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T.'Xt Gut liUtitratos tha manner c Toaataia Nasal Injccíor. DOli f ; ) TbiamatiumrntiaoBpocially dcnignod for tho perfect oppik ution uf DR. SAGE'S CATARRH RCMEDY. IttB tí)O oniy forra of i:i?ttrn:nriit Tnt invrntoil Tflffl uïtft'h fliíui hirlir::v f ,.! ho Caltl&d Afft wp r.Tul nerfèclly apptied i R'.lpiTta of fche iuccttd ;ca, mui tliocu.:tnbeior cvitl BCfin u:ng tÏMïïtift ith, in wkïfh tfores a J ulcera ixeijuontly cxisk, (uiu frra wJvïcïi tno cutairnal , [.i(n-r,ci.rt. Xbo want ot' accrrss in ;-■ ' -J -r; cntarrh lierotoioro hal arisen . intia tleintiiibtj:kty 6f ftpplyiug rowioótea bo tlu'se CikvuiriS aiul roniffni-ra bv uny of i'ao oniljrary mefclruúa. OH nobttaek) lu the v:iy o rili n iijtj ciitce i eTitir ly ovi rcoriio by tho invrjii-i-n oí'iiio Powlio. In usiug thia urntruluftnt, t:.-.i í uid ia wried ty i ts oa welght (no fon - 't pirrp'nj tclftg rcuired,) up cue nonU'u In a Tu.ll ieilj fidwiüu fttreain to tho highpat portion et Ui vaaal yasJHigta, postea iuio ftud tboiuiil ty cleans1 rd the tubes autl Ominljt'js óouiiccuju thcrewith, and Ionvi rut of 'he cppot!e ntreirii. It vmo ia pleaaiit aml eo simple tliat ti chil'l enn Ofnlrtal it. Kuil cïjI vxpïtflt.ett rtlor ncrorapnny eachiBstmiBi-iit. Vhen afcd nritli thia n rrsinfiit, Dr. 6age' Ctanh 1:,-!.k.'v f reooiit attacks of 'tuJd t-i i;e i.. '! ■ by wfow BjipKeatkms. i oí ; la ífc. Ftwiueñt befldirpfo iill; ift"i fUroat, somtlm8 ■ . fi-ütcrv, i. ík tmiCBS, purultiit, otit'iiLj o fcr dryuvffl, ury, watery, veak - .: , i - .-;■; piují Op or oii.tiuftion of .- - - t v. i ■■■.-■:;;■ :;i r.-, tt rifactA, hawkinfí . ■ -- .r thrdfit, ulferations, stabs frum '. -.ifTi il, n.i5-tl CwaDj oií'ensive L-rt'#;h ] . ,■-;■'■. or total depriration of Stinse oL f'iucU unA ', .- ■, ()tjríimsa,?tit'ittal ("Sfpfcssinn, Ir s oí'5th' tt ii.'i'i" - ,.!■!), rí.l;ii u'r'i tonails, tickln g cooa, .t.-. Clulyalww t)t' tE&ae Byiuptotoa are i., .y T... !,-■ - í.1 íU r;:iv casrt at c.o tuno. . : -ap.-'a ftír.i'ile Itinedy, whon used i-, IJSeri% Nt.iírI í uulic, afld accom: v.'Síh iin cgiifititutional treatnieci wliicH -5s rOoomKiíntí ! lu ihfi pait'phlptthat wrapa cach l.otiiö oí i tu í;- ntt-cy, is&BfcttbrtapPCifict'orthia loaihíí)ii!H Uitei:twrt, tU ;ji(i;rit:toi' c-iïers, m 1 útil, $líJOO -"n. fiir caeö lie canBefe core. '1 ;(í i.'frat'.íly is uiUd and pienaiiiit to ■Alí no Mrnug or car.