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BAOH ABEL, V : have no"w in tore and are receiving cur usual a gi stck of New Spring Goods, bougl.t for cash, and will be placed en sale at as !ow prices as any house in Michigan. EACH & ABEL. A large assortment of fashionable dress gooda in tle new slmdes. BLACK SÍLICE! A specialty. AVo iiavc them direct rom che Lyon'd mannftetory agente, and can warrant them made of pure fctuo!; . BAGH & ABEL. FIFTY PIECES OF TilE iEY STUABT BLACK ALPACA ! Aiulcall special attent ion to the 45c, 50c, and 75c qualities. TIie8e Alpa(t are manuíacturcí! by Alex. T. Stuart Ai Co , and withtmt doubt exíel in textnre Hnd íhuh ay ever bïonght to this country, BACH & ABEL. From the importas, direct, a latí) 2 stock Taíilc Lincns, Napkins, DAMASK TOWELS.&C. BACH&ABEL A FULL LINE OP Brown and Bleached Cottons. TiekAngt, Xtenirns, Collonades, &c. These goods we buy by tho package, gottmg discounts, and can mako low prioos. BACIT & ABEL. We dcsirc to cali especial atteution to our stock of FEENÜH AND ENGL1SE CASSIMERES, And SÜITINGS; tho lurgest and best asBortiuent in tho city. BACH & ABEL. A I'ULL LIXE OF SIIADES ni the STEWAHT ALEXAXDIÏE OD GLÖVES Iu Lotli ono and two buttona. Tliis Cflove has beon recently improved, and is now conceded to bo tito best in use. BACH & ABEL. Eeal Estáte For Sale. fri;A':' HaflAji.íoantvofWasenaw.ira. Y In the matter oí OonieliuÜ L ud: Noticeia I : orsuance .,1 .ni order grunted to the undersigned Adran I of the estut oí said dece J loa. Judge of Probate fbrt] ! VVunhtenaw, on ti ad dny July, a. i). W72, Un c mil b veuduc, to Oio ,t bidder, at, the AwellingI e xibed, in the i siúrl State, on fc tho tw Dty-fi ■ , . , , a. ,.. i', . ■ óuof üiutauy [subjecl tooll enI fg;eor otherwise esistinit at the fingdrBtute, to wit : TBe weathulíol thesouthion tweutythieein towoel boutta 't ranga úx cast, íU Baid Kbte, oontaining i, more órlese, Abo a pateel of hmá deacnb;d as eommencing ut the quarter post between seotions m and twnty-tliree, same township ítnc' "-■■ lino to tae sub-division post, Btwenty-four rods, thence west tu said seotion Un mth twenty-fenr rodi to t!io I, i scepting I edfrom hKnand míe, under date of Der 8th, 1M8, to-J ody, whieh Baid deed irded m ]i!,vr 60 oí ifeeds, onimge 507, in the ütllee ot the Register af DcuJs m suidcouiitv D.ií .,1, A ƒ.:■■] lOth; tWS. 1421 WILUAM BUHKE, Aditinletial Sheriffs Rali. OTATE OT MICHIGAN, Cot irai ... ■. U ss.- Bjr virtue of a mit of execntk oí and uu,!.T the sea] of tho Circuit Courtforthe Jeliver-i teoenientsof ■ ■ - and eliuttl a . n the twenl ■ theripht, tille umi int, rèsl i'ibed lauda, bi inblock tivenorth, runpe four eust in the Ay of Ann rbor oiddtr, ii piho i,ci. non i ■ II U.(-Ctyof.n, A .■„,,-. nthel 0ÍApril,A.D. DaWd, this 7th day t n [$73 ' CCB i:!. ;■, i U'KiíK, tfndor Sheriff. I -i-, April mud,, ,.'. I ieé'aíd time oí day. Dutcd, Aiji Ariïor, April'2 1T'. 1ÍICHAE riff, Jiy ■ b, üñder-Sherifl. Tlio nlL'S.ilü 1 fu .ík 1 to tl, o nviiityBjxth of Aprü iüsí., tt thu eaxau iJuco únd time I, Aril Mh, I MICUAKL FLEMING, Rhcrifï. Bj Mybom Webb, UnOer-Pheri [ Commissioners' Nol ice OTATE OF ! . county of Washtenaw, M, L5 The underrigiwd havfi pointed bythe 1 róbate ' oiutfor said county, CommMuonirs faxe■ camine and adjust an olaima iiad tlio ostate of John ! ix rapntha from date a,-o allowed byordai (air claims Ihoestateof aaidaeo nseí and that they ill ' ■ of John lun#r, in the townalupot BndKewater, in said Inesday 1 on Wednesday, the eiahth October next, at ten o'clook a. m. of each of MÚ receire, cznnui . istsaid claims Dotj i , ,;i. P. JOSBPHLAEET, JOÜ IMMER, ]421vi ners. T IVS'ÖEBSE FEATHlflR FIKST QU ALITT , (onat ïyin hand andforaslebj BACIISf ABEL,


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Michigan Argus