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f 0U8E! POBITIV RtiY OÍSTE DAY ONLY. Tucsday, April 154 1873. Ai'TiïR NOON at S, EVENINQ nt 8, D 'oís opon at 2 and at 7 u'clock. SYLVESTEIt BLEEKEIt, - Manager. Ttie (Heat Original nd Renoti Gen. Toni Thumb and Wife, Commodore Nutt and Wm Minnis Warren, Ju?t iíetiu-ijert to America, AI'TEK A ïhrco Ye.irs' Tour Aroimfl tho World, Willappear in s vaiiety of Fascin ating Performances. New and EWnut Costumos, Magniflcejlt Diam 'luis, &c, Adrnission only ' - - 28 Conts. Children undo IQ ycars, - ï.j Cents. Reserved Beats, - - 50 Cents. Children. under }0tO Eoserved, '!■ cents. New Soctional. Atlas OF MlCHfCAN! ■ Vul! al States Land Burveyê, Lalce Bwfveu, and f rom Local Survey and (A-.v.-i' it'wiu,) remi Gountici? and Tovrasbips. Messrs. Taejcísbury & Walling of Detroit, lirut been onstivnlly ensrasrcil for the pimt iths, with i Inrsf&coi-ps oí engraveis, preparingu fullaiiri coi iplei :■!'.(. 'Tío XAL MAP afea af the BEVENTY-SIX COUN.. I h will give more in i Bhown in anj work nnblwhed un the Amerloan continent, Tlr-ru will be given : 1. An able and elabórate artiole on tho Topogtïv. hy rroíesor Winohell, late of Michigo il ty, 2. A Hi tobt oí' the State, by Hon. C. I. Walker ' s Educatioxai, Histoht, by Hon. Orainci Publio Instruction. A U ihé U.viLüoADá oí' Michigan, by ltny Haddock, Esq. of {hn State. 'ron, i . l'luster Silver, A " ■ ■ , ompanied by ageoI map of tiio Statej by Professor Winchell. 7. A chapter un tho Climate, bj with a UliiuatologiDal Map of Michigan aud adioinme hiatos. s. A f nu and eomplete Raileoad Hap or mt CJsi9. AEailboad of iliohigan, with Railroad [ors, 10. A SUp oí Eübspe. slMWisg :i!l tH lato cbanges, udiI cülored by countriad. 11. A VEBl 00 :' ix Jlip of eneh Comily a fche SLatt?, oiiü Coualy oía n !ll$re, on the lartre sc:üe of tbreo miles inolt, anj ci! plamlv and neatly ensraved i)y t) ■ il aliow the roads. rulioads. siation-,, poatotflpes, lal Sai. Eacli Uuiinty occupying a ptige 14x18 ini 12. A es; riptioii oí every place in t5ie Stsilc, aud nuiniiig tl;o piigu ou iviiich jt i fonnd . 1 !. A usiaoss Dilingthe ñames and luM.ucsa wofosaiou -rk. From the very liberal patronaíe w ara rec for the work, v : to fnrnish it for a trille ''■ ■" L ' ■ ; i' 1[' of a üngle Couaty, giteu u;j ia a very far iuforior style. ri 1 un inestinnnbfy ba tl Valimbk' c irkof Ihe bind Lo tha atizáis t)l the SUilo. -Dclruil Tribune. sample proofs of the enarravin 7(11 , .i tl. f kind , . . State. :.'-'( oti J'ast, Thowork will bi ,v . , one volume, withleathcr b;iclc and oornurs, and atiM ■ icrip! ion. Tli.' A;;jnts nrcnow travclipg throngh i''. showiiifí' speefmenu of the engravinf? o 111 Atlaa of MHKSHCllUStlttS, iüSUed liy tl I ftndaii L Mpon und gli rtuuity i.ü cA.juiuu taa rork. Oautío--,.- AVo wish it distinctly ubdorstood that wo aru in no way conneoled with üiiy of tbo coinpanies w!io are pnblishing oheap editions of raaps uf sinplo counties, and selling nt about tliü samo prioo aa our wüolo vork. Don't order w&til yon. sec this vori, Ith:w boon enJc-rscd by the lcadina mun t!nv,u' hU21tf TAOK A B ÜET & WAT.T.T X( 1 . Philip Ei OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cunníy of Washtt O At l ísos.iun i.. ouri foi th I oL Wushtecuw, holflen ni the Piobute Office in uí' Anu Arbor, on Wednesday, tbe niiult day ol April, ia the yeur th,tuaand eíght hundred and seveuty-three. Present, Noah W1. Chccvc-r, Judg-e of Pvaiintö. In the matter oí the -stuif of Philip Eiding, deL Jolm Koete, administrator (tí suíd estáte, comes Loto oourt ;iuú repreeontp that lie ia ni u pn - to render hia ftauí account as such adiniuiátrator. Tlivi'uiipon itisorderüd. tlut Wednesday, tïe day '-i' Sfuy next, al ten o'eloiÁ in the foi for xaminizig toad aüowing Buch nccuunt, and tlnit thu heirs at lnw oL ü-aví decetised, and all other pci"sons iuterested in stiid efltate, are requit-éd to áppear it said Conj-t, tlien tu ba holden ni . e Office, in thu City oJTAnu Arbor, insfiidtxmaty, and show oqm e, tf anytt te be, w,y thesaíd accrani sliould atlowed: Andit s tankeac prdered tfeal miniötn I ■ . lin bui eutate, of ;;.■ ■ ; ; lountnd the liearinp ■ ublisld in the ■ ■ ■ evapaper printed &nd latinar in stiid Couníy, thrpe micceusive weelá pxevioiMi tu said day ot' hearj (A true copy.) ÜOAlí "W. i I lJüi of PrfLate. Shcriff's Salo. STATE OP MICHIGAN, OQBnty of Washtes By virtue of a writ ut' exeoution issned out of and the seal of iiv Circuit Court tor the c ount y of Washtenaw, and tu me directed and deli . the goeds, chMit-ls, lauda nnd teneinenti of Willinm stfiv.-u;, and fbr tfie want of gooda aml ohai Batisfy aaid ezecnüon, I did, on the oigbtb ■ ilarcIji.lSï , seiae and IflTy ii("iii ftD the right, title and interesi Baid WUliam Stevens hftS lu and to the followiog deacribnd landB, to wit : Lot amabr foar Ltb, range twelvo cast in Lhe cit pf Anii Art ito aforesaid. which b rbed property t sháll expone for . ab public uicfion. at (hu aouth door vï the Court Hou ie, in the city of AnuAibor, ia the oounty of Washt-enaw, on the twentyiv of May, v. x. L873, at one u'clock r. w. of aaid day, Uutod, Ann Arbor, April !0, U . MYBON WEBB.Iate Bh 142 ltd Tiius. J. HosniNs, Uepuiy Sheriff. TCE! ICE! ICE! I ua r.oív ptepate I tof un ICE OF TME BEST l AL1TY, Aud iu any quantity de tred durisg tho nefisoaa ni. A?íniii;s.


Old News
Michigan Argus