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rpiiE TRADSNC ASSOCIATIGI Will oll all of their I FALL AND WINTER ÖRY CöODs! NEW YOSK COST FOB 3O JDJlTST&I CAEPETINGS All thosa winhiag to purchasa CARPBTINGTHIS SPRING Will a well to cali t once and ranke thelr purcl.aseB. We uioau just whal we say. COME AND SEE! AVe havo the most complots A.SSORTMENT or To be foud in the G. W. HAYS, Supi. March 10, 1873. 1417 lyHEKE TO BUY BLEACHED CUTTGNS ! MACK fe SCHMID Hnve just roceived a largo btock of tUe BEST AvD MOST POPULAR ''"brands I New York Mills, Wamsuttas, Utica, Nonparoils, Tuscaroras, FBÜ1T0FTHEL00M Loasdale, HilU Semper Idem, Cabots, t6c. ALSO, IK mira1 cernís! As wcll as in othcr lines of our goods, wo are enablecl to hhow the Largest and Best Assortnient In tho city, at the LOWE8T PRICES. H09 TlN All BOE Mineral Springs House. is beautlful reaort for heaUh-seekers la now open, with ita IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHÜR WATERS, CJommodlonsbuildlri; heatod by team, and large jnd we!l-veutilatcd room. WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of all temperaturas, Riso Sliower. Vapor, Medlcated and Electric Batha ure cidployt d with advantaije In the treutmeut of all fflruis oí chronic diseapee and diseaaes of females. Special uttentiou paid With pleaaant urronndlng, (ind sitiiated in one of theinost healthy aiid beanliful citica to theconotry.H (MNUW atlr.ictloiis forinvalids or forplcusure-seekersscldom fonnd. Tho analyaiiof the Springs will be lunüshed ou appllciition. PeríOim desiring circulara to send to tnfilr friends can procure them at the ofnceof the l'ropriotors on Baron itret,or ut the Springe. Address all lettere of inquiry to MOKKiS HALE, M. I)., Snpt. Ann Akboh, Micn. SutUerland and Wltedon, Prop'; Ann Arbor.Mich. June, 11, 1S72. AJEW CASE DRY GOODS STORE. C. H. MILLEN & SON llave deÉermined to condunt the business of buying and eelling Dry Goods! On CASH riUNCTPLES. It neods no argument these duys to satisf y all that the CASH SYSTEM Ib greutly to the advantaeof both buyer and sellcr. C. H 2IILLEN i SON,


Old News
Michigan Argus