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MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAI). WINTKIt TIME TAJ1LK. Píisseiigertrainsnow leave the Beveral tations,s folkyws: _ GOING WEET. É "Í Á $ STATIONS. W I I to . o ■ & a í ■i s S Ö Q ! C! Pi A. M. A. M. P. mJp. M. Ip. M. !p. M. Oetrr,it,leave, 7 15 1 'J 40! i ou 5 4" 1 44 I) . Vpsihmti, 8 4 10 47! 5 38! 7 12 2 M 11 07 Aun Arlior, 9 10 11 05! C 02 7 4íl 3 lfl!H 26 Dexter, 0 40] 6 SU 8 II) 3 JO Chelww, 0 S8 8 .lOj 8 5ii arana Lak. 10 2S - ! oo 4 23 a. m. Jockaoa, 11 oo 12 2" 9 S5 5 00,12 40 r. M. ll'. M. A. At.l Knlamazoo, 2 20 2 58 12 25j 8 00 Chicago orrive, _ 8 45,8 00 G 30! 8J)0 OOING EAKT. íl I j i I I i i P. M.ÍP. M.' A. M.'a. M. hicngo, leave, í 15 9 00 5 30, 9 en A. M. A. K. P. M. Kalamaroo, : 2 20 5 001130,2 05 A. K. P. Mnckson. 12 40, 4 4S: 8 0.V 2 U 4 20 rnssLake, i 8 .12: 3 2' helio. A. M., 8 571 3 55 Dexlor, - - " 25 9 15! 4 10 Ann Albor, 1 SU' 6 00 6 5.1 9 45 4 40 5 24 Wilnnti 2 22 6 20 7 20 10 10 5 0'. 5 43 Detroit, nrriYC, I 3 35 7 25 3 4} 11 30 6 25 6 45 The nnd Pacific Express run betwcen ackson and Nilen on the Air Line. Dated.lnn. 13.1873 DETROIT, HILLSÜALE fe INDIANA, AND DeTIIOIT, ElVKK AKD ILLINOIS ' ÍAILROADS. ooino WlaT. - 1873- uoifo HAKT. STATIONS. Mail. Ex. STATIONS. Mnil. El A. M. p. M A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:15 P:10. I.oinnaport 7:45 11:00 Yi)ilanti í:50 7:M5 Ueuvei1.. 9:00 ' Saline, 9:30 í:07 ColumbiaCity. 10:40 2:18 Mniich'csttr....Tl:ll7 8:4'! „ , Hillsdule 11:45 1":Í4 I Bankcr .... 12:0') 10:45 '■ Hnnkfr f:27 .1:50 mil-ulule ?:39 6:01 MMnohtíf._ 4:25 7:45 ;olumMn City, 3:45 Snline 5:05 8:2:) Denver 6:2 I Ypsilunti 5:4.1 8:55 ORimspnrt ftM .... I Delroit fi:45 t":15 Trnins mn by Chicago time. fcgtr Pnluaa fjleeping conches are run on night expresa tritins. " W. A EKNST, Bup't. Robeut ftll.MII. ficn'l Ticket Agent. A Chftnee for liargains ! Kor sale at a sn-i-at lmrsnin, 1G0ACREÍ OF CHOICE I .AND, lyinf.'2'i miles (rom the city of loni.i. 100 acres und'i-vimprovement, with ro.-xI circliard, bnrn ' m.l sheil, ana l'tomfortnnle house. Termi of payment- Hom $2,000 to $2,500 down bulunco on loilff ime. Alo Di ACRES, boot 2 í milos froln Aupriutn. Cnlumnlon County, 11 impioved, with good buildngs. Tel'ms- extiemely low. Also 40 ACUES abont eight milesfrom llasting. Also 81 ACRKS on nection S i.i the lown of Hnzelon. Sliiinvuss" Counly, about 12 miles lrom Corunnn. Well limbered. For terms adtíreas the undersigned. E. B. POND. Ann Albor, April 2, 1873. OECOND AJNNUA L DrSTRlIOTIOM. 75,730 !, Ilangiug in valué írora ílO TO $5,000 GIVEN 'A WAT! TO THE BrPPfllIBPRS OF OUR FÍRESÍDS FRI1D Everv STibscriber is sure of one premium iny wiy, and also has un eqwtl chance of ívoeiving a CASH lVmum,ora PIANO, OllUAN, WATCH, ÖEWINO MACHIXE, &c.f &c. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND -Eight Pages, Larye Siie. Illuitrated, the Family Weekly.iíin ita TH1RD VOLUME and has attamed the LAROKST CIHUtíLAT1ON of any paper pubüilicil in tne West. Its fiuccess ENABLlS th proprictors to furnish T1TE BEST, MOST DKSIRAHLK AND HOST U.SKFIL JR1OINAL RBADING MATTER IM GUKAT VAKI1STY, that money can buy, and to m:ike it a HOME WEEKLY suited to ths wants of every Family, fiubstription piicc, f3 per year of íi numbeis. Tibio Bloeant Chromo K'T.o 162:1 inehes. 1(! colors. Acknowledffed by 11 o be the HANDSOMKH'f and MOUT VaT.T.: AÜLE jremium picture in Airu-ric:.. EVKHY tíUliSUItlBKK ís presented rtth tln Clivumo at tho tune of snbseribiiiR. (o wuitingl, and alad recurra a NUMBEltKl) CERTIb-ICATE EKTITLINI'HE UOLDEK TO A SIIAUH in the diM'.rlbution of 525,0 0 in cash and othpr premium. THtí DISTRIBUflON TA.KE3 PI.ACK on tho snd Tuesday Ín June net. The Chromo and 'crtitlrates sent on receipt of pnce. Hl'EC'lMKN fJOPIRS, l'REMICM LIST, &c, SIV1KO PULL rARTlCTTLARS sent free anv addrcss. i"J.lj'rrFl Hlh 'oCa' ot canvassinp in iTlji.i 1 i every toWn. lauree -usli W A ViFTi ia" nutl tlie hcst out" Tt Al" í M-ímJ fit. Send at once for terma. Addrcs OUR rlRHSIDÜ FltlEXD, 14bm6 Chicago, HL TTËST THING In"thÊ" WEStT' Atchison, Topeka Si Sanie Ve U. R. THREK MILLIO.N ACRKS Situntod in iiml nrnr tlie AikrTisas Villey, tho rint-st Portion of Karibus! Eleven years' Credit, tfeven per Cent. Tnterest 22X per cent, reduclion to settlera who ímprovo. AFBEE PA&S TO LXD BDYEBS. THE FACTS iibout tina Grrjvnt iré- Lott frices, Long Credit, and u Uei:ite to neltli'rs of nearlj' onefourth; u itich Soil, and Splenditl Climute ; sljortnnd mild Winters; euvly j)l;mtiny, and no wintering of Stock ; plenty of K:iinf:ll, and just ut the rfyht st'uson ; Coal, otoñe jmd Brick onthtíline; Ohe:ip llatcs on LnmbiT, CohL, &c. ; no l:nds ownod by Spcculutors ; líomestead and Pre-cmptionft now nbunfl;nt ; a íirat-clas Kailroad on the line of íi fíieat Tlirouph ltoute ; l'roducts will puy for Iand and Improvemnts. Ii ím tlw bet opportuoity ever offered lo thR pnbllc, through the recent complfttion of the Rond. For Circulai-s and General Inf'imiition, Addi'csa A. E. TOUZAMTST, Manager Lund Dpp't. Or, Topeka, Kahas E. II. POND, Ann Akbor, Mich. 1410mo3 L.C.RISDON'S AUVERTI3EMENT. Now is the time to buy PARLOR & HBAT1NG STOVES. I trill ell them at COST until furtho notioe. Ho. 31 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. TAM.KS McMAHON, Justicc of the Peace, Office in new blook, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid oref. INSURANCK AÖKNT. Trlumph, nsBets, $7-2?.!O3.n Nortn .Missouri, ■' 45,417.1)1 Ilibcrn i;i, 350,000.00 I?, FÍAT, KSTAfK. I have W acres of land '4 of a müe from the city imite, fmely locntcd for fruit or garden pnrpoaes. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with hmse and barntand a livel Rtrenm of water running throngh the barn yard. 60 acres, a m!le ont, 1 wlll sell any or all the abnve cheap, or exchanee for city propxifty. ■i- ÍAMESMcMAnON.


Old News
Michigan Argus