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Robbing The Mails

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For months past, the popular and rehablo pubhshcrs, Messrs. Hunter & Co., of Hinsdale, N. II., llave been aimoyed and dismayed at the iimuense losses of valuable letters which "vvere daíly occuning. Aided ly the Chief Detective and two special P. O. Agente, they have at last the satisfaction of seeing the thief - a uight clerk in the Boston P. O. - " behind the bare," and he has confessed all. Messrs. H. ío Co.'a losses have beer enormous ; in fact, no exact estímate can at present be made. The thief careí'ully examiiwjd, aided by a light, evcry letter, aud took mwy one that contained monoy. Ho was caught in the act aud arrested, and, if lie gets his dues, vrill board with the State for i'rom five to ten years. Moantimo the prosperotis business of Iluuter & Co. gocs ou with it usual energy, promptness and care, and thofie who havo lost moncy by mail will see just tohere it went, and avoid givijlg the blanie to houest persons. Mr Klonen, cashier of the city savings Bank, of Hoboken, is said to have absconded, with about 30,000 of tho funde. The suiplus of tho institutiou at the latest statement, was f52,000, loaving about $20, 00U to meet contingenciei. The deposits- foot up a inillion of dollars, chieily made by the industrial classes of Ilobokcn. This is mostly loaned on bonds and mortgages, the remainder in State aud lownghip bonds, and about JO,000 in United States bonds. A coarse, fat and frowsy daughter' of soino rich parvenu, dressed in satin silk or velvet, with a long train, ought not to bo a sourco of envy to a fair young girl in simple muslin, who is dressed by her youth and beauty ; but such is female human kind, that tho coarser nature can wound tho finer feelings. One result of sensoless and vulgar display of dress is to keep largo numburs of tha best people out of society They cannot afford it. A Fennsylvania college iiroposes to eslablish a departnient of cookery. A bilí is pending in tho Legislatura vhich provides fot au appropriatioLi of $20,000 to build the general eook-shop as an adjunct to the college, and tho science of cookery will, therefore, becoine a part oi' the curíiculííuui if the billijasses.


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