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CHAIVGE OF AGENCV. üwinst to the deeeawa of C. 11. Thokpson, our njrcnt or Aun Albor nnd vicinity, wo havo nppointed Vaiïüen IIamilton as our agent to represent the Vatertown iind Apricultural Insurance Companies, uf Watertown, N. Y. Thanking our pntrons for the 'avor they have shown our Campantes in the pust, we respectfully solicit the patronage of the public in he future. All nppïicntions for iiiMiracce should be mude to Waukf.n IIamilton, at No. 7 and 7 Main Street. E. A. HOUGH, Gen'l Agent. Ann Albor, Mich., April 17, 1873. KÏTVfJ OF THE BL.OOB-.- Canckrocs Tumors. (.- It is with pteaaure I write, in bchalf of ray mot her, wlio fcna been taking your medicine, King of thk Blood, ior ix tumor, and cnn say he is most entirely cured. Slie has taken four bottle of the mudicine. Tbe tumor was as large its a goose ígg1 frhen slie commencad. It i now only bout the si2e of u gram of corn, and rapidly disappenring. Slie hs düctored hundredít of dollari away ■without bunüfit, lintil usir.f your ïnedicine, för which we nhull always be thankíul and cn recommend the Kinq of ïhe Blooü to tLVj one neediiijf it. My mother's name is Sarah I)uHn. Yours reapectfiilly, Sarah McMinis, Kenton, Ohio. See ndvertisement in anovher coltltnn. Vüii C:m Bet Voiir Hutlom Dollars. - Thut there exists no case of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swelltr.g, or Stitf Jointa, which the Centaui Linirneut, white wmpper, will nt alleviate and cure. Marlt the ditffience. It is the Centaur Liniment, yellmv wrapper, wliich isagnin plaeing fo man y unedup hor ars in the harneas. We care not whether the case be Spavins, Kweoncy, Scratches, Straina, or any ri Welling- the effect ia giraply wonderful liilclrcn cry- for Pitcher1 Cantnrla. It regúlales the êtomach, curea wind colic, and causes naturtil sleep It U ft tubstitute for castor oil. 1422 w Betond the lisslssippi.- Thousnnd have already gono, and thoustinds moro are turning their eyes towarda new homos in the fertile West. To tliose goin? to Missouri, Kansas, Nebranka, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Xevada, Oregon or California, we recotnmend a cheap, s.ife, qtiick and dirct route, via St. Louis, over tho Missouri Pacific Itailroad. which runs its fine Day Co-iches and Pullman Sleepfira from St. Louis to principal points in Ihe West without change.. "We bel ie ve thnt tho Missouri Pacific Kailio:id has the best truck und the fincst and saf#st equipment of any line west of tb Mississippi, and ts connections witli roads further Weet ure prompt and ïeliablc. The Texas co tin eet ion of this road is now complet cd, nnd passengers nre offcred :i ftrst-Clasa, nll_ rail route from St. Louia to Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas & Texas II. R., via Stdalia, or over thc Atliintic & l'acitlc K. H. via finita. For mnpsi time tiiblt's, mforniiition as to rate. routes, &c, we loler our roudt-ivi to I. i. Wheeli'v. Korth'ern Panen ger Agent, VI Lloyd ttreet, Butfuo, N. Y., or K. A Ford, General Pauseneer Ai?ant, Rt. Louis, Aio Qucstions will bc clutrfiüly and promptly answtrtd ƒ Kmi&rration Turning ! Chcap Farms in Soutli-WCKt JTIisouri !- The Atlantic & Pacific Kailroad Company offers 1.200,000 ncres o land in Ontral und SouLhwest Missouri, at from ?: to .?t' pt;r acre, on neren years' tim). witli free traiiB poi'ttilion trom St. LouÏJ to all purohoMft. Climate aoil, timler, minttral wealth. solioob, tdiorehefl ttnt law abidine socitfTy invite, eniiranta frora all jimnt to this land of fruita anü flowen. For rhrticul;rs, arldress A. Tuck, Land Commissioner, St T-oiiis Missouri. 1417 X - - X HÜRRY UP ! PARTII2S WiaMat Wflil Pappr. Cloth and l;ipor Sïiade?. IIolInncB . Winrtmv Fixtiires, Cotdl, Tnseiíl. &c, nfl New Stript, ut SitiKfactorj Pricccby j. 11. WeSifctor A Co. B iOlt --tore, Dear the Expre-s Office. X X


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Michigan Argus