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rro tiie tj;avi;í.ix( publïc! COOKR HOTEL. ■■:-'%-;:J ■-■'■ ■■"■-.,. ■■■ , ■ "j J ís1 i:[r The subscriber, late of tbe IïathbunHVme Crnil , boviDg puiohasod lease, fnrmtniv ana Ktf(yj th late propriet ra oí Cook's Hotel, ín tilia up tlie good name of the Houw old pstrons and as mnnynewo wigh to malte this popular Honra their hoinc 2.5u !■■ dsy v. il i special ratea for long staya. ê2M r dny to Connty patrón. . W. W. HA WK. JIIE ANNÜAL MEEtFnG OF TJ1E Laílies' Libríiry Assocïcat'n .vill be licld en MOXDAY, ATRU, 14th. at 2K "'iï,'"( ],'in"cn' fa the L"dit!li' llarlur of tIie l'n-'sbytcAll who ilc.iire to bccomc snbseriljors to tLe Libïarv „ , , By order B. W. HÜNT, Beer Datea, Aiin Arbor, Apnl!,1878. . 2wU2i) jAKM FOK SALE ! I offer nfirst-rato 8(1 ;i cro gmin and grnss enxmg taiin tor salo, situated in the township 'of Auiruta ilcasonthcast from Tpsüaiiti: witlnn three 1 i müe of a ( : ■ . it is well by Paiot creek mnniog the whole length of tne farm, and two nereT-failing weSs. ïheliuildiiip . T will take iu part payment u house umi lot m thj cuy. For fnrther particular apply on tha Idresa me at Paiat Cieek. 2lvl4i0 T. DEUEL. gm Sptr-.-rs. The nsorld i? fuli of if .'fc Cluldren crying lor 4fiVt9 & McLAIN'8 r iafe Candied. Castor Oil; U A MBBMiarinless. Tlio repulsivo BBWmL 'Bm K tasteand snit'ü of tin; Cas} VHVIHbQHP' torOilisentirelyovercom f VK vBA Rff t3 cnthartic iiowers uro : L V WtAM nü iiüpiii t-'tl. Friet; 25 cta. cd-viiiL.uií.1) wLF MoTiATN S VEEMIFÜGE BONBONS aro elegant and effeetive. They resemblo Creani Bonboni kept In coufcetioners' shops. Clillilrru lovo Uiüiu aud cry lor tüom. ïrice 2ö tuuts pur box. MTTTlHOPMANNÏ UJieHap pms These Puls do not contain Quinine or Mincrals. They are sugar-coatod. l'rlce.OO ets. per Box. Dr. McMutm, Gardner, JTÍÍ., says: 'I Iiave taken tiieniiuysclf andgivcn them tomy wifo and eliililren. Tluy luivc curod them and many others wno have used them." Tlioy aro nado to curo Fover and Aprue at once. Dumb Aguo and Acuo Fevera arecuredsp.'edily. Thoy are simple, iiaímies. and lwaya reliable. Dircttioiu iu tour lauguagea ao ctuipacy Uiuiu. - - i K. W. ELL S & CO., aro the Agenta. 1420jl PU RE LEAD. LÍADM AVAUnAIVXED ifc f V STRICTf, 'ü % Í PüREWHiTE'j VIEILLE MON TAGNE ilïENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Sncw Whitfi Zinr, CÍIY.S?TAL, PA LACE WHITE LEAD, Permanent Green Fot Blinda, fia WPIITE LEAD ! In Colora for Outsido uid Iusido l'ainting', Varaishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes Manufncturod from jiure Iron Ore. far superior to tliuoc iiMde of Cliiy, Botten titouu, Uirt, v-n. Oor I'uru Brand of WS1TE LEAD H -.!". r to tho public with the positive asuranoo of abtotutc ytirii-j muuhof the White uold as pure i dultertCedfrom 20toü0per trut., Consumera vill cuusult Iheit interu.-it by giving u m c i 1. 11. XV. KJL.Ï.IS Sc CO., Irti;!íis.ts, AíTK ARBOU, íílflí Corner oppesite Suvings Bank. m:n T) -iX-í-T AND SHOE HOUSE. C. A, LEWIS, ( SUCCESSOll TO FlSLEY & LeTVJS,) solé a e isí i íáBURT'S" CELEBRATED HAND-MADE WORK Is now opcniüa uonic elegant lines of Ladids' Button & Luce Boots, Aud vcry yciitccl SLIPPERS TBES! Vicioi'iiv'.i, Parepa'ö, He'wpoM's, &C, &C. In various grajos. AIso a fíisIjiouaUe lino oí Sentlemen's WOBE! T(ifitlicr willi all varíe! íes in chenp gooda. 11 bought ío LAsii and lo bu sola ai luw clswn lili-. ■ Dome in aml Look at Tlicm . AT XO.2EAST HURÓN STREET. I417m3 JtfOTICE! f. JIANGSTËHFER & SGiY, PR4CTICAL COIÍFECTI0NERS, Wi h to inf orm tho oitKens of Ann Arbor .1 virinity thai they are now manufaoturing Jaily fino FRENCH CONFECTIONERY And wlieu pö ■ Pure and Fresh Candics, tiiia is the onlj place ia the city to get Cali and Sec Or Large Assortnent.


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Michigan Argus