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Ladies' Library Association

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The seveutli aunual mcetmg ot tlus Assocmtiou was lield in the l'rcsbytcrian Chureh, on Mondar, April 14, 1873, and oiüoers eiectod lor the eaming year, a iollows : Prandent-Mxt. A. II. Kust. Vice-Prcsidcnt- Mrs. Hexeiwes. Secrctary - Miss I.. L. POBTKB. Trtasurcr - Mrs. L. 33. Gilmoke. ïo fill places made vacant by expiration oï official terms, the iollowiug ladies wmu uluctcd umnhers of the Board of Director - .Urs. . ïv. jv.ia?, itiis. S. II. D0UOLA88, Mrs. A. Tes Buook, Mrs. II. W. llOüEiiö, Mrs. J. A. SoeiS. ïo iill vacaucies occasioned by rosignations of ofli:i:, eoxiseueut upon removal from the city oi Mrs. M. C. Tvi.r.u and Mrs. tí. N. HEMOS, Mrs. PbescOTT and Mrs. Bhal were also elacted menibers of the Board. Itesolutiou of thanks ior the very effieieat services rendered by Mrs. An.viis, tho retiring President, was preseuted by Miss Mai;y Clahk, and unanir.iously a hipteil. Mrs. IIunt, retirisg Öocretary, was also the recipiënt of thu lieartfelt gratituds "f tiiu Associatiou fur the nnrcmitteil faitlifuiness with which, during hw Bucuewive yc;irs, she has dücharged the duties which the oflico of ÍJecretary im poses. The Librurian's report contaiiis the'followiug items : Numberof books in the T.ibrary April I, 1873... llfiO Fureluixed duriug tbefau Sl" 1'lOM'lllwl 1" Numberof books now in the Llbrury 1327 Nuraber of persona dmwing b(mks dur'y the yr. 3.i5 lncretise over prccodinï yanv. 5 The l)ooks prcsented during the rear the Association is indebted to Kev. G. D. Oillkspie, Rov. C. II. Biuuham, Mrs. V. íímith aud MlBj C. K. Abajo. Tor subjoined jrartion of the Trcasurer's report indicatee au mproved aud ciicouraging oondition oí' the iiaaiicial allairs oí tlie Association : Recoived fvom ineinbersljipri $ fifi M ' mnimtl tnx 17'_ (il) ' " l.ibrary Unes 2S 75 " " wie oE Catalogo! 3 uO ' ' tlouütioiin - -- BSO ";i m ' entertainment &2 '2b Cash and notes on Laúd ApriM, 1STJ - 64 83 & 8'JS 5 (i DlfcBURSEMENTS. For vent of room L0 00 " I.ibriiriitn's sulary 40 00 " books 24 Dl By Kooiu Comillittefc t öOi iur insu;iu.i;ij ï llt ' 114 Catli iinduutes on liaud April 1,1873 SM 91 $i98 56 Members of the Associatioii desife In this conïicctiun io expresa tbail (sincero thanks for the generous kindness with which tlicy liave been remembered during Uie past year by the public and by individúala. L. L. PORTKlt, Sco'y. We omitted last weck to give the names of the Democratie City Committee for the curreut ycar. It is constituted as follows : L. C. Risclon, J. J. Parshall, John N. Gott, O. Huwkius, C. H. Mauly, and N. B. Cole. So far os fumished us the Ward Committeas are : Fint Ward-t. H. Morris, J. J. Parshall, Kotert G. Widenmann. Third IF!íí-IIenry Paul, B. F. Watte, Luke Coyle. Tho IteV. C. II. Bhioham, oí this city, concludcd on the evening oL the lOth inst., a course of sixtcen lecturea, delivered to select aüdiences at tho residence oL Gov. Baqley in Detioit. The general subject ot the course was "The Iteligions of the Ancicnt World," the opening onc being upon " The Öources of lleligion," and the closing one npon the " Sympathy of Religions." The intornifidiate ones included the Jewish, Egjptian, Persian, Brahmin, Buddhist, and other Eeligious. The Free l'ress speaks of the course in vcry compümentary terms. Erastiis Root, of this city, father of Tkacy V. Hoot, Ksq., died ycstcrday morniug, aged 83 years. Mr. Koot has resided in this city nbout forty-four years and was fircatly esteemed by all who knew him - which it is saie to say includes the larer share of our populatioii. The iuneral of the deceased will take jilace at 2 1-2 p. M. o'clock ou Sunday next, at the M. E. Churcli. - The membera of I'raternity Lodge No. 2G2 and Golden Knie Lodge No. 159, F. & A. M., aro requesled to meet at Masonic Hall on Sunday next, at 1 o'clock r. M., to attend the funeral of thcir deceased brothcr Koot. Many a nickle niakes a muckle. The Boston Five Cents Savings Bank lias accounts open with (2,842 depositor, in t the aniount stiimline to their credit isflÖ786,573.10, which fiurea show the wisdem of taving the pennie From the publishers, Messrs. Estes & Lauki AT, 143 Washington streot, Boston, we havo n - ceived Parts VI. and VII. of Hulf-Ilmir lh-crcutimu in Popular Science. Part VI. contains two vrry intcrestinsr, instructive and able locturcs delivcred in Manchester, Enghmd, by D' . W. B. CABPMMTSB, F. B. S.; the subject oí tlie first being " Uuconscious Action of the Brain," and of the second, "Epidemie Delusious."- These lectures will bear more than a careless leadiug. Part VII. is a piper on ",ïh! Oeology of the Btora," by Prof. Wi.NCHELL, late of the Uaivemty of Michigan, and now Chancellor of the University of Syi-acuee, N. Y. We need not teil the Aegus reader that he will liud it in style and substance sueh as ceitainly to loave no question of its authorship- a fine specimen of scientiflc word-paintiug. - Tlieso numbers can be got at Gilmore & PlSU'ï fer SS cents eaeh. A Scrimtün editor liad (i gold pon givcn hiiu, but keeps it uuder ft glass caso, utiying bis oíd soissors ara hi favorito tooi in producing an editorial.


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