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Detroit Live Stock Market

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Michigan Centiil Yards, Monflay, April ?t. The rcceipts at theso yards trom the various points iu tho State for the week, and also for the two weeks previous, were as follows : Week ending April 7. 3T0 831 1 Sj.1 Woelt onding April 14, H 2t4 1Í61 VVci-lt onding April SI, 305 WS ,Hg Total, S15 1,897 3,877 Through cattle shipped East, 1,682 head, against 1,738 of the previous week ; hogs, 120 head, were retaiued here by a packing íivra. CATTLE. The continuetl inclemency oí th&T'eather renders the roads more impassable for local business in bringing cattle to inarket, and lias driven operators to a field where communicatioii by rail may be had. This was sïio-vrn in the lots held in markct dnring the week, and its effect was to sustain a firm market. Tlic prices were relatively bitter, and salea more cnsily made, with a good feeling among sellers. The quality showed a disposition on the part of farmers to sell choice lieads, which had fattcned nieely, notwithstanding the severity of the winter. Choice stockers are still eagcrly sought after by Eastern operatorï. The home demarift tor choice beevcs contiuucs active since the old xaeats werc saltcd down upon the approach of milder weather. - The selling of cattle in lots were the principal transactions, as sellers found the ïnarket easy and the usual metliod of breaking into grades too troublesome. Weauote: Clmice to extrn. nvernpinz? 1,000 to I,?0") ]b..t in pood flesh and builii $ó 2i@6 25 Common to enotov, averatiin 1,000 to 1,200 ihs . in medium ilesh and build... . 4 5.V24 75 Lijzht cattle for feeders 4 5C@6 25 H0G3. Few sales were made here this week, and but few car loads bound East. The decline of last week secmed to be ermsed by an unusual volume being thrown pon tbc mnrket, and as it worked off they became easier. This ia a contiiiRency which no operator can provide aainst, and being in the market must solí and await his chances at some futuro time. The prime hofp in the market were from a long cïistance, whcre cheap coni eniVbled the holder to wait for better prices, - Therc were but three lots in pens, ivhich were sold undcr the following quotations : Lots averngtng 1Ó0 to 200 lbs. nice shape and Kood ior store. $5 10f35 Í5 Lots nvemgiuii 100 to 15 lbs. suitable for paoktn,. j4 fjQi jo SIIEEP. The advoncel prices and the rerooval of the stringencjr in the sheep inarket were sustained in tho operations of this week. One thing noticeable is the absence of poor grades of shcep, the lots that arrive being from medium to choice. Three lots from the farm of W. A. Blake, Galesburg, Michigan, wc ro perhaps the fin est seen in thia market this season, and averaged respectively 117, 128 and 138 lbs. Tho iirst lot. of sheared sheep arrived yestenlay morning, averaging 94 lbs., and sold for $1 95. We quote : Lots f.veratjinsr SO to !)0 lbs, choico grüdes and in excellent condilion $5 50@6 JO Lots avetacing 80 to J lbs, medium grados and order 4 75(5 .S0


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Michigan Argus