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The Modoc Massacre

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Lava 1! kb. It, via Ye rica, 1-. - afternoe. livo Indiana and four B'jtrtcwa uame into our camp aud wpru mudo presenta of olothiag and provúúpii by tita Punco Corumission, aud a RiíSaange wats sent out by tho coimuittee nsuing-for a talk thia inorning at a poiut about ti milo from our pieketlino. Lator iu tbs evouing Bogua Charley carne ia and tuli the picket he ctuldtake his gun, that he, Chai ley, did uot intend to go back Ruy more.. The pickot brought hiiu in, iind took liim to tho tont ot' General Cauby, wlifi'e 'Jharley left his gun andromaiued at tho tuut of Frank Kiddle durihg tho niglit. This inorning Boston Gharli'v carne in aiul told tho commissiou thut Captain Jack aud five otbor Indians would uieet the coininitteo outsido of our Unes. JÏ.jston. and Bogus then inountod a, and started í'or the lava bod. About an hour after their departure Gen. Canby, Dr. Thomas, Mr. A. B. Meacham and Mr. Dyer, with Frauk Eiddle and his squaw for interpraters, startud for the place appointod. The party arrivedatthö uppointüd placo and were closely watchod by the signal olHcer, Liout. Adams, frum the signal station on the hill overlooking our camp. About half an hour after tho party had urrived a cry from tho signal station was heanl saying tho Indians had attacked the Peace Commissioners, and that tho engagement had coinmenoed botweea tho Indians and the .f ace Coiuuiissioners. In a moinont tho troops were under arms aud deployed as skirmishers under aomaiund of Col. Green, and orders were given to iorward double-quick. Very shortly after, Mr. Dyor returned and told us that tho Indians had attacked tiiem, and that he thought he waa the oniy one who had escapad, but in a fsw aiomonts aftor Iliddle and kis squaw rvore seou within tho pickot line. From hiiu we gathor the following account oí tüa uiassacre : Mr. jVIeacham made a short spGech to tho Indians, followed by Gon. Canby, and then Dr. Thomas. Thcu Captain Jack mude a speecb, asking í'or Hot Creok and Cottonwood, the places now oceupied by Fairchild and Doris for a reservation. Mr. Moacham told Jack that it was not possiblo tj givo biin what he asked. Schonschin told Meachaui to say no inore, that he, Moacham, had saidenough tipon that subject, and whilo Schonschin yas speaking Captain Jack got up and vaike-d b'jaind the others, and turned Tjack aud oxclaimed, " All rcad}." He drow his pistol an'l snapped a cap at Gen. Canby, oocked his pistol figain and tired. Gen. Canby feil dead, shot under tho right cye. Schonschin then shot Mcacham in tho shoulder and head, but ho is utill alive. Boston Charley and another Indian ahot and killed Dr. Thomas. Ilookoy Jim chased Dyer some distance, but Dyer turned on him with a pistol in his hand, and Jim ran. An Indian knucked down the Riddle squaw and took her horse, but Captain Jiick inade him return, and then auother Indian chased Riddlo and shot at him. The troops are now about a niile in the luva beds, lying on their arms, and will prohably advance to night undor cover of darkness. There aro about üüO troops which can be brought into activo service, and it is bolievod that they will end the Modoc wur. Meacham is not expectcd to surviv. Wasüixoton, April 13. - The terrible Bcivs of tho treacheroua assassination of Brigadier Gen. Canby, by tho Modoc chicf, and the intelligenco received at tho Sintió time of murders oommitted by the Apaches, causo profonnd i'eeling of grief nud indignation, which iiuds expression in all quartera, partieularly in the army, whero Gen Canby was held in great esteem and atfection, with tho utterances of an carnost desire for tho extermination of thesü savages. This feeling of indignation has taken the place of all ideas whatfiver of peace, and the slightest conitideration cannot be given to any other proposition taan that to move at once to the sevcrest punishment of the Modocs. ■WlSrVTCU" vuom CE.U SCJIOFIELD. Tho following is the diir"-1 leceived itt the office of the Adjutaüt General of tho armv : Headquartebs, División of Pacific, ) April 12, 1873. Tu Oen. W. T. ShiTinim. AViisLiniíton : Tlio following report of horrible traachery and ïnurder hiis just been reccived. I have ielegraphod Col. Gillein to let thu punishinent oí' tho Modocs be as severa as thuir tredlhfcry lias merited, md hopo to liear soon that ha has made au end of thcia. J. II. SCnOFIELD. öenebal gillem's disi'atches. Department of California, } ÏSeM TUK MODOC EXPKDITIOX. f General Canb}', with tho Peaoe Commissioners, went to meet the Indiana about 011e mile in front of tho camp, at 1.1:-'!(1 this morninsf. At 1:30 r. M., the signal offiuer, whoiu I had watching the conference, reported firing XJpon reachihg the place of meeting I found that General Canby and Eev. Dr. Thomas had heen. killed, and Meacham wounded. The other Cominissioner, Dyor, esuaped unhurt. 1 shall at once coinuience active operations agaiust the Indiana. Alvix Gilleji, Colonfil Seventh Cavalry. Dated at Camp, south of Tule LaUe, April llth. Similar official rcports were also reCfivcd by Assiátant Adjutaut General W. D. AVhip.ple at tho army headquarters, nnd froin Aaüistuut Adjutant General II. Chiy Wood, at Portland Uregon, who has buen advised by Col. Gillem of the tragdy.


Old News
Michigan Argus