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Church Ventilation

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Rev. A. J. Jutkins semls us the following suggestions to supplement our artiele on "Clmvoh-bnildiiKj," showiupr how tö warm and ventílate a public building: " Birild a room in tho basement, or, better, in rear of the and entirely detached, largo enough to contain fuol and four articlcs oí' furniture : "IA stdam-boiler of dimensions to accomplish tho work to bo exjrtainecl. " 'Z. An engine, also adaptod. ■"'3. A fan or blower. The fan is best if noiseless. "4. A hcating chamber, a sbeet-iron box containing a c il of steam-pipe, a eontiniiíition of the boiler. " ÏTaTing these, wc procoed to use thern. Qtenerate stcma in tite boiler, and heat the coil of pip i in thu box. Use sufíioient to run the ongine, which is inténded siuiply to drive the fau ; whioh, in its turn, is to force v.r, pure out-door heatiiig chamber, and i&roogh it into the building. ïhis nn of air s!iu;ild bo warmed in Winter to scveuty or soventy-five degrees (and luay be cooleJ in Sunnnnr if dsired), and should be largo cnongh to fill the room ín thirty minntes, perhaps No metnl tul't's r.'oukl bo required to oonvey the Kir into and tlirough tlio building, as no high teniperatprc is reached. Abundant air, at a Suital.'le temperature, is the point to 'he attainod. It is of no great conscqnence v.h. ri! tho air is taken into n rooin ; but in eluss-rooms or iu any b.iscnu :it-r oi:i, perhaps tlirough a regisW"W-. ,!il !,i btist, affording ooavenièncti i'ur vafuüug th fcet. lío mat!. ■ comes ij), wurm air will go to the top et tiie room. if torced iu, it will. displace tho air iu the room, driving out tijd air at the bottom, if thero is au operuug. l .■, opeuings m or near the fluor shouid bu !■!.■ u: int. for tbc escape ot l:. ;i audu-noe-room, whera people are to sit for an liour or move, the wartu air bhould enter at the top of the room. Hw it, would vrork may bo seen ly taking a glass jar, wilk an orífice at tile top aud i.uuther u.t the holton;. Fifi it with water. No-iv open tho oottt-in orifice .-ind pour oil in at the top. A rlÍ3tiíi%t stratüm is m.'i iu by thu oil, whicl] : wii wiíli a rapidity proportioneel to tUu b'e of the orífices. So warm air wouM spreai iicoU' n. uuia air contained i: a room, and. settle down (if a stream were ,: in), punhing tho carboiüc-aril na&s and , anirn il muiter dovvnwurd bclow the uostrüs aud out of tlio room. It s well Eaowu that these póisons tend to settlo down, aro lieavier than air ; hut when tae bot air comes in frorn bslow, it catclies theso i ii it s ujivvard eurront, and distribu pa thLWj Üirougli thepoom. "The advantiges: 1. io firo in tho building, or if tliere, conlined to une ■mail iirc-proof room ; 2. No hot iron lyiug in ooataot with vrooct and drying it to tinder, ready to burn from a spark ; 3. No burnt or orerheated nir; 4. Absolute purity of air of any rcq.iiirod toinperc ture; ö. No draf t.s : 8 Xd openings in ■vyiudows; but tho building may be airiight and extcrnally fii-e-praof, with windOwg in the roof ; 7. Ey eimply shutting off team from the coil of pipo in tho houting chambur, a stream of cool air ïaay bo throvvn iuto tho building in Sum mcr ; 8. No ' pounding' nor ' freeziug up.' " 1 know the gulf thero is between 'scionce' and 'art.' But I cari not sec why suoh a warming and ventiiating apparatas should bc much more expensivo than tho present metbod of heating by Bteain. The boiler is the same. The coil of steam-pipe can bo put up in 0110 placo cheaper than it can be distributed tbrdugh a building. No ornament would ba nuuded. Hotter steain could bo used. Only a suiall engine would be requircd, Q:! tlicro is no groat prcssuro to overeóme. By building solid brick or stone walls without windovvs, briiig-ing in light fiom the roof, a fire-proof building could cheaply be made. So insurance would bo savod, and wo would have mire air and


Old News
Michigan Argus