regïone, thus reaching to every p$rt of the system, and iu its invigoratini and purlfylng efl'ects it bus gained a repntution which it must hold above all others iu the market. NOTICE. TKE PiNETREE TAR CORDIAL, GEEAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA PILLS. WORM SUGAR DROPS Being nnder my immediaate dïrection, tbey shal notloose their curative qualitics by the use o cbeap and impure artlcïöS, ÏÏENRY E. WISHART, PHOHKIETOE. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wisbart'8 Oflicc Parlo rs are open on Monday.% Tnesdays and Wednesdays from 0 A. M tod Pi M„ for coiinltation by Dr. Wm.T. Magee. With him aro aesociated two consulting physïcians of ackcowlcdgcd abillty. This opportunity is not offered by any Other lnstltution in city. All lcSJcrs iniiAt bc addressed to L. Q. WISHAKT, M. D., No. 232 W. Sccond St.. PHILADELPHIA. 1405m8


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