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Estáte of Luiok - ia CJTATEOF MICHIGAN Cottirti ofWs.ntei.. L tasesslonol . , ■tfcrthírSí111 Washtenaw, holden at the Probate öfflil i "'' Cltyol Aun Ar!r mït„r.-;l„ th, ,,.,' ln "'; Volitan in the year one thZte! hnndred and Berenty three '"ousnud cigt,, Prefent Noah W. Cheevei, Jndg of Prohn. In the matter f tlic ..tateof ? ., Kmanuel, Amelia i.ui.k aml i VL i'"! minore, August Ha 1, gnardian of Midi1" comes lntoConrt and representa tl nt ne'i """ pared ... render hl, flnt l.-xount asioh GnX Thereupon il is Ordcred, that Thnreedai tfr' ty-fonrtb day of April next, t t" n o'ct, i Vïl? forenoon, be aasigned foreiammlnJ : andan U' sucb accon Dt.and f hat th ne of kin of Sal ïl" ons Interested a?d r.Staa bc hold at the Probate Offlbe , ïe ' ,feT" Arbor, In satd County, and show Mme, lf any ,i "' be.why il:,: sald account thouM notl, ??n„ hei And it ia furthcr ordcred th-it saiH n„ v eö notice tothe persons inWtef liÏÏjï! of the pendency ofsald ureum, and ttche "'' thereof. by cansing a copy of ihli oíd t?w! and elrculating in eaid Connty, tin', e ÏL ' weeks prevloneto saiddayof hearing 3u:y Ca truecopy.) x0AIJ W. ËHBIVBB 14U Jndgeofffobg. ■ te of John üoffman! ' OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washron 3 Atasessionof the Probate rl.urt "„,,"? of Washtenaw, holden at the Prabiti Vuilt dtyof Ann Ario m ti1(,,, -, a ,n ?(.' M, XoahAV. Cheerer. Jad of Probit. and testament of snid deceased, comes it o n, ' ISli County, and ahoÍTcaikV i? áTrtiíí?1 in 8ai said account ahould noïS SSfft iW? " ordcred that said iSxecutor Bl e noüót ?if''rthl son interested in 81,ia cstateoí Hh" wAdeU nf1! account, nncl the hearing thereof bv AS. M' of this order to be pubïïshed ii d.e Jfffi? 52 a newspaper printed and circulatie iñ I Td rï tbree raocesaive weeksprevions t.. Sfd 1 ,v óf hP,?t: (A truc : copy.) NÜAK w.'.iYÍeveT'111 . J"'1ee of Probate. Mortgago Salo. ' DEPAULT haïing been made in thn „ ,-,- of a certain mortgaf-e esecutpH , "dlt Wait, of the city of Ann ArW UnH' Hï tenaw, and State of Michigan, on the hi L? ' tó' day of June, A. D. 1867, tStóbiít MKjSSÍÍuí township of Ann Arbor, County MTfidí4 said and reoorded in 'the office of fíe HIt " Deeds tor the County of Washtenaw. and Su ,f sa.d on the twenty-second day of J uñé A r Í 3 JÍ o'clock P.M. of said day, in lib-r numhi ,-' mortgages, on page 7S4 ; and that there isw lf to be 4uj and unpaid on said boud ud iS ram of four hunSred and forty-one doUanTaMh,S t j -fi vo cents, alao an attomcy's fee of thirtvdin. eliould any proceedings be taken to CecW I mortgage, and no proceedingB in law o ?n c" ï liaving been had to recover said sum of mn „? part tuereot; now, therefore, notice is hereirV l„ thatby virtue of a power of salo in said morSIÏ contamed, I shall ,efl at public auction to L & bidder, on the thirty-nrst day ot May nort at o'cluck P. M, of said day, t the tront door of 't" nf w tULnst! m oi An" Arbor, in the Cmmt, of Wahtenaw, and State of Michigan, that brim, place wl,c-rc tte Circuit Oonrte are held in snid co all those certain pieces or parcela of land situated ' the city of Ann Arbor, County of Waaatenaw aftn said being lote num).er one (11, two, three, and ÍÍ in block „umbor six ,8), Bromi and Fnller5 addifS tothevülaK? dok dtyaf Ann Arbor falso a pi and eightrods square, bounded on the west ÉPo! tiae Street, south by the north line of bloc-k numS ix , Brown and Fullei's addition, on the nórihb, land owned by James., and on the east by the wn of the arstport and Daniel Orawford ; ali „ piece" and lying octwocn the north east com of lot ber two and the north line of block number sii Brown and Fullei's addition to the villnee of AÍ Arbor aforesaid, being a triangular piece of lnndlyini between the north line of lots one nnd two bloc immber six, Brown and FuUer's addition ámáti" north line of said block. Dated, Maroh 6, 1873. WILLIAM OEER ■ Administrator with the Will anneitd John N. Gott, of the Estáte of Kobert McCormitk Attorney for deeeassd. Adïjiuyistrator of