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Sh..;. SJÊÏÏ É I I saieto the nigheat bidder, ut public aurtinn t n imrtiwi , f""y "f w-''!'''-v. on thé tv.; ; . Datcd, Ann Arbor, April 10, 1SÍ3 ]j-ltJ ByTuoa.J. Hqskiks, Ji.p.iiy Sheiii Sheriffs Sale. : OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa 9 ss.-By virtue of a 0 and ander the wal oi Ihe Gfeuit Couxtfor ü County of Washtenaw.and to me directed and .lolivë ■ 5', "Wt ,he Sd. chattles, lands and tem ' m,,!1"'11':,,!"1.1'""''-""1 "' ""-' '■trof AÍmArbí al taM! of ÏÏBS? f AtirÜ' B' 187 Datcd, this 7ih dny of Febroary, A T 1S71 Dated, Ann Arbor , April 2, 1672 MICHA roí, RLEMIira , Sheriff, Ifïaoii Webb, Under-Shert ; The aboyo sale is further postponcd to tbc twont u'AlV' 'yU St''attl'0SUme pl"CU í"'d t" Datcd, April i)tli, 1S7;;. MICHAEL FLKM1NO, Sheüll By Mtboh Web, Undef Bteri Keal Estáte for Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtcnaw, l ►J lu the matter of the estáte of Comelius Lairhli decensed: Noticois hoicby uivon, tbatin pursuan ut an order granted to the undoraigned Admiaistrat iof theestaieof Baid deceased; by tho Hun. Jndire 1 róbate for the county of Washtenaw, on i ty-seeond aay July, a. i. 1872, thore will bc sold public vendne, to the htehest bidder, at the cbvelün bouseon the premlsei hereinsfter describeá in t] county of Washtensw, in Sllid State, on Satnida tho twepty-fourth day of May, a. d. 1873, at tl ■ o elock in the torenoon of that diiy (nbject to all e " ranees by mortgae or otherwiae existing at tl u tiuiu üf tlio dwith of said deosased), the followinst Cl êd real estáte, to wit : The west half of the sou t: west quartor of seetion twi oty-thrfle in township oi south of raiiKc six eat, in said Btate, eont.-unit eighty aoros, more or leas. Alo a panel of land d senbtd as commonciiig at the quarter post betwei Beptjons twenty-two and twtmty-thwe, same tovnsh ana ]-,.iL.-, and running eaat on said qualter line the aub-ainsion post, thence north on snid line twe ty-four roas, thence west to snid seetion line eigh: rods, thence south twenty-fouv rods to the plaee Deginntng, eontaining twelve acres of land, i iroui the above tlie foir acres conveyed by deed fro said Oomelius Laughlin and wife, nnder date of 1} ceniljer SUi, 13.03, to Jumes Kennedy, which said dei is recorder! in líber 60 of rleeds, on pago 607, in tl ofllco of the Register of Ueeds in said county. Dated, April imh, 1873. H21 V-ILLIA1I I3ITÍKE, Adrr.inistiator. Commissionors' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WashteMW, ( 10 Ihe undevsigned having boen appointed by tl Frobate Court for said county, Commissioners to r ceivo, examine and adjust all claims and demands all persons ogalnst the estáte of John Milli late of said county, deceased, hereby give notice tni six months trom date are illowed by order of sa Probate Court for oreditow to present theirolarb against the estáte of said deoeased, and that they wi moet at the residence of John Immer, in the towi ssip of Bridgewater, in said county, on V the ninth uay of July. and on Wednetday, I day of Octobcrnext, at ton o'elock a. m. ot eacïi said days, to receive, exaniiue, and adi Uit snid claim Datcd, April, A. 1). lS7'i. F. JOSF.riIT-AllEY, JOHN nniüH, i w4 Commissioners. Commissionors' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WashtoraTV, SI The undersined, lmving been appointed by Ui Probate Court for Baid oounty, Coinmiasioners to re coive, examine, and djnst all claims and f] all peisoM againat the estáte of Vi late of Baid county, dei : by give notie that six months frora date are allowm, Ly order o aaid Frobate 'om-t, lurc ■ ii tt heir claim ■ a jrainst the estete of said dea w ■d, and that they wil meet al the residence of sa ia fleceased, in flie town shipof Soio, in Baid county, on Wednesday, tho thirti eth day of Apifl, and on Wednesday; the twenty fuurth (l.-iyut Septembsp next, at tfn ó'clook i. M. u each ot said days, to reeeii e, examine, and adjustsaic c'ui i:,i -. I)nted.llarch24th, A. D. 1873. JACOB JF1 JOHN AKDREÖS, 1419w4 Commissioners. Chaneery Order. THE Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In Ohancery. Ellnora Tasco, complainanf, va iHeuben Tasco, defendnnt. On the I3thly of Marcb 187S, on proof by affldavit on flle üat the . fpTilinnf lii.nliin Tninn, ,.,.i.l_ ...t -t .1,, . SCieniga nddoee i-eoide in th District of Colurabia. It is mi motioo of E. E. Pi jcomjijiinnnt, ordcred that tho umi defendant, Reuben i, ppenrin thjesuit and answarthe bill plaint herein, v.