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■■- rjSSSLmBoBStÈB I K? W?i .tij TS PDC15T.Y A Vr'íF.TABLE PREPAKATIOH, COBk X posdsimplyufí7eUrlnovmROOT8, HERBS and FUUITS. combincd with otlier proprtl, which In their nature aro Catliaröc, AperUut, Hn tritioua, Diuretic, Alterativo and Anti-Billloua. Th wholc ia prcBorved in a gufflclent quantitjr oí plrlt (rom toa KT7OA.R C VNÜ to ioep toen la B cUmatu, wbicii maïea til plantatiomc Bitters oneof th; nt dest"able Tonin and CtHf Üei Ui ÜM Wüild. 'Xixuy ftre iatended itfictlj M ma Tampsrance Bitters, cnly to bo nsed as a modicine, oad aliran tooordluy to directions. ■■ 1 hey aro the sheot-acchor of the feebl nd dabOU Utcd. 1'hcy eet npon a diiseaued liver, asd atimnlata to eucIi a drgnsu túut a bealihy action ia at one hrouht abotU. As a remedy to which WomK are eapRCtelly pubjectit is eupersedüig every otbo Bticiu'.ant. Aa a Spring and SummtrTonl they b'ivo eo cqual. Tliey are a mild and gentla Purgatne as well us Tonic. l'iiey Pnrity U8 Blood. ïhey aro asplendid Appetiser. They xuake til waalt fltremg. Tbey puriiy and invlgorata. They cara Dyspt'Pia, Conetipation and Headacne. They actas a Bpeciüc in al 1 speciea of disordera which undennlnaj thi bodily utrengUi and break down the animal aplrft% JDeüot. 63 Park Place. New YortV ! ATHAIRQN ' ; Only 50 Cents par Bottte : - It promoten the GROWTU, PBESEBaw X the COUR, and increates the Vigor and UlilUXÏ of tho QAIB.4T. Oran THnrrr Yeaks aso I-toh' Kíthaj" wtat the Haik was flrat placed ia tho market kjr FnfMna E. Thomas Lyon, a praduato of Princeton Collm The name is derived froni tho Oroek, " Katsho' t- nifying to clcanse, purify, rcjuraiate, or ralort. TS favor i t lias receivüd, añil tho populatlty it haa obtalmrt is BBpnoedcnted nnd incredfble. It increaw thf Giiowtu und Üeaütï of the Haie. It i a delightfnfc aressing. lb eradioates Unndruff. It prTni tb Eair ii om tuiuing itthj. It keepa the head cool, as4i givea the iai r n rich, noft. glossy appearance. It U tiM) BAME in QtJAMTITI nnd UOALITY B3 It VU Over k ÜCAJt- tek of ii CÍrtot-4i a'l is sold by all Druggiats ao4t Country Btw ouly i'líly Ceuta per XiotUav ■ #Ioian'sGloryisHerM lUTHAIROÜ jDOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, j C. A. LEWIS, ( ÖtCOESSOE TO FI15LEÏ & LeWI8,1 SOLÉ AGENT "BURTS" CELEBRATED HAND-MADE WORK Is now opening wme elegant linea of Ladies' Button & Lace Boots And vory gonteel SLIPPERS tt TIES! Victoria's, Parepa's, ÜNilsstm's, Kewport's, In varions grade. Al fashionable line of Genilemen's WOBK! Together with all rnrieties in chefip (joods. AU bouglit ior CAfaK and to be sold at low down Viïces. Come in and Look at Them TO. 2 EAST HUBON STREET. Hlm3 MOTHERS! MCTHERS !! MOTHERS ! ! Don' fail to procure MBS, WITÏB LOW'S SOOIHIMO SÏBIP FOB UIIII.DUEÍV TEEÏHIJIG, Tii!a vftlnftblo prepuratioii has been used wltii NKVBRAIUNG SÜOOSSB DS ÏHOUSANDS ït not oniy relieves the chlkl fvom jiain, l'lnTli: oratS the Btomeb and boweí. correcta acldlty, nd glves tone and anor to the wholo systom. It yrU also instantly reiievo Grlptng iu the Bowels nnd Wind Collc. WeheUev. HthelïEST aud SUREST KEMKDY 'edZSUlvercttoyour. selvoB, and llelicf and Health to Your Infants. Be siire and cali for "Mis. Wiislow'R Soolliins S.vrnp." HrvIu" Míe fc-snmU: ol "CUIU'IS 4 PFKKIN' 01MlU;í"íro11Lhouttl,eWor.d. -17AÜM TOK SAIJ3 ! Cheap if sold soou. Bitunlud in tlie Town of Dex ïWo' HUNDRKD iCRES. Known iis thc T.illib al ; fuu t Portuge Lake. I amanxiouatOKilaod K've a rson a good hargam. Al9o black sixsonMiof rumie six Past, añil lot four and lot threu in bluck soven. lyinsr northwesterly of tho Washtouaw House in the Fiíth ward. Cali on m ftPt.ul. B.s.SWITM. Aun Artor, M ircl: 1 1, 1ST3. lil'tí


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