Mortgagee. jj Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of conlam moitgage dated the second day of July A U. 1SÓG made and executed by Jlugh n. Vreeland ij lannah reeland, bis wife, of the township of Lodi Washtenaw County, and State of Michigan, to Johii txeddis, of the same place, and recorded in the office ol the Register of Deed for the County of Washtena htate of Michigan, on the second day of Jnly A d' 1866, and recorded in liber 2-3 of mortgages page 681, which said mortgage was on the 3d day of January A. IJ. 1873, duly assignod by Charles F. Cranc, Administrator of the estáte of John Geddie, to Hanaab Vreeland, and whieh assignment was recorded in the iegister' Office of the County of Washtenaw, fa ber 3 of assignmonts of mortgages on page 6. 6, and which said mortgage was on the 3lst day of Jantuur, A. D. 1873, assigned by Ilannah Vreeland, of tlie ownship of liodi, Washtenaw County, Michigan to Henry -reeland, of the same place, and which assim. ment was recorded m the Kegister's Office of the ounty of Waahtenaw, in liber 3 of mortgages on age6O7. and whúñi stud mortgage was on the ISth ay of March, A. D. 1873, assigned by Henrv. Vreeand to ;hristian Mack and Frederick Schmid, Jr., which assignment was recorded in the Registert mee, in the County of M'ashtenaw, in liber .Í ot LOTtgages on psge 6C8 ; and whereas, there is to and npaad on s:iid mortgnge at the date of this notice the nn of tvro thoneand one hundred and seventy-oight 50-100 dollars (Í2, 178.50-100), and no snit or prooeodmgat law has been instituted torecover thesameor any part thereof ; notiee is hereby given that on Saturday, the fifth day of July, A. D. ewhteen hundred and seyenty three, at twelre o'cloek noon, of that day, at the front door (south side) of ihe Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Couuty, Michigan, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortpage, we shall se?l at pullic auction. tv the bighest bidder, the preraiaes described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necsarv to mtifr fy the amount due on said mortgage at the date of tUs notice with interest and the cost and eïpenses allowed by law, and also an attorney fee of twenty-fivj dollars as pro vid ed in said mortgage. The folldwinj is a uescription of the land and premises as given in said morlgage, and to be sold in pursuanoe of the above uotiee, to wit : The west half (,') of the sonthwest quarter ('4) of section one (1), town three (S south range five esst, Washtenaw ( ounty, Michigan, with the appurtenanceft therennto beli;nging. Dated, Ann Arbor, Maroh 27, IS73. CHEI8TIAN MACK and FKEDE1UCK BCHMIU, Jr., Fredf.kick Pistortop, AssigiieeB. Attorney íor Assigneeí. M19 Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT liaving been made in the conditiomoi a certain mortgage, dated the twenty-fourth iy :t February, A. d. 1872, made and executed by II I i;. Uuckman and Silas C. Ruckman, of the township1 if ICsmeirester, Washtenaw Connty, Michigan, I Fiedi riek öebmid, Senior, of the city of Ann Arbor, Jouuty and State aforesaid, and recordad in the ortice f the Kegister of Beeds fot the county ofWurtitfr ctaWi Michigan, on the twenty-eighth dñy of Pebruiry, a. d. 187Ï, in Liber 4C of Mortgages, on p.isrc !62, by which default tlve powi-r oí slo containul a ;aid mortgage became operative. and no proti .n law or equity having been instituted to recovei the debt pecured by said mortgage or any part there of, and the sura of niue hand red and thirty-fou: dollars and twenty-six cents [L934.26] being no' claimed to be duo upon said mortgage at the öateo this notaos, besSdea acata umi expenses of thisfois clorure, and nlso na Attoruey's fee of twenty-fi" (?iö.ÜO) dollars : Notice is therefore heroby ivf-r that Baid mortgaga will be foreclosed liy a sale of tb premises described in fflud mortgage, or some pari fchereof, to VCit: All the folio win? describid íOí situated in the emmiy of Washtenaw, State of Mieh' itran, being the weet half (í) of the northwest qxwp ter(,li) of öection Beren (7], eontaining thirty ncres; also all that part of the west half (}4) of the soutïi. east quarter (.