-ithin thxee montbs from this d also that this order be published once in each week foi six weeks ni su a ession m the Mi ■ a newspapí-r prinlea and publiahed in said county, thenret pubücatiui] to be within twentydays rrom thia date . Dated, Marok 13, 1878. ■I. r. LAWliKN ; - .. . Circuit Courb Curuuiissioner, Vashrenaw JLawbekcs & FbXze, County, Mi Solicitors for Lomplajnnnt. nis qQ PIECES Í - ojt BLACK ALPACAS! JUST RECE1VED MACK k fflll'S 14IG _ Fov ScrofWa, SerorJL uIouH lMseases of ÍV Jmc Ej es, or Scrofu%Jt? la ui any ïbrxu. fwf Any disease or eruption t of the Skin, disease of the JPSrS Liver, Kheumatism, PiniX-ü ■ 05? j5 en-down Constitu tions, O% Syphilis, or any disease deISJg pending on adepravedconglg uiiion of the blood, try Hl DIIvCr?pOSfk's fH POKE ROOT. W It has the medicinal propH(a ty of Pokecombined with Ij' apreparation oflrouwhich JUF ges at once into tlie blood, MV performing tlie most rapid ■ and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook'a oompouod Syrup of Poke Root- take it and bc healed. i QO-PAÜTNEESniP I O. H. MIT.LEN has .issooinlrd -witli himselfin business liir: son. CHARLES 8, MIl.lMi.V. Hereaifcer the style ivnd ïiiiinc of the iirln will be 0 JT. MILLEX ia BOS. C. H. MILLEN, Anii Arbor, Fcb. 20,':.;. CHAKLES S.MXLLEN. All persons havipg uuaettled ao ountsur wlio ni-c in nny wsy lndebted to C. II. 1 ttlXS 11 pienso sfttlo the sauie at ouce, eiihor with myipU or tlio m;v iiini. ' " C. II, MILLEN. Esl ate of Luick- minors. :' ' . ml v [ia M. Ai bor, in Said Couuty, and show cause, if ai,v tk n '_ be.why the said account should not be ïiowl" And Ule rurther ordered that said Gnarrt ' notice tothe persons intcreated nía a ..t?' of the pradeña f said acconnt, and the hè,."' j thereof. by canring a copy ..f thla oriW f i? '"I lishedintie A„ „,„ 5íL,TnSSSiMrffi r. and clrcalatlng In said County. thrce suc?m "' 1{ weeks previous tu suid day of heirlneï SUC0C(sl' Ü (A "'""Pi") OAll W. cilREVEK rt "" Judge of Probate. Id Estáte of Philip Eidlm ■k STATEÍ)I ÏP '1TI' iAS Coltnty f Washtena ; ot A nu Arbor, on Wednesday tho ninti i '' April, h. the'yoaione thound! 10 anrt seventy-thrce. - - IU"Mlrt4 : Present, Noah W. Chocvor, Judgeof Probate Jn theraattet of the estáte of Pliilip jjidú ,i„ i. John Keek, adminwtrator of said 't , mmmmë n, 'A. 'e oopy.) NOAH W. CIIEEVER BÉ lm Judgo of Probate. of Mortgage Sale. "- HEFAULT .having been mado in the conaiti ie Deeds lor tho County of WaaMena, and "tatc „L jaid, on the twenty-second day of Juke A. I) ]b "' liSX o'cloclc 1'. M. of said day, 'in liber nunTber ' , ;o morteagra, on p!lBe 7S4 aní that there ia nowdato ig tobe duo and unpaid on said bond and mortpS ;n ty-flve cents, also an attorney'a fee of thirtTdoE iV BlK.uld a„y proceedings 1 laken to förcdoso 5 to mortgage, and no procceding,, in law or in enutv liavn,;; been had to recover said sum of monev o? „i ■Y ji-t tlieruof ; now, theiefore . notico is hereby liïZ ol thatby vntuoof a power of sale in said írC I shall sen át public auction to the S Sí ui b ddef on tho thirty-first day oí May next, at t?o S ?,cl0L1VJ M-. of 1 ay. t the front door of ft d Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the Cowtv ie ut W whUjiaw, and State of Michigan! that beZ tk, pace vliere tho Circuit Court.s are li,.l,l in said cointy all those eertain piceos or paréela ..f land iitoatediS the city of Ann Arbor, County of WaahtcnawS - ud, being lots number one (1), two, threc, nnü foor in blocK number six C), ])rown and Fullcr's addition' tothavülage now city ot Ann Albor ;ïalao a piereof land eight rods square, boundcd on the west bv lVm tiao :v t, ,„„11! by the north line of block numh, Bix,Brownand ïuller's addition, on the north br m land owned by Jame, and on the east by the uarfT ' of the flpst part and IJaniel Cruwford ; also u piecn oí J huid lying between the north-cast corner of lotruiir lü ber hvo aud tho north line of block number sii g Brown and FuUer's addition to the TiUage of Am " Arbor atoresald, being a triangular piece of landlvn'■ between tlic north line of lots one and two block i t&SHJS'JEZJ? rnlltr'8 "ddítiün andto 'i Uatc.J, JWarch 6, 1878. WILTJAM GTÍET! 