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American Cavalry From An English Standard

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Enfrlish army officers are just now advooating tliu establishment oí' a corps of mouuted viHomen. Au oflioor writing to the Lotiilou Tin' taki's exoeption tó a statement made by 8ir Hcnry Havulock that Oen. Bheridan's qavslry Hmng flio lato war wcro mounted riflemon.' Iu doing so he profaces his reittarks by saying Ihatlio servid wilk Gen. Shfridnn during tho last year of our -war, and thoh prooouds as follows: " U lioing armod as far as ()OS3tbte v.'ith Öpettoer carbinos madu tliem inounted tifleinèn; -v-JeU &n& good ; but in evory respect tliey woro esseatlally cavalry, and if not the best to look át, wtre peihrapa Il.-o must efft'Ctive tiie World ever saw. This cavalry conl'd line a 'stone wall' dismounted as well as muioy the Hanks of the army, as at the buttlo of Winchester: or, when the tiiu cama oyture arlillory. as at Cedar creek, in the Bhenandoah Valloy, a moutU aitoi visión, about 10,000 strong, were Rommanded by young moa of great dash. Merritt, Custur, ote. were boya of 24 yeitrsof age, but West Point ■ and giants in the thoory if not tico of tbo art oí' war. Compariscns aro odioufl and itnitations uudesirable, but I would venture to bint to our económica] governmpnt that by uniting Woolwicll nd Stndhiirst they would egtablish ;i nal military school wliicli wottld well vio with, If it (lid not oxcel, the ' ■.! a pstablistnneut cu tlio banks of thu Iluilson." A workman, whilë nèpairing ouo of the outer venetian blinda of m aristocratie establishment, inisseu Uis footins and felï Into the street. A crosvd gathered aroünd him and raised hitu up, wheit it vasfound that IioIühI roc.nived a few sliiilit conturions. Meanwhila ono of the at brought liiiu ii fjlass of water. Mnkinsr a wry fice, the ninnsniii, " Only ivi!,t! Prom wliat height should I havu to fall to get a glaSS of beer f " Swift'a maxim iii con versal ion, wns: Fake asnianyhalí minutes aa fon n . !, hut nover take inoro than hnlf a iinni ï i . ; without paueintr, and giving othors m opporttuuty to strikes in.


Old News
Michigan Argus