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Local Brevities

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1. Order your Bbipping Tags at the Ar.ous Tu vou have anything to sell advertiso in the AÜlWt buy vour spring goodi untü you have , tho advortfeing column of the Anous. "ífE L Aválate of Cook's Hotel, doparted for their old homo, Buffalo, ■ Y., on TUT toda fountains were iu full Wast on Saturdnv last, but rather prematurely as the operatóñ have since had waruing. Dr Geo. MacDoxald, Scotch divine, poet and uovelist is to lecture (bia evening in the S. 't V courso. Subject: "Milton." "- Ex-Gov. Blaih was in town on Monday ; tat his late ardent Eepuhlican friends may l.e ploased to leam that bil mission was not a poht""li Aupusta but two votes were given for tb0 Court House loan, and the only remarkahle tbing 0' th;lt is tkat they WerB S g'VeU by ■ In the Stipreme Court at Detroit, on Tuesd the case of Jacob A. Polhemus, appellant, ,.,. t'lie Ann Arbor Savings Bank, was decided in favor of the bunk. _ The Manchester Enterprise says that David o"Éosk, of that burg, is probably the largest ,rmer in Washtcnaw County, owning over S00 acrcs of land and weighing 225 pounds. _ The Seoond W;ird of Ypsilanti polled 73 mcre votes on the Court Houso loan proposition ihaa for Judge, Regents, or Superintendent- Ywilantiaus ' know their biz," they do. _ In the list of patenta issued Lor the week endin April 5th, was one to Hibam Balcom, of this city, assignor to himself and A. H. PabtBSO,-" machino for poiuting pickets." - Fbed. Schmid, of the firm of Hack & Sciimid, is now in New York, aud their stores ia this city and Maucliester will soon be stocked ior the soason with a fuU liue of first-class gootla. - OnMonday last we recei ved f our copies ot tUo daily N. Y. Evenmg l'osi : and that's about tiio vay ü lias becn for some If Post" ffiwter-Gcnen.! lïBSWHH, had charge of the Ulgw#lu oi.öie Douutry wuuldu't ovorythiug be loroly if not lively. _ Miss Stockwell, the first lady student and jraduate of the Literary Department of the Univcrsity, was marrred on W.ednesday evening of last week to Charles K. ■ Turnee of the clau in which Miss S. giaduated. Dr. Cockeb vent up to Kalamazoo and officiated at the cereniony. - At the aimual elcction of St. Andrew's Socic-ty (Episcopal), on Mouday last, the followiug offiiirs were elected for the BBfping year : Senior Warden- John M. Vlu:eler ; Junior Warden - C. H. Millen; Vestrymen- Messrs. 11. W. Hogers, S. II. Douglas, L. B. Gilmore, C. B. Gunt, T. Swathel, S. M. Webster, S. B. Hayman, D. Hciming. - Charles B. Thompson, an old and well known resident of this city, died on the lüth itist., aged 57 years. During the larger portion of Ua thirty-eilit years residenoe here lie was an active business mau and established a character fur intogrity above reproach. His funeral WM large'.y rttended on Suaday afteraoon from Uie Unitiirian Church. - Au rj.silantinn remarked in our hearing a íl.--í w t)i"t ■" iitaimtl mmte nat as ."oud :is ■those in our Migbboring city down the Huron : id yet he W in f u!l view of tho soft bods of liiiu andllttron strcets, and could have obêerred the uoisekss moveinents of all wheeled vclncles. Wiövaüking íor noise and confusión and pertil ior moderately f ast driving, he BUggested (ta.alittlo gravel might work an improveincLit, that is with properly cut gutters.