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V WASHTENAWCqyNXYJj fff!s 3R OuS 2 E SS 2 a 5Ë8 J==P! ïJBfllji SB 5 fi 1 Sb HSSÏB'Tiit.V .u á Jhi ImM [I NOIARYPUBUC I bJí ELJr (I GENERAL I í[__J 'Oí -- . JMJtí CONVEYANCER UfeU-JlEl llilllllilllill'llilllll'lilll'l'.'.-üilllliiiliii-'llll'Hllllillilillliii'llKJlillllllllllllllllllll OÜR ABSTRACT BOOKS! Ap i)irtially indio.itod abare, nre now pnsted fo date. Tliry at ni,c-, iu a iMiiiii'iiscd OC postad í'orm, bIiow the orlgnal dhols and all uew chaina of title. luatauce, biicli ni AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEED8, Knowu as Tax-Titlcp, whih a,re vcry nunierous iu tüis County, Decrees, Contraéis, Deeds ! ■WILIiS, SbC. Alsri, now as well as ill of tlie oíd nndiachnrged Mortgiifros as fur bnok as 18M- wliicli aro legions. Persons t ik1.: í.iMc or mortííifrea and licnü will remember that Tax-Tittes nnrl uther colluteral m-ilters are not fiiuiid in tho us'ial rnoie of sourcli by IadeXM ut the BsgiatWa offife. The lioolts or libera in the RegÍHter'ü orHce have becomeso numerous aud voluminoua that long timo is neceaarily required even to mnke a hivsty nni unreliable aearch. Witti ourfadlities we say to che public tbivt we can sliow them title and Titlo líi-((ory, make Dceds, Mortfaffes, Assignments, Dischavprcs, io., as eorrw.tly, f;uieker aud in li.'ttiiBlyli! Uun auy othoi olücein tho Couaty. We h:ivi! MONEY TO LOAN ! On Band and Mortgage en long time. REAL ESTAFE Hold or exclmnpreA. HOURES TO BENT. S3 acre! npjmsiiu tlie Observatury for aale in lols to suit purenuevB. ROOT & LEITER, Real Estáte Agenta, No. 1. GresoryBlock, Tracy W. K'itt, aud opposite the'Potoiiice. A. Leiteh. 1410tf STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye . nor a reotoratíre, but n dressing, elegant PH ecu' nomical. " STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE ia cooling to tho Scalp, imparta a delightful sens o vitality -p_ and softnesa to I taa aair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, eweotly perfumed and limpid, renders the hair supploandy- - di-eüsenitinany H - H dcsuxa furia. " STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevenís that dryiiess of scalp Y, h i c h ( i causes dandrulf j- _ to aecumulate. """ 1" I STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in onc large bottle more oil and more perfumo -m -m. than any other - i hair dressing 'in marliet, and t- H besides u eold twenty-flvo per cent, lesa than most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blondo hair, darkensaub . ■ urn hair. Tendera lustrous bro%vn and black V- hair, kileua the hanjhness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE 18 MADE ONI.Y. BT rEEDEEIOK STEAENS, - OHEMIST, .,-- ETBOIT, SIICII. Sold everywhere. Be. sure and get the Genuino Coco-Oleine. Let no one palm off on you a bottle of some cheap and worthless imitation of Coco Oleine. Thero are more than twenty counterteita of i t now sold, put up as noar like the germine as tha tiiukci' darü and evado the iaw The Cheapest and Host Fire üepartment in the World. Oecr One JTlOUSand Auïïaal Ttnx ruó ouo WITH 1T, AND MORE TH.N Í}ixv-',o03'00-00 Worth of Pioperty Savod From the Fiamos. _ THE ♦ # ! PIRE j IxtingüisheI AI.SO, THE Babcock Selt-Acting Fire Engine, For Mills, City, Tovrn and Village Use. It is nlwaya ready to use inetantly, and is more effective thim a steam flre cngino, bccause it is aoon er brought Into action and throws a powerful slream oí water impregnated with carbonic acid gas lor auy l-.-ii-t of time. It dispenses vvith complex maclnnery; fire companiee, ree crvoire and wiction hose. Carbomc acid das ia hotiithe working mul exünpruhin!; agent. No Bteam tf) ba raisd- no flre to be kindled- no hose tobe laiil, nolarge company to bemnBtored. ïbetimo thus savcd is a building saved. It will tlirow 1 .ir ■.' lnims at a time, and one cylindnr can re-chareed while the other is WOiklng. It savos fiom distinclion by water, wbat the lire has sparee! ; it amothen, bnt floes not deluge. It is ia faily OM in Chicago, Cinctnnatl, st. LoaUh MobiU, Plubi.icl phta and other Pire Department send for their record, Good agenta wanted. K. T. ItAltlSïM, fien.Aseiil, 11S VVoudward Ave, Detroit. Mnnufacturer of Iron. Copper and Brass Wire, Wire Ololh, Bolttng Cloth. B'.irr Mili Stones, Broom Wire and Twine," Copper Weather Vanee, Wiie ronntor Railing, Wire Fenciüg aud Orunmental Wire Work. " 1-"11?'1 QAW GUMMER & SHAEPENER. A CHKAP, simple, ank iluniUe Machine- e.asily operated and runiung Wheels írom Sxá inchea to 1-x 1 inch. Price of Machine, $15. Wtv-els with bevelled, doublé berelled and round faoefrum $3.13 tv S"7 .3-") aocordlng tü thickivss. Hoavier Machine $7O and $9O, running Wheels op to 24 inrfn in (iinmutor. ïor ilLustratud Pumplileta or l'hotoscraphs, addrcss THE TANITE CO.. H'.3m ) Stroudsburg, Monioo Co. , Ta. SPECIAL COTICE! All of tho TANITU CO'S Kocids are dirootly m:idc by tlie Co. , at thi-ir owu Fuctory and undcr their own Vn'ieiits and Prooewec It ü eneaper to buy Standard diroctly from ■well known Mftimfncturerü thnn to buy of Pealers or BOt low rrici'il or poor Rooil. The fullest información on oU pointe oonneoted with Emerf Wlirls mul F,mory-iriiling-.TliitUincry will be furnishnd by this Cumpany. H13m3 TMPIiOVED SAXON CKYSTALS, 8PECTA.OLES JUfl) EYE PUBSERVERS. P.itronized anrl r6oommnded hy the most eminent OoulbU and gentlemen of the medical profession, as bciii" of great trnnpnrent refcuetiw qciahty, bo constructed as to effcot tli.' utmo-it raljef anJ preserve tbc functiorin of tli.i ey . The siprht of tbi viren (jreatly assisted ; weaksiihtstrongthened, and portoet Bight pnuml . ÜOLOnONS SOJÍS, Practical Opticiaw, anti Manufacturera of itttproved Hb IRk8EBVING 8PKCTACLB8, CATARAOT 1-i.Nb, OONOÁ.VE ; 1. Í.8SBS fol nciir-siL'bted persone. JACOB ÏIA1IKK, Agent, H13m3 No. 29 Kast Huron St., Ann Arbor. ■pLOUE AND FEED STORE. HENR-ST WASCH, (Successor to üeo. Laubongayer,) At 14 West r,iborty Street, wiUlteepeomt-ntIvonhnndH f uil stuuk of i'mul, Meul, Oats, Corn m,;i FcM fto. JUl orfen pmmptly flltoo in towe1 cii pij. aó" liu lOJ CoiB ncd Oats. Mlfjrl


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