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TEN REