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BUSINESS DIREGTOEY. Nn. COI.I2, DeaJer In Conl. Offloe rtthfnca . & Guant, ovar slawson & Sous' Store, Cor.. Fourth and Huron St. IVllASTUS TH1TCHEB, Attorncy and 'i Counselor ut T;iw, No. 5 Enst Huron Street, Aun Arl.or, Mich. 138G MFi FASHJEIIjE, TH. B. Office over A. A. l'vrry's store. Rcsidenc Washington Btrcct, foiir dooneaat of state. I37iiyl k MM AHBOR HIIXHSIAI, SPllISiiïS. JX Mo"rria Hale, M.U., Suparintondent. Office n iu!Ullnz, comer Slaim and WestHnron Strccts. WIN ES & WOÏlDEiV, 20 South Main streef, Ann Arior, Mich-, wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Carpcts and GrocericR. 1SMM M.CU. i SCIïMllJ, Dealera in Dry Goode, Groceries, Crockory,&c. No. 54 South Main êui& , WH. JACKS, Dentlst, to C. B. Porter Oflice corner Main and linrou streets, jvcr the store of R. W. EI1U& Co, Ann Arbor, Mica. AnestheticBadminislercd if reqniied. EJ. JTOHNISON, Dealer in Hats and Caps, l' straw Cloods. Gents' Furniahllig Ooods, Sc. No 7 South Stain ttreet, Anu Arbor, Mich. S DTBGBIiAND & WHEDO, Life and Piiélasurance Aaents, and dealersiu Real Estáte, j.lirc on Huron Street. ACïllfc ABI3li, Dealers in Drv Goode, Groceries, 4c. &c.,N. -C South Main Street, Ann irbor. SïjWVSOiV & SON, Groccrs, Provisión and RüBiraisiion Mi!rrhant8, and dealers in Water une. Land Piaster, and riastcr Paris. Ko. 16 Kast lllirontrr.'t. S3!.I1II3OI, Wholesale and Ketiiü Dealer in Rady Made Clotbing, Cloths, Castsimerps, f.yUines.andaent's Furnisaing Gouds. No.9Sonth Kaiu Street. Wlf, W.VÍííiJIK, Dunler in Ready MadeCloth "iu-.ciotlis, Cassimere, Vestin-rs, Hals, Cape, frank, Carpet Bags, &c. '21 South Mainstreet. GI!..ntIlE & FÏSKE, Bookeelier and Station rs Metical andCollege TextBoiikB, School nd KtUcell ineona Books. No. 3 Nortli Main ítreet, Oregory Block, Aun Arbor. -VÍÜAU W. OHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! D'ïlsc witliE.W.Morgaa3i:fl8tsidcofCourtlIouse J-. F. SCHAEBEELE, ïotiohcr of Mouio. Qyr VnatrudUtp on the PIANO, VIOLIH AND QUITAR, Mtiis "fllco. No. '" 8ntS Hiin street, (Moore'8 ■iildiugj,oi-at thcreskloace óf the pupil. PIANO TÜNING, nade a speciality ar.i5 f atisfactiou gnarantecá: 1324yl pROCKlËli Y (JLA.SSWAIIE & 0110CERIES, J. & Donnelly HTeItistorelrge8tockofGrocker, SlaMware, ■ -atüd W :ir.!,' 'f.' !■■■■■ Grocenaii, &c, &c, all tobe oidat nnnnally lo'.v prices. No i EastHíroo Slreet, Ann Arbor. lriStf JT, Sc . BOÏXELLT. TOHN G. Q ALL, DBALEB I1ST FEESÏÏ AND SALT MEATS, I.ARO, Síl-SAGES, Etc., OrdcrBoolicited and promptly fllled with thebest Beats in the market. 31 Hast Washington atreet. Aun Arbor, Sept. 16tli, 1S69. ÏÜ65tf "] ARKSEY, m9$?3!k Hantitacturcr of Garriagss, Baggies, Wagons, AND8LBIGH8, of evety style, made of the beet miteruil, ;nd warranted. Repalrlsji done promptly and priciis reasonable. Detroit rtreet, uear H, u Depjt, Aun Aroor, .lich. 1384yl. T)R. C. A. LEITEIÍ CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physicians Frescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Gregory Block. C. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor, Deo. 22d 1871. 13.V1 TR,.C.B. POttTER, DEWTIST. ffioeln theSAVINGS BAKKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. tJNSUKFASSED PACILITIBS AND BSPBRIENCE SflTTIH'H ARWICÏAL TBEÏO, TO GíVE BACH INDIVIDUA!.; üentures ofthe proper eixc, skape, color %firtnnee# and na al expretsion. 1244 HÜRRY UP ! ÏÏAHTIKS wUting Wnll Paper, PhodcB ■ Hollando, Wiudow Flxtnres, Co'-ds, Tassels, &c, all New Styles, at Satisfactorj lMces, hy J. AVebster &, Co., Book Store, noar tlieExpieBB Office. ' i x. LOVEJOY, TOBAOCONIST I Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SrruiT, 3ripes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, ÏIICH. 1345tf TTOUSE FOE SALE! Tlio reidenoe of the subscriber on North stroct Fo48OMhm giveo inmrli: ii-!v. Alse, 11k beuutü'u builiin site ou the hill just eaat ot Col. UranL' ïesidence. Tevnn very eisv. A gooá bafgatn can be made Inquiroüí' Zisa I'. Ki.sw. M. 0. TYLF.U. Anu Arbor, Jan. 23, 1S73. 1J10


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Michigan Argus