{) of sceüon nuinbét one (1) lying aouth-we-t of lïivcr lïaisin and north of tbe Saline Itoad, eontaining abont eip-ht ncres, all of nid land being in township four (4) sou tb. of range fehrw (3) east, at public venan o to the higheet bidder, at tba front door [south ndej of the Couit House in the riiy of Ann Arbor, in pfñd souuty of Wa.shtcnnw, on tbe twonty-eiyhlh day of June ucxt, at noon. Dated, April 2. 1878. FItEDERICK SCHMID, Senior. FbHïeiok PiflTOBiüs, Storttragee. Attorney for Mortgagce. 142litd Mort gage Sale. p EFAULT having been made in the conditions of l a cuituin mortgage duted the íirst day oí' Harchj A. D. lLEb, made and executed by John Diehl rnd Margaretta Diehl, of the city of Ann Arbor, Mioliigan, to Jienry L. James, of "Williainsburgh, in the State of MauahUBettBt and reeorded in th'e office of the Register of Beeds lor the County of Washtenaw, Stwfêof Michigan, on the third day of March, A. D. 1869, in ïiber 3i &f moxtgageüt at page Ö32, which sftid mortgage was on the twentx-sixth aay of Decembi-r, A. I). lH7ü, sold and assigned by said Henry L. Jaxocl to Leonard (iruner, whicli said assürnment vraa od the thhtieth d;iy of Jonuary, A. D. 1873, recorded ia theoiticeof the Etegistej ai Deeda aforesaid, in liter 3 of aflBJgBSMDt of mortgageB, on pnge 604; od whefeas, mare is de and unpaid on gaid mortgftge ti the date of this notice the suin oi twenty-six hundred dollars [$3660.00] and 110 euit or pvoceeding at law ha been institated to recover the sume or any part there' of. Notice ia hereby given that on Mondar, May Uvelfth, A. I. 1873, at 12 o'elock noon of that day, at the front door (sonth side) ol Uw Court Houe, in the city f Ann Arbor, Washt aaw ('onnty, ülichip'aii, l$ virtue of tho power ef sato oontaincd in said niortgage, I tArnW sell t public auction, to tbe bigheri bidder, the premlsea desenb d in said mortirage, or o much tliereof as ïnay be D'OOeBBary to atisfy the amuunt dui 011 said EBortgage at the 'date of this notice, a itli interest, and the cost and ezpenaea allo wed by law, and üao an attorney fee of $30.01) tis provideA Ín said mortcra'ip. Tbefoljowing is a description of the land and premisos BJ ffiven in said mortgage, and to be sold in pursuance of the above notice, tnwit: All those certain pieces 01 paiccls of lnnd situated in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State aforesaid, known. boonded and described as follows, to wit : Being Iota muu bera fiva andsix (5 nndfi} in block number nine, in Onaaby and Pafife's addition to the villaje {now city) of Ann Arbor. and also tha part of lot number eight in aaSd block, lyülfi south of a direct line from the east corner of said lot tive to the Houthenst corner of said block number nine, witB the appurtenancea thereunto belonsing. Dated, Ann Arbor, Febrtiary 18, 1873. LKONAKD ÖKUXER, FiiEiïKTtiCK Ftstoeivs, Assiirncc. Attorney for Assigneo. 11 Assignees' Notice. NOTICE is hereby giren that thenssigneegof ITenry Goodyear will nWtiit the Goodyear Hoe, in tbfl Cülagfl of Manohester, in the County of WaahtenaWf ind State of Michigan, on Tuesday, the sixtb. day of tfay next, ut ten o'elock in the forenoon, to ieceive a tatement of all claims affainat said Jienry Gcodyenr, xiatíng at the date of the aasignmextt to the under wned, and that all persons who desire to receive acy istnbution ua I -nment, muat give noticer f their claims with tho vouchers or proof theieof te fie ondersigned at or before said meeting, us it is inmdad to declaro a dividend among creditors at tliufc me or soon tliereafter as may be. Datea, MauchoBter, Feb. 2:. 1873. EA3TSOM B. S1HTH, JOSEPH McMAHON, S Bi. H. I AI.K1X, 1415 Assigneea of Henry Goodycfl". íirt ÖOft ppr day! Agents wantedf AJl $J IrU i?v classes of workïng peoplc, 01 either sext young or old, make more inoney at work for us in their spare momenta or all the time. than at anytlung elpe. Particulara free. Adüresa O. fctinson & Co., i'ortland, Mainc


Old News
Michigan Argus