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TEN REASONSWHY No Family tktmld !i witkúUÍ a bcttlt o WHITTLKSEY i tke houst. st.- Itwill relieve the worst case of BillOU cnollo or Cholera Morb us n 15 minute 2d. - It wül cure the most obstínate case S Dyspepaía aud Indigestión na feu 3d.- It s the best remedy in the world fol Slok Headaohe, as thousands can tcstify, i taken when thc hrst symptoms appear. 4tn;- It is the best diuretic ever put befort the public; curing those distressing complaints. Diabetes and Cravel and other Urinary difficultlea. h. - It ii a most excellent Emmena Bogue, and to the Young Oírlo, middb aKcd Women, and at thc Turn of Life, thij remedy 5 of incalculable valué. 6ni - It will remove wind from the nowefa, and henee a few drops in some sweetened water Elven to a babe is better than a dozen cordials td Relieve and mako it Sleep. Containmg no anodyne. -7th. - It is a sure relief for adults and childretj affected with Worms and Pin Worm. It will bring away the worms. Oth,- It will cure thc piles and Hemorrhod ial difficulties. 9th.- Itwill cure Conctlpatlon and keep Ihe bowels regular. It will also rure the worst case ofSummerComplalnt and CysenteryI 0 1 h - It will cure f our Stomaoh, Stlmulate tho 1. Iver to healthy action. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system. When taken dilute the dose with Sugar and Water to a Wlne-Clasafull and you have a ploasant tpnlc. Whmlesey (Dysycpsia Cure) $1.00 per bottlo. Whntlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. WhmlescT Cough Granules 25c. per bottlc. Bold by all druggists and WarrantedHliltUoex Prop. Hed. Co., Toledo, O, i. il. auliioUil, H ATT ER ! HAS EÊCEIVKD HIS fali & mm stock om Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIE8' FÜRS, SEBTS' FiRsisanc oobs, etc, waicn ite prioposT3=! to shu at prices WHICU DEPT COMPETITION. 7 Scrath Main St., Ann Arboi. PINE TREE NATURE'S Uil E AT REMKDY FOR THE TKïtOAT AND LUNGS. It Is grntlfjing to )is to inform tfte pnWic ffiirt Dr Q. V. Withart's Pinc Tice Tur ('orgial, for Throat and Lang niseasee, haa gitined an oiivluble reputation from !hc Atlantic to the Pacific coast, and l'rom thence to oítheílrst fam.lies of Europo, not t roagh the presB slone, But by perenns throiifrhout the StatiiR actually betiefited and cured at his office. Wlnle be publishea lees, so íayonr reporters, he is nuable to pnpply the deinand. It gains and liolds its reputación - First. Not by ifopping rourh, bnt by loosoning ani assisting nature to throw off the mihealthy matter cólico .. hroat aiuibroiichiol tnbes which causa irritaHon. Seconcl. It removes the caiiüc ofirrltarion (wbich produces cotigh) of the mncous membrane and bronchiai tubes, isshta tiio lungs to set and throw off the unhealthy gecretlons, and ptirifies the blood. Third. Itisfree fr m squills, lobelia, ipecac and optnm, oí whieh moet throat and Lang remedies are composed, wliich allay congh only, and dlsorgaolce the stomacb. It has a soothing eíTect on the stomach, acts on the Iiver and kidneys, and lym pathic and nervons lesrions, thus reachiiig to every piirt of the system, and in its lnvljtorating snd purifying efl'ects it has gained a repntation which it must hold above all others in the market. NOTÏ0E. THE PINETREE TAB CORDIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA PILLS. A71D "WORM SÜGAR DROPS Beïng nnder my Immedlaato dircctíon, thcy sha! not looee thoir curativo qualities by uee o cheap and ímpure a r tic fes, HENRY R. WISHART, PIÍOHRIKTOEi FREL OF CHARGE. Dr, L. Q. C. Wlshatts Office FarTom ara opon on Aiondayí, Tuesdaya vsd WedoBdayfl fi-om 9 A.' M to 5 P, M., for consultation by Dr. VVm.T. Magee. Wlth hira are aseociated two consulting physiciana of acknowlcded al)ilitj'. This opportanlty is not affiwrod by any other iustitutiou ia the city. All letters musí be adilrcscü to L. Q. WÏSHAKT, M. D., No. 232 IV. Seeomtt St., PHILA DELPHI A. 1405iafl


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