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Of the $200,000,000 worth of lutnbei taanufaotured in the United Htates tlie past ycar $31 000,000 of it was maüufaotured in tliis State. fjto ptwtfcaiwiitis. TOHN FEm BKOS8, MANUFACTCIU.I: OF CARRIAGES, BIXGIES, MJIBI.R WACO3S, tfuii Wiceis, ecTTEBe, SLEIGHS, &i. All wort wariMnted of the liest material. Repairiiigdone promptly and rennaahty. All wmk ivarriuitfd to giï perfect iatislactiou. 68 South Mam Btf6bt 142 rvISSOLUTION OF ■ CO-PA RTJNE II SH1P! The co-partnersl)lp lietetofrre existing between E. D. Iïliss and J. Volland is this day dissolved bj mutual consent. All accounts doe the Hrm and all the debts Bgatnit it will be sottled E. I). Uhss (Sle1) E. D. BLISS. Ann Arbor, March 7th, 1873. Tho abuvo business will bo continued at tho old stand, as usuul, by UïMl J. YOLLAyp. T AST CUAN CE ! FOR TEN DAYS 0NLY, I shall offer my stock üf goods at EETAIL AT COST Af tor that time the y will be withdrawn f rom sale at retaÜ. Ctood rebpousible cuaLomurb c;m havo EC3 BES. 3E3 JE SL W? b From two to four ïnonths. JAMES B. GOTT. Ann Albor, April 17, 1873. H22 Estáte of Electa S. Abel. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WahtonaTrfM. At a a&aknx of the Probate Court for the Oounty oí' Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oiñce, in the iüy of Aun Avbor, on Saturday, the twelfth day oí' April, in the yeaï one thousaud eight huudred and seventy-tbree. Present, Nuah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the catate of fiïeeta B. Abel, deceased. On readnnr and filing the putition, duly vrrifieti, of Charles JD. KeUogg, Exeeutor, prayiug that he ma y hf licenscd to Bell oertain real estáte whereof 8aid loceased died Beized, for the purpose of payiog Zegaoies bequeathed by her laat will and testament. Thereupon ït is ordercd, that "Wed nesday, the twentyiiist day ol' May next, at ten o'olock in the foreiioon be aasigned for hearing of said petition, and taat tho de visees, lepTttteN and hei ra at lw ot ttaid deoeased and ali other persons interest cd in saíd estáte, are required to appenr at a sessiun of siiid Court, then to be holdi n at the Probate Oifice, in tlie City of Ami Arbor, and show cause, if any thore be, why the piaver ot the petitioTjor sltould not be allowed : And it is furthor ordered taat Bftid petitionor trive notice to the persons interest ed in ittid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thcreof, by eansing a copy of tina order to be published in the Michigan Aiyu a newspaper printed and cdroulntinff in said Coimt; four succossive weeks previous to said day of hearin [Atraeeony.] NOAH W. OHÉBVER, H-2 Judge of Probate. New Scctional Atlas OF MICHIGAN (Ffoni United States Land Surccys, Lnt Burtejf, and f rom Local Suroeys and Obieroationi,) Of the soveral Countios and Townsbipb Messrs. Tackabury & Walling of Detroit, have beon constiintly engacted for lile pat eigrhteeu aiontlis, witfa i largecoppa of-engiueers and engruveis, ptyparin a fiiU and c-ompleio BECTIONAL MAP ofeadi of the BEVENTY-8IX COI N 'i'i ËÖ of the State. Which will pnve more iiopoi'tant iiii'oimation than has ever been sliown in any simij ir work JíuWíshed ou tho Anwxiean coniineut. Thure will be givcn : 1. An able and elabórate article on the Topography and HYDiiDG-iïAriiY of Michigan, by Professor WinobeU, late of Michigan Üafveraity, 2. A History of the State, by ïïon. C. I. Walker. 3. An Educatioxal Hístory, by Ilon. Oramel Hoeford, late Superintendent of Public Instruction. 4. A IÏTSTORY OF TIIÏÏ ICATLliOADB OÍ IlclllKan. bv 5 A nhapter on the ge e at iïesources of the State, including Iron, Oopper, Lamber, Coal, Öalt, PUwter, Silver, üold, Slq., by H. M. Utley, Ësq. 6. A Theatisk on Gf.ology, accompanied by a geoloyical map of the State, by Professor Winchdl. 7. A rhupter on tlie Climate, by Professor Wincholl, with a Climatológica! Aí:p of Uuhig-uu uud adjoimng States. 8. A full and complete Ratlroad Map of the Ukiteü States, eolored by Ktutf.s. !). A lÏAii,itn.D Mai' of Michigan, with ïïailroads printod in colora. 