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aiKTG oï tilo BIjOOB TUE BIOT THOROTTOH PuniFIKR OP TUE BIOD YKT niSOOVKUSD. i rilKS KLXi ntraORS, FSOM A COMMON ERUPTION TO TUK WOR3T BOROFÜLA. By lts uhc Cáncer aro enred, ana Cancorona tiunora are dlspereeu without, th'e Bnrgeoirtf knife - Scrofola conqaered, and Consuuiption pre; and cnred. Vonercnl IHsensos, Mernrriol and Mineral foi&ona, nnd their eüVci oradcatcd, and vigoroiu litvilth and ;i souivl conptitiitioii eÉtabliehed. Female Woaknewi and Dlaeaw nropey, genera] or partlal; SweUlDgs. external or internal;" and Tnmora aro rcduccd aud diapersed iu & vury nbdrt time. Hryslpclns, SaH Rhenra, Scakl Ilcatl, and Fever Sores ore suun removed by tilia puwerful deteryeut medicino. Scorbiitlc Qisonsrs, üandrnir, Scalyor Rouh Skin. and Pimplca iiuickly givü way, leaving (lic BKin Bmootn and fair. :iiroiilc Eííi-asow, Fcvcr and Arno, Diaordcred Liver, Dyapepsia, Rheumatiam, Neivous Affections, General Debilky, In short, all lue numerous diseasos caased by bad blood are conquered, and givo way before tuis uiost powerfui corrector, tiio King of the Blood. l:ar!i bottlo cont.ains betwenn forty and flfty rtrdlnary doses, costini? only onn dollar. l'roiii oue t Tuur or fivc bottlc ivlll Cïire Balt Rheam, Sculd ITead, Ring Worni, rimj)lea on tUe Face, Biles, ordinary Ernptions, etc.' Froiu txvo tocitlit bottleswillcuro Scaly Kniptiona of the Skin, Ulcere, Sores, and Cankor in the Mouth and Stomnch, Erysmelas, etc. From two to tcu bottlos will restore healthy action to the Liver and Spleen, will regálate the Bowcls and Kidncys. from two to slx Ijottlcm will bc found effectoal in ctirine Neuralgia, Sick-lXeadache, St. Vitus' üance, and Kpilepsy. l'roiii fivc to Iwelve bottlcs will cure the worst cases of Scrofuhx. Froin tlirce to twclro bottles will euro severo umi obstinate ciiscs of Oatarrh. IFroui tvro to four bottles will cure tho worst cases of Piles, and regúlate Costive Bowels. Froin two to ten bottles will cure bad cases of Dropsy. Prlco $1 per bottlc, or 6 bottlns for $5. Sold l)y all Druggists. D. B1XSOSI, SON & CO., Propr's, Boffalo, N. T. Sec testimoniáis iu local column. , mJ itÁóftEÍt IS NOW IIEADY FOR THE FALL TRADE H ivin" üeceived i I.argc Stock of pái ï wwm i üiill HL ff OM 1 isll GOODS, 1NCLUDING ÜLOTIIS, ÜASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &.O. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WIIIOll UK VF1LI. TM& NUF ACTUR3S on tcrms to suit. Also a ful] line of EÏÏAÜY-MADE ÜLOTIÏING AND Gents' FIJSNISHIEG Goods. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCO O SATO HELS No.21 South Main Street,- EastSide: ÜALL AND SEE THEM. AVIl.ï lUÜfe WAOHJ.IÏ, A'.m iibor, OStobor Ut, ltsTi CK'SWINEOFTñR t 10 YEARS ' g _0F (ft d PUBLIC Te-ST gmj& U'-' proved n To Iïave inore v, "■■■'%■ a - :crlt tlutn y M bailar picpár' --.y,,;,:. .;..,.'-g Uttn vol1 oiiered the public Tt is rjcli in he íiíCílU'iiial nualiiitïsof Tiïr, and iineqftaled Ibr Siseases 1' t!a Tiiro;U and liUïiys, ptïlonaiBg the uiosl icmackable euros. CJouglis, Coldüi. Clironlc Coiiglis. It c3ccfnnHy pures tiiem all. As,ïlim;i suitl Sji-oncliitisk Has cúred so many cases it luis been prononneed a spmiïc iol these complaints. ior paius iu Brcast, Side ot Biick, Gvfivol oi Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Coniplaint, It has nocqnal. It is also a superior Tonic, llüstores the Appetite, Strcngtlieus tlie System, ilestores tlie Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Ilemoves Byspepsia and Indigestión Prevenís Malarions Feyers, üives toue to yonr Hysiein. rpiïE C1IEAPEST HOUSE in ïhe CITY OF AK2Ï AltBOll! H. COHEN DE.VLEIl JN ÜVJillineryj &o. We Scll for Cash Only. lllSlf 33 SOTJTII MAIN' S'l'IlEET. ü Rare Ohance TO LET. Alarge and modern in ore In Bacho . Undonbtcdly thebesttoition cl ie city for said bnsluetis. A rood il lic buru attiK'lted 10 thu prol iily, tu bc tnken iu grooeriee for y f:ili!l ■ iat Mnrket, 11 complete, jqlnlog i tente, marblc ■ ke house', la'rge brlckclstern and .■n audnU reads lor use, viiii threo Síore renta tur 8250 ycarlv : ta■n in mest tor iny ramlly Also a mail store iu my block, housos, rooms, &c o lel ■ ALE - Tliree good large oarrlage or farm ,larmir toois, Aleo lluutf IiiquircofL. E. UUCIIOZ.


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