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ADVEETisr. in the Arocs. Tuch mndih Huron street. _- Ditto ! ditto ! in Mui street, _ Tho country roacls are horrible. _ ITrina to mow this aftcrnoon : "f hürsday. - Ëarly flowers aro havinjr a sorry timo of it. - Equally out óf time : spring Rooda and ice dvcrtif'mertí-'. . _ Order Joflr Sili-Iíeads, Ictter-Heads and Statements at the Arotjs office. _ W. E. Amvatom, of Pittff.e'.d, góes tb Colorado oext week- health seekinff. - ïIeniit Goodyear has benn on a prnsr"1"tinR trip Xebrasko, Colorado, and Kan_"Look out for a run of sleighinsr," that F,s the word passed along the lme on Monday tveniuS last. The Register has riianaed its publicntion (lav from Friday to Wednesáay. Decidedly a lensiW' move. - Work is prosressinp; on the TTniversity Hall, „nd Üie same is to be ready lor use at the eom ing Commcncement. - J. M. WÍIEF.LER and fnmi'y have left Rome -,-ith tl.fir fnees to the -n-est, Their present adrcfifl is Paris, poste restante. - If you propose to take the lamented ÜBEEtET'8 advice and " Go West," buy your railroad tickets at the Anous office. _ Dr. IvIacdosald prcached to a VCTy !nr tongregatron in the Tresbyterinn Chxirchon Sunij eveninp: hist, givíng general satisfactiön. _B. E. FBAzïn, Es]., has just returneii Trom fkins visit to ICansas. He don't seeYii to think that land of pMmise much ahead of Michijpui. _ Rumor savs the Marshal was favored with bummers' serenade a few evenings ago : on'y In had moved and sonieboiiy ebso got the benefit of it. _ A. V. McAlyay, late of this city, Was hominated ïor County Superintendent of Schools by the Bepublicans of Manistee county, but reiused to 'cerit. _ Four inches of snow Tuesday morniïig, April 22d, in the ycar 1873. Now let no mote duiders be pcddled at the expense ot Alaska, Oreenland ot any other Polar región. ■ - Thcre has been another failure at Manchester. Thia time Abeaham Pulhemcb goes wider, with large liabilities, limited and unknown assets, and unfortunate endorséis. - G. W. Hats, Esq., of the Ann Arbor Tradiüg Assocraticm, is-ncrsv hl New York, purchasing new spring goods. Look out for soroc nioe goods chcap ior cash, s they will sell only for cuh. - If thereis acity ordmance against throwipg all the rubbish trom j-ards, gardens, and eellars into the stroct, the Marshal would Ao wcll to eniorce it. If no snch ordinance exists the Council should make kaste to enact one. - Men are again at woTkon fhe line of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Xorthern Railroad, and the track is to be made ready f ot the iron at an eariy day, and it is given out that iron will be ready as soon as the road-bed is completed. - Dr. H. S. Gheevek, of this city, leit for the west on TVednesday, and will spend the summer raonths in Colorado, his first stopping p!acc bcmg Greeley. We hope that his health will improve with the cliange of climate. - A young man made haste to jump on to the Dcxter train going cast Tuesday morning, and ■tien discovering that ho had left his satchel beUrad he maSe Traite te pet off agam, trad jumping measured his full length in a bed cf soft Tnuft. - 1'. T. 'WooTHiTTr of this city is eanvaseing r 'SiTAr.D's Travels Avor.nd tho World," -a book which we noticed -at tenfth some time agtx It is a volume full of informatiou and interest, the author having enjoyed unusual and extraordicary advnutugc-s. - -Dropping into the Circoit Conrt on Motviav we nuticed & " country lawyer " with both leet on the tablo and cigat rn his mouth, enpigcd in examining a wïtness. Eospcct lor the dipiity of the Cotirt if not selfrcspcct cht to eommand better manners. -Tlie lecture Rivca by Dr. Oeoboe Macïokild- the last in the S. L. A. coarse- on Triday evening last, was attentively listened to V i lane audicnce. Tle Scotch broguo of the lecturer and a manner peculiar to himself made close nttentioa necessary, vphich was ;iven without regret. Iti discoursing oï John Miliroiflie made it apoint to incúlcate some noble lessons.


Old News
Michigan Argus