10. A Map of Kunoi-E, all the late changos, and colored by couutrics. 11. A VKKY COMPLETE SEI'AIÏATK SbCTTOVAL MaI' of each (,'ounty in toe Stato, one County on u p:it', on ths larse soale of tliree miles to an incSi, and colored by towna. These niaps are being plsinly and peatly engruTed. by the lat Engraven of A"io York Cüp, ad will show the seetions carrage rnads. Vüüroadd, stations, postoffices, lakes. strrauis, Sec. Eacli County occupying a page 1-1x18 inohes. V2. A doscrlptlon of cvery place In tlie Si;il, and iiumiiig the page on which it can be oxmd. 13. A Business Directory of each place, giving the names and bubinosa or proieauon of the patrona uf the work. From the very liberal patronage wo are reoeiving for the work, w are enabied to furnish it for a trine more than i beïng1 oharged for an Atlas of a aiugle Couuty, yoLten up in n very far inferior style. Tne pitlüicatioii will irnq-uestiomably be the Taost valuable work of the kind ever oifercd to the citizens of the ytate.- üdroit Tribune. From sample proofs of the iïni?ra%'fnq-3 whioh -we have been sliown we can say that Una Atlas -will be by far the fínest ihjng ot the kind ever published in this Btate.-DdToii Post. tLs" The work will be Strwmgty and lïmtfy Smmd ïn one volume, with laathor baclsand coi'nt'rü, and t.old by tmbticription. Tlie Agonts are now travel inff throucrh this county showinff specimenii of tht eagntvioa and exhrbitiiig an Atlas of Massaehusetts, issut-d by tho saine house, and all will be called upon and givuu an opportuun y to examine the work. Cautiox. - "We wifth it distinctly understood that we are in no way connectod with any of the companies who are publishiag cheap editions oi maps of single coüntiea, and selling at about the sumo price as oui' wiiole work. DjtJt order uatil you sej tlu vori. Ithaa been endoreed by the Icaling men throughoul t ie Mate. imii TACK.BIEY & "WALUCNG. 'tfK 'jjgmr'-g The world is full of fBjf '" ' . Childron crying for , JBffcanilfefcalor Oil. BB -i "VA jBk it Isdelicloos-effertiveand H BB ■Ai, i Hk harniless. Tho n-iTilsive ! JH HhwnL 'BUI wL taste and smell of the Cas.4mË ■psEaCmP torOil iaentirely overeóme . ll1H lts cathartic owers aro ■ U il yWÊ IW notimpalred. Vriccïïicts. v ■■■ ' "" jflBB1 ' Mei rx'S " ' ' m' VEEMIFUGÊB01TB01ÏS nre elegant and effectiTe. They resemble Crram lionliuns kept in ciinfectioiiers' sliops. Cbildren love Wiciu aml er y lor Iheia. l'rico 25 cents per bux. MJT1? : HOFMANN'S UJCi.Hop Pilis These Pilis do not contain Quïiiine or Mincrals. ' They are sucar-coated. lrice,50 ets. per Jtojc. Dr. JWcMann, Gardner, III., says : M I have 1 taken thcai myself and givtm tliem to my Wlfo anti t chJldren. Thcy havecurel thcin a ml inany otberi who have used tbem." They are malo to curu Feveranil Agüe atónos. Duml Aeue and Agne Fevers ■ are rured spccdily. They are simple, harmíess, and ftlwaya reliable. DirccUoua in four languages aoeuuipuny tliem. K. '. ELUS & CO., aro the Agenta. 14-'0yl X - -X HURRY UP ! T AltTIIJS wleotng Wall Paper, Cloth -■ and Paper Shades, Hollance, Wlndow FlxtareSt Coidö, Tafels. &c, all New Htvles, t Batlufactor) Priciw, ly JT. IS. Webster Sc Co., Bjok itore, uear the Kxpre.-s Ollicc. X 'M "ÜAEM FOE SALE ! I offer a first-late 80 sore graSn and grass prazing farm fov salo, BÍtuHt"din tbe townahip of AumuUi sovi'ii miles sontheait from TpaUnnti; irithm tlireefoarthflofa mila of Chesae Fsctcry. It ia wel] wateted by Paiot creek niBDing th wbole hnsth if fche farm, mil two Dever-fiiMnf wtB. The buildings [, 1 will tillen in part payment a house rad lot iñ tho cily. i'or furtliai particulara apply on the premisea or addreaa uie at i'aint Crctk. jwl420 ". DEL EL,. CAED OF ÏHANKS. I desire to express my thanlis to old frienrls aiul ïatruns (tome of the m f niany raua standing) foi heir patronage, and hopo for niontinuanoo 01 it wita he new tirm under the cash ysiem of doniR businea:nowing wc eau and will aake il au object for Ihom üd0blC. H. MILLLN.


Old News
Michigan Argus