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If There Is Any Reliance To Be Placed

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pon thn V asnington dispatcü to th NeW York Ecening I'ost, "Civil Servio Reform" is effectually played out. It ghost may wandor up and down awhil to ease tho oonsciencos of Curtís atu MEDILL and a few honest (?) Civil Servico reformers and induce them to continuo their confidence in and praisa of Grant and the ndtninistration, but the substance has gone, tbo soul lias been "knocked out of it, intirely." The Post correspondent writes : " Tha President lias "suggested alterations in sevoral partic" ulars, and wants more latitude in mak " ing tho appointments fulling within the "Civil Service rules." That's it : the President is cribbed and confined, partisns want places, ward caucas politicians are out in tho cold and can't got near enough - under the Civil Service rules - to get even a sniff of warrn official air or even bask in the vivifyiug rays coming from department and bureau and Custom-house, borealis like. And so as the Post correspondent ingenuously puts it : " The Board will " roview the wholts subject of Civil Ser"vice reform, and will, it is thought, " agree to some plan enabling the Presi" dent to (rive the first preference in "ing appointments, to those who ar " known to bo in activo sympathy wit' " the administration." And that was al tho Civil Servico plank in the Phüadel phia platform over meant. It was only designed to mako a show of reform, t take the wind out of the sails of the gen uine reformers, to tide over the election and then to throw off the znask and pen sion the party wo-rkers on the people. The New York World of Tuesday last, in a double-leaded leader, planta itself apon tho platform of ; absolute and unqualified Freo Trade, deolaring it to be tho cardinal principie of the Democratie party and tho only rallying cry promising to reunite the scattored and domoralized Democratie hosts. It affirins that no Protectionist can be a Demoerat, and that " the political philosophy of which Free Trade is one outgrovrth includes all that is fundamental in Democratie policy," tito miderlying principio being that " private men, who bestow most of their attention on their private affaire, aro the best judges of their own interests." We are glad to read such outspokon words, glad to soe Free Trade como to tho front. The tariff of tho day is a curso to tho country, shackling trado and commerce, subjecting tho great and dominant interests of tho country to legislation shapod by interested or ignorant politicians, class legislación for the benefit of a class at the expense of the many. Absolut Free Trade with the present national debt may Dot bo possible, but an excluaiveiy revenue tariff is possiblo and by striking for Free Trado that point may bo reached. We are glad the World bas led off. Being in Detroit en Tuesday last we looked in upn tho ruins of the Tribune printing ostablishment. It was a sad sigb.t - tkose silont and batterod nnd burned presses. The oíd editorial rooms had an airy look, but were inaccessiblc and floorless. However, men were at work clearing away the rubbish, and the new building is to ba rapddly erowded. Afterviuds we found a portion of the editorial l'orco domieiled in the rooms ot' tho Free Presa. Backus aeknowlodged that they were in rather close quarters, but confessed to good usrjge. The floeing Modocs have been discovered concoaled in the caves of the lava beds, and about four miles from thcir formcr stronghold. But Gen. Gilleji thinks he's got them as they are three miles from water. So fir the slaugliter docsnotproniiseearly extermination, only seventeen being reported killed and wounded- raostly wouuded. Six soldiere and ono civilian aro reported killed and fifteen wounded, making tho loss greater than that of the Modocs. Ou Friday last tho Houso passod tho Senate bül requiring all the terms of the Supreme Court to be held at Lansing. And by this ill-timed and inconsiderata legislation, country attorneys and their clients are to be kopt away frora Detroit anddeprived of thepleasureof visitingthat Park wliich tho Legislatura has determined that tho good citizens of the City of tho Straits shall buy whether tliey wish or no. It woald have been more consistent to havo provided for a torm or two to be held in the paris. The Senate joint resolution providing for a Constitutional Commission of eighteen members - " ablo and discreet citizens" - two to be located in each Congressional district, was so amendedin the Houso as to give the Governor time to make the appointment, and making his appointment final, lf that "time" isn't nsed to pack tho Commission in accordanco with gubernatorial ideas it may be well given. TJnless New York nowsniongors are at faalt the secret of Tom. MuRniY's influence at the White House is now out. The houses of Ghant and MuitriiY have other bonda than the political affiliation or natural tastes of their respective heads, and these bonds are to be strengthertetl and cemented by the marriago of young Tom Murphy and Nellie Grant. The President has boen only " providing foi hisown household " all the time, that's all. ■ m- + - - ■ i ■■ - - - THE Ijegislatnro is to eoase its mutilation of the Coinpiled lawa and its attack upon local righta at noon to-dny ; and in course of time we sball be able to get sorne idea of what it has done and lelt undone. Eight ycars ago Gen. John B. Gordon led a column of Virginia troops ogainst Fort Steadman, ono of Gen. Grant's iortlfioatioiis at Petersburg. Now ho sits in the United States Senato. In the House, Alexander II. Stephens, ex-VicePresident of the Confederacy, has seven ex-rebel Generáis to groet him. Connectiout manufcatures about half of all the carringo trimming, cutlery and edge tools, hardware, plated ware, specteclM and eyo glasses made in the United States. Maid-servants dress so Uko their mistresses nuw as to canso dreadful mortification to fashionable young men, who lïequently tako off thoir hats to them mistakiug them, for the young ladies of the house.


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Michigan Argus