ütic drugs or puisona. XhöCataiTÏi ïiuaiedy ia aold at 30 oau4a. . . by nU l-rugncUta. oreither vriUbúiüiúlftl'.y pií'piú'toroiM'LceiptoftiOctiiita . tt. V. l?UCf?CE, M. Ö., Si1o l'ropríetor, ljmffUlfiÍTTtkv IVo Pei'flon cnn talie tlxesc Bitters aceordlng to tliroctlona, and romaln long uinveli, provliled' tlieir bonea are not destroyed "' mineral poison or otiiLT means, and vital orans wastcd bevond ttio point of repair. BysiK'psiti or Iiirti'rsiion. Headache, rain in Slioalilers, Couglis, 'tightuess of the Chest;. tfss, s-.iur Bructations of tiie Stomach, Had Tasto in llic Moath, Bilious Attacks, Palpltatlon of tlie lliv.rt. Innammation f i'nc l.ungs. Pain in the ivirion of tlic K[ iücvs, n ni I a hanrircri othcr 'paiufnl i.toms, re tliojëff-springs ol' Dyapepsia. Onebottlówill prove a 6etter sruaranteo of its mcrita than a lengthy ailvertlsement. For Female tOnipliiinte, In yoiinï or old, marricd or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of lil'e, ttieso Tonic Bitters display ro ííL'cl(Fcd an iiHlueuco tliat Uuproveuteut ia sooa perceptible. Por Iiillnmtnatory nnd C'lii-onic Rliftil mntlitn and Gout, Biltoua, Remlttent and Intermjiteut Fevers, Diseases of tlie Blood, Uver, Kidncys and Bladder, tlieso Bitters havo no eqmü. Sucli Uiscases are caused by Vitiated lïlood. '.T-lliy are a preiltlc Purntivc as wel! as a Toiíic, i" lie merlt of actiiu powerful agent in relieying Congestión or Inilammatlon of ilie Livcr aud Visceral Organs, and in lültous Diseasea. For SUin Oiseascs, F.mptions. Tottor, Sa!tRhenm, Bloi . Pimples. Pastóles, lioüs, eaitrttncto, Rlng-worms, Scald-IIeail, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Iteh, Senrf Btscolorattons of Ui Skla Iltiraors and Disoases of tlio Skin of whaCfeVer Qamd or nature, are Uterally dng up and carrted ont of tlie sj3tem iii a short time by tlie ase oí tnese Bitters. Grnteful Thousanflq proolaim VlNEOAR ISitTr:r. Tlie most wonderful Inviorant tliat ever sustained tlie staking system. K. H. .Yïr.DO'V'AL.D & CO. Drupgists and Gen. ALs., San Francisco, Cal., & cor. of Washington and' Charlton Sts., N.Y. 80LD BY ALL DRüOUIirS & DEA1.ER3. B0OK3, ■ - - - NEW BOOK STORE NE Alt TfIE EXPRESS OFFICE." MIOK TO ÏOUIf i ! rí.tekest a:í cmjl, __ L ; jg B. GIULEÏr Sncoessor to COLGiiOVE 4 SON. i '■ - - wmm ai CB1T cook's NE w noT;:t,, No. 12 E HURÓN STEEET, DEALER IN PIRE WIÍE8 AS i.ï(lCRS, tFGR MEDICAL PUIirOSES ÖNLYO Faney Gootls-, Pertninery, PAIXTS, OII.S, VAK5ÍISHES, GÏ.ASS A1 PÏTTÏ, PÜYMCIAXS' P8ESCBI?? Carefally compomulert at;Ul haar a , I PBOPO-E NOT TO BE UWDEHSOID BY ANY FiaM 1 THE CITY WHOFURNISH 8 GCODS AN ARTICLE. E. 13. I3LKY. insTtf A GENTS WANTED FOR 3O0K NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! .Tbc best biftks pnblished on tlic lïorsc NncTthe Cow. Liborfl] ternif fnoney maderapULiy Ijy Ageats gelilng tht'He bookB. 8en& f ar cirew Jars, roRiKafcCOATKS(l'uuntíiij:ii8:rhíiade]phía)P;i


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