71 - „ „ Administrator with the "Wil) an'neieá John N . Gott, of thc Estáte of Kobert McCormick, Attorneyfor deccased. AduiiiiistratoE OT ülortgagee. i4j6 Mortgage Sale. e n1''' TrjT '"fe" been madoin the conditions of s V) conlaiu mortgage dated the second dayof July ' 11. 1850, made and oxeeuted by Hugh H. "reeland áñj 1 11 annah Vreeland, hií wite, of the township of Loii ■ ashtenawCounty, and Stotoof Michigan, to Johií 1 8, of the same place, and recorded ín the officeof '■ of Ueecl5 Cor the County of "Wnshtenavr ? State of Michigan, on toe second day of July, A b] 1R5C, and recordeu in libor 21 of mortgages page 65(, which said mortgage was on the 8d day c.f Januaty, A. li. J87S, duly aosigned by Charles F. Crane, Ad' j ministratofof thc estáte of John Oeddis, to Hannah Vreeland, and wbiuh aasignment waa rocordod intk nace of the County of Washtcnaw, in -iaiunentsof murtgafteson pago 0(.'6,and on the 31at day of Januiir. 1 by Hannah Vreeland, oftho bip of l.odi. aahtenav County, Michigan, to lienry " roeland, of the same place, and which nmmment was recorded in tho RegSsteris Office of tle County of "Washtenaw, in liber 3 of mortgages oa 807, and which said mortgnge was on the láth ■ day of March, A. D. 1873, Rssíirned by Itenvy Yiot. land to Christiaa Maek and Frederick fSchmiii, Jr., which assignment was recorded in the Iteuister' . ín tí- r'o-H-- "- i'i-aw "' nt'í a oí ni' irtgages on piige C(jS; and whereas, there is due and unpaid ou said mortgage at the date of tilia notice thn sum of tv.-o thousand ino hnndred and seventy-eiífht O-lOO doUara (2,ir8.)-100), und no suit orproccedingatlaw has be n institnted to recover the sanen anypart thereof; notice is hereby giren thatonSaturday, tho fifth day of July, A. U. eishtcc hundred and seventy tliree, at twelye o'riock noon, of iy,a( thé front door (soirth side) of iheCourt . in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, by virtue of the powei1 of sale enntained in e, wo shall sell at pubiic auction. to the hlghest bidder, iliu premises dtscribed in said mortr so luuch tïiereof as may tre necossary to patist y the amount dne on said mortgnge at thefiftteoi tMt with interest and the cost and expense! al' lowed by l.nv, and also an attorney fee of tirenty-fl?e dollars as provided in said mortgage. The followiog escriptionof the land and preinises ftsgivnin saul niortgage, and to be eold in pursuance of ths i oiice, to wit: The west half ()i) of the sohlliwbsI qnarter (', of section ouo (1), town three (5) south range fivo east, "Washtenaw ounty, Michigan, with the appurtenances tbereunto bel"iigiiür. Uated, Aim Arbor, March 27, 1873. CHl!ISTIAi MACKand 3F&EDHEI0K BOHMIa, Jr., FRiïnr.itirK PtsToiuus, Assignee, Attorney for Assignees. 1-110 Mortgage Sale. rjliPAririiavingbeeu mado in the conditions oí - _;i certain mortfrage, dated the twenty-fouitli dJ of J'Vl'i-uaiy, a. i. Í873,ma4e and exeeuü'd by il.irv kraan ;md Silas C. Uuckman", of the township of Mftnchester, Washtennw County, Miohigmi, to bmid, Senior, of the city of Ann ( : Ity and tate aforesaid, and recorded in the office of the Register of Beeds for U oounty ofWashtfr naw, Michigan, on the twenty-ci-!ith day of Fcbinary, a. d. 1872, in Tibor 4G of Mortgages, on pafe 262, by -whkh default the power of sale mtaineil in said mortgage became operativo, and no proo or equity baving been instituted to rëcoTtt 4ho debí secnred by said mortgage or any part theriof, and lbo sum of nine hundreü and thirty-four dollars and twenty-six cents ($934.26) being nor B doe lipon said mortgage at the date of thifl notice, besides eosts and expenses of thi foreclosure, and also an Attorney's fee of twenty-flvc dollars : Notico is thereforo hereby fivwi that said mortga$Q will be foreclosed by a salé of tho ipremisïs deácnbed in said mortgage, or some part llioreof, to wit: All thc following describid land Bituated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Micliiran, being