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■ - ■-"■[■Hllll IWIIIIMilMIIIIII- - - ■ nffl n@ 8 i' LA í ZEm HNOTAfiYPUBLÍC --- ÜÍP GENERAL i LJJ LjJj LgJÜCONVEYANCER ÜL-JQS WwBK pajal Wb9 INI VU ÜMÜ HH LÚA_íí2iü1l:' :'ii.-'.'--: i!i;'í ;.[.ííi rtkLMJ OUR ABSTRACT BOOKS! Vq píirtinlly indicíited ahove, are now posted to date. They t or.crt, in iv condMised or posted form, show he origiial ch;i u and ullnew chain uí tille, lnstance, iuch u AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Known as Tux-Tltles, whieh ure vcry numerous in tilia County, Decrees, Contracts, Deeds ! Al', fiow as well as all of the oíd undíschnrged Mormure as fiw back as 1824- which re lesiona. L'erson ;V-,z title or mortErapes and li?n Will rcirtember that Tux-Titles nnrí othcr eolKreral in-.iLteM ürc not foinid in the uu:il mole of smuch by Ifidexei it the Uecfisfer's ottire. Tho books or Huera in the lieistrr'B oíiice havc become.wnumcrousiind voluminou that Ion? time is uc-ces'inrily leguired even to niiikc.ihíisty and unidUblo seareh. VVith ourfíicilitie we Miy t( Üic pubüc that we cun show them title nnd Tille Hútory, m.ike Deed, Mortier, Assif?nments, Díschures, &c, ho c;rrectly, quicker ud in better atylo Ihsn any other oífice in the County. We lirtvc MONE7 TO LOAN ! On Bonil nnd MortgKga en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Soldorexchnnfjed. HOUSKR TO RENT. S3 ncres npposite the übaervutory fot aate in 1o:b toauít purBB-tl. ROOT & LEITER, Renl Estáte Agents, No. 1. Grejory Block, Tract W. RoTt, nud opposite the'Tuftoffice. CnKi.ES A. tfiíTíS! Ulntf Tiie Cheapeat and Uost Firc Dopartinent in the World. Over One Thousand Actual Fireí Put Out WITH IT, AÍÍ1J MOItK THAN 10,000,000.00 Worth of Propcrt tíuved ï'rom the Flamea. THE - - E A BC O C ff FIEE IxtinguisheE AT.SO. THK Babcock Self-ActingFire Engine, For llill, City, Town and Villngt Use. Itls nlwiTrenily to use lnotantly, nnrl Ís more effi-'cilve thn u team rtro auglu, becnuse It s s,xn er bmuicbt '"'" Mtíon i'1"1 throws n powerfnl slrenm ■; M'Otei Lmpregaíted with ciubonic acid gur for any lenili of timu. It dispenses with complex mnchinery ; flro compsiiies, reservoire nmi sucti n hoge. Carbotilc ícul gasis lioth the worklng nd eítlnctul-hlng ssfeTit. No stenin to be rnlsed-no fire tobe kimlled- do hose to belald, no larjje compnny to be mtistc:re(. The time tlms savod la o building satud. It w.ll throiv I or '2 streams nt a time, and one cylinder cnu be re-charged lüle the other Is ttorking. It sívr fioni distrtlCliou l)y water, what the flro has spil'ed ; itsmathers, bvu does not djlu,'e. It is la dally use in Chicago, Clnclhnati, 8t. LoaU, Mobile, Philxdel phia imj othr Cira newrtmeut end fot thtlr record, Good agenta wanted. E. T. BABIVCM, Gen. Aeent, US Woodwnrd Ave, Detroit. Mnnnfactnrer of Iron, Coppef arid Brasa Wlre, rie Olol h, Bolting Cloth, B'.irr Mili Stoiles, Eroom Wire iirtil Twine, Copper Weather Vane, Wiie OonntíJ Railiug, Wire Koucing and Ornamental Wlre Work. UlOyrl . , 1 ■" 1 ■ 1 ■ ' " vrr hite ÍU RE UEkD. LEA D. f WARRANTED 8 IV STRICXLY , f PO BE WHITE" LBAD. VIEILLE MONTAGNE FRENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCttiteTAL PAI.ACE WHITK L.EAD. Permanent Green Fot1 ülinds, &c. WHITE LE At) ! In Colors for Outslde and Inslde l'ainting, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes IB0 -CL4D líl&AL PAIXT Ï Mannfiictured from jmre Iron Ore, fiur superior to made of Clay, Rotten Stonc, Diit, &c. Our l'ure Urand of WHITE LE AD we offer to the public with the positivo MsuranO8 of absolute purity An muvh of the White lá ld as pure is adulteré tod froiü 20 to 90 ppr cent., Consumera will consul their interest by piving us a ca'l. R. V. BEXfil éc CO., DrusTfflats, ANN AltHOl;, MlCH Corner opposite Siivinfs Bank. 1419m6 TEAL ESTÁTE FOE SALE. THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN HDMESTEAD, Ncnr the north cat corner ofthö Court Hou Fqmire. Thls pjoperty wil! bc enld at reasouabl prieta, in lotssuttiibtè for ft repïdence. or for busl 11C8K pnrposes Also lots oii Milier Atetiüc east o Toms'rtifn hnisc. Also :t Farm of 160 Acres, Well wstetfed aml fciicrd, iïiih goort orchfird ac( fair híiiUliiiR. withinumile oí the t'ourt Huneein St. Johns, Michitrun , nndsoveriil hnndred ncree o ptnfl and oak timbercd innds in SajMuaw County Ml'-hï frafl. Inauiie of B. W. CHEEVER.or HITmG C A. CHAPÍN. ■pAlïM FOR SALE! Chcítp if ?old BOOS. Situated in the Towïi of Dex ter, of over VWO HUIVDRKD ACRES Kuown as the LÜlitvridga farm at loríge Tnke. nm anxions to Mil and pivo a pnrson a good hargriïin Aïso block six south of ranpfe six enst, nnd lot foto and lot Ikm in Vlock sevpn, lyinjj northwptprly o trre Wshtcnaw Ilotise ín the Fifth vfard. Calí oïi ín for particuUvH. jJt f vsniTii. Avft ArbOT, Mrch lr Wrs. l7tf


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Michigan Argus