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BACH & ABEL, Ws have now in store and aro receivirg our usual large stock of Ntw Spring Goods, bought for cash, and will be placed ou sale at as !ow priees as any house in Michigan. BACH & ABEL. A large assortment of fashionaMa dress goods in the new shades. BLACK SBLKS! A specialfy. We have tbem direct trom the Lyon'd man iithctory agenta, nnd ean warrintthem made of pure stock. BACH & ABEL, FIFTY FIECES IA1? STDABT BLACK ALPAGAJ And cali special atteiition ta the ,45c, 50c, and 75c qualftïes. These Alpacas are mnttufactnred by Alex. T. Ntunrt & Co , and without doubt éxcel in texture and finish ajjy ever lirought te thU country. BACH & ABEL. Front the importen, direct, a hrg) $itl Tafcle Lincns, ïiapkins, DAMASK TOWELS.AC. BACH & ABEL A FULL LINE OF Brown and Bleached Cottonsr Tickingi, Denims, Cottonades, te. These goods we buy by the packago, geiting discounts, and can mk& Isw prieaK. BACH & ABEL. "We desire to cali especial attention to our stock of FUE NCR AND ENG LIS B CASS1MERES, And SüITINGS, the largest and best assortment in the city. BACH & ABEL. A FULL LINE OF SHADES IX TITE STEWAKT iLEXAJVDRE KID GLCVES Iu both one and two buttons. Thi Glove has been recently improvd, and i now conceded ts be the best in usft. BAGH & ABEL. rpp.THE TEAYELING PUBLIC -r COOK'8 HOTEL. The subscribcr, late of tbe lïathbun ITouee, Grand Rapifl?, Imviiiff jHiiehased lease, turuiture and good wil 1 oí tlir late prnprieti'rs of Cook's Hotel, in tfai Mty, intenda to keep up the good nam of the House, iml policils tbe old pntrons and as many new onra ft viah to nuite this popular House tbeir home. $2.60 lerdny, with special ratcs for long stays. $2.0t per Jay to Wnshtenaw County pafrous. H20 W. AV. IIAWK, T AST CHANCE ! FOR TEN DÁYS ONLY, I shull offer ray stock of gooda nt EETAIL AT COST A f ter time the ywill be Trithclrnwn from snla t retail. üood respoiisible cuiomers can havo Z3 XCL JE3 JfflL Jt T From tw to four months. JAMES B. GOTT. Ann Albor, April 17, 1873. 142Í "rvISSOLUTION OF ■ CO-PARTJNERSH1PI The co-pfutnerthip re cxislinp bctween 35. D. Bliss findJ. Vollund Billis doy dissolved by mutual consent. All itccounts due llie 11 rm and uil tho debts agitinst ït -vvill be settled by E. B. Phss. [Bigamá) I. BLI6S. Ann Arbor, Mnrrh 7tb, 1873. The nbovo business will be continued at tbe ol3 stand, os usnol, by lSml 3. TOLLA NP.


Old News
Michigan Argus