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Hj 89] Hl I O. VW flrst L. COLBY hung hia kíu )1 C. O. D.- At No.'.O, And offered G rocen s chenp for cash, some people su id, " he'i bound to go to smash ' Andold-timo Grocer would íuintly unilt1, rophesyinjr "O. O. U. will litt but tittle while. n Kixty days we'll run hiin otf the truck, And cali our wandering customers buck." 'he cronkers said and thought it triWf He'll aurely Uil b?fore iiiE j'fttt ia 2se# rou cun't sell Uroveriei in fh lírwn iüd get yourpjiy m tirtionbaclts do'fií Vheredry jroods mcrclmntson fcíery street Vith silkh imd sutins, liantí out rhtekena to eat', Vhore trndc i mixed in every plitce, At the samo counter you bu y butter ot lace ; Vhere tredit nnd Iom Lo hand in hnnd Mr. C. O. D. but a sliin chunco will stand' et prophets nnd cronk'-r hnvo their s:ir, L. COLISYslW GHoOKíUKS only fuilíKAD't TAV f And sells ho chtup for ditiljr c:tsh e Ie fe:u-s t:o danser oí' n Biñftsh. i Vnd to his putions all, :nú budines frísods, i 'he greetingof thc aeason he extefiu, Ï ! younfj attd oíd, a íjlad New Ytar, ] iVith hosta of trivnds md lotíi of cheer! ive hira a cftll, nnd f rom his store ; f our t:iblea api'cííd with ood thiiigs more. 4 At thut phico you fill tlwnys tind ?"resh new (roceries ot best qutility and kind - 'verythínif nííidtul for good clieer at lionie fou can buy at hia counU'í' liencver you come, ['he day W so short thii bíttT cohl winter, Pomntion details would woary .bt pvínter. 3ut ask if you choose fnr eatftblt, You get it at once, iu quality unbeiï!tble ?or hunjfry men who nro we.iry and cold, le lias OysteiM iiot, Oysters that niust besold- )ysterB pickled, Oyster stew, and oystei fry, r Oyters any otlicr way you choose to try. le will serve up Oyster at any hour of duy, And the host of ditera to smokt on your vny. A di-sh of hot Oytï will do you much good. And checr you while selling your grain or wood. Atid wíth fnsh in hand luy in a s'ore Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, FLou'r ánd m;my more, Oí all tilines RubstHiitifi] for ditíly use, Nor treuí life'w prood thinfs wi(h abuse i .rockery an.l Glaasware and Früits to pilt in thcm, !íüt, líaiaihs, arld Citmly, tor ohíldren vïio win them. Aríd ye Whü are blcssed witli tlieir beaulifttl faces, Will find [2'J] the beet of all places, 'ïö but a trifle, to bring a suule or ringing latHli Yout pleasure. tlian theirs. will bfl greater by half- Thflfl do not. forK-t to cali on Mr C. O. DM And buy tif him your Fruits, tíugar, and Tea. Thonph Ihp big qq ror.r fall from its place, The C. O. D. V store is still on the race. And doe not intend to tí y from the courae Till croakers of ovil tdlk tlifitíslves hoaise. Groceriea CAN be sold for feauy pny. And C7oX"lo3r has le.uned tho way : Rola fíVe times more th:m he expeced - By G. O. T). from loss protected. And t)ie secret lie is not afruítl te tell - Keep the best of all tliings- rith prices low - bo good naturer!, giVe t:ool mensure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! JJËSiRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE --ron íE -A-. JLj ZH] I The .ubsSribct, on account of UI healthj offjri his 33 ACRES In the eorporntion for sale. Thi "nd najoir. the Univorfit} on the ïnst, oppüaite de ol th itreet. It hus a most eïcclleut 8PEING ! On the northcitst eornei- formerlv supplied tho Eail rond tanks with water. ITS ADVAfWAGES Are as f ollows : For city purpose the Hurón Eivor menndersthe same oiao 30 to 40 lods, and is pait of the best Tater Power On the Rir-r in this vlcinity, nna the elevntion on the northeilst cöfnf t Is iilnciently hijih und ampie to sup pi? the city nect-saities lor water and lire pui-post aTHB WESTERN PORTION On t1)6 iHad is ery approprinte nnd siiilnble for n Public City Cemetery. The city has no such í-ouitdt now but must have saon, Hhd whntever ífiound the City docs not cate to use, chii be stild at an'advantnae o much so, that the coat of thö Witter orks frroundi and I emetery, would be metely nominal, lí tlie citj does not want the samé, ihe grounds would be invaluable lor FRÏÏ1TS, LARGE & SMALL, TheW bing tome loo tree now in beaving Vegetables anfl Pasturage, And also for MILKsupply.BLOODED STOCK, Horses, Sheep, Aml othcr nnlmais always in pieat want hy mnny in the city and its viciuityAs eity lots adioiniiiKthc northwest corner of tliis land nro uovr selling froro thrcê hundred to three hundml nnd üfty dollars, thoüe lands would or could be sold in a short' time to ■ good advantage and to much pruilt to the purchnseis LIBEEAL TIME Wlll be civcn or thfe sme irill be echnn;ed for Me rchantable goofls or Brugs and Mediemos, at cast TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbor.Jan.Sl, 1873. 1411 mm BP - W Thé Wörld la full of TjËf y "_ Children crying for -wFSL Canflied Castor 011. Jtt 3 B It Is (lpllclous,effeetiveiin(t H 1 át gM WÊh liarmicss. Ttie reinüsive ■BljKl JH K taste nnd smell of the Casi tnm UHWp torOHisentirely overromo 't W W VA W lts cathartic pwers aro _ll ]Wf not impaircd. Trice 25 ets. VEEMIFÜÖE B01ÍB0NS re elepant and efTcctlve. Thoy resemblo Cream Bonbons kept iiï confectionrs' shops. Chiklren lovö Uiem and cry for Uiew. frico 35 cents per box. A P TTT1 HOFMANN'S AvjUUl.Hop Pilis These Pilis (lo not contam Quinine or Minerals. They are susar-coatcd. lrice, &Q tts. per Jiox. JJr. McMann, (iardner, JU., says: "I have taken them myself and given them to my wife and children. Thcy havo curcd them and niany othcra wlio haveuscd them." They are made to euro Feter and Aguo at once. Dumb Apuc and Apue Ferera are curcd speedily. Thoy are simple, liarmless, and Always relfaT)le. Irirectious lu four languagea acGompacy them. 1 R. IV. ELL1S & CO., are the AgentB. 1420yl T IVE OSESE FEATHüRS PIBSTQUALIT'r, Sonft Ifdnbaúd aüdforsaleby _mmi BACHSf ABEL,


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Michigan Argus