the west half Ci) of the northwest quart''i' i: ;l of section seven (7), contaiuins,' thirty acres; iil-;o all that part uf thc west half OA) bf the Southlarter f'.j of section number one (1) lyiiig süiilhuct of Hiver Eaisin and north of the Snliue Lload, containñig about ciplit ocrea, all of p;ii'l land being in township tour (41 south of rango timo (31 east, at public vendue to toe highest bidder, at tho front door (south sido) of tho Court House in Die city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, on tbo twonty-eightli day of Junenext, at noon. Dated, April 2, I87J. FE3DEE1CK SCnjJID, Senior, Fbeckeioiv, Moit(rageei Attorney for Mortgagee. 1430ta Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been mado in tho conditions of l tain mortgage dated tho lirst day of March, A. D. lS(i!i, made and executcd by John DioM and Margaretta Diehl, of the cityof Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Henry Ij. James, of "Williamsburgh, in tic btateol etts, and recorded in theoihcool the Register of Ueeds for tho County of "Washuniuv, State of Michigan, on the third day of March. A. D. IBSU, in líber 3ü of rabrtgages, at pago M- which bi mortgnge was on the twenty-sixtli day of Decembei A. I). lxT'i, sold and assigned by eaid Hcnry L. Jame to Leonard Gruuer. which said nssignment was o! the thirticth diiy of January, A. D. ]S7;i, recordedii the oiflee of the Register of Uecds aforesaid, in libo .! of assignment of mortgagen, on page C(U ; aix wbereas, thexe is dus and unpaid on said mortgage the date ot' tlris noticc tlie snm of twonty-six huiHlrci [$2M 0.1 0] and uo suit or proeeeding at law hal been instituted ïu recover the same or any part there of. Notk'u is hereby givcn that on MonÖay, Ma] twelftli, A. 1. 1873, at 12 o'olock noon of that tty, nl tliü front door (south side) of the Court House, in tb' city of Ann Arbor,Arashtenaw Oounty, Michigan, b; virtue ot' the power of sflle ;ontaineci in said inurt Cshall sell at public ouction, to the biches Dfader, the preraises describid in said mort.gaf?e, or si mucli thercof as juay be necessarv to satasl'y tlit amount clue on said mortgage at tho "date ofthis nu tice, with int, rest, and the TOst and expenses allome by law, and also an attorney fee of $30.00 hs provided in said mortgage. The following ia a description o! the land and premiseá as giren in said mortgage, and to ba sold in pursuanco ot' the nbove notice, to wit : All those eertaiu pieees oí paroeia oí' land sitnated in the city of Ann Arbor, County oí Washtenáw, nnd Btote aforesaid, kuown, bounded und described na follows.towit: Heilig lotsmmiberstive and eix (5 and 6) m block nnmber nine, in Ormsby and PaereN additiou to the Tillage (now eity) of Anji Arbor, and aleo that part uf Int number eight in said block, lving soutli of I line frota the e:t corner of said lot five to the southeast corner of said block nnmber niiie, with tho appurtenauces thereunto belonging, , Ann Arbor, February 1, ïsrr?. I.EONAÜD üKUXEE, Fbbdkbick risxoiurs, Assignee. Attorney for Assignee. 1413 Assignoos' Notice. "VOTIi'E is hereby giren that the aaaignees of Ilenry i Goodyear will ineet at tic Goodyear House, in tho of Manchester , in the County of VVushtenaw, and State of Michigan, on Tuesday, the sixth day of May next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, to n i statement of all claim afrainst Baid Ilenry Uoodyeal', eet the date of the assignment totheunder:md that all persons who desire to receive nny jistribution under said assigiiinent , raust give notiee f their claims with the vouchers or proof "theicof to d at ór befóre said meeting, as it is inended to di clare a dividend among creditors at that line or BOOS theroafler as m Uated, Manchester, Feb. 25, . EANSOM S. BMITn, Josiii'H McM Ufox, WM. U. 1 ALKI.N', 1-115 Assignees of Ilenry Goodyear. Sr"iïA 49iï ptf duyl Agents wantod 1 AI! V'J IW PAW classes of working people, of either sox, young or oíd, make, more money at york lor us in their spare moments or all the time, than at anythiuB clse. Parllculurs tree. Addiess U. Stinsou & Co., Portland, Mitiue,


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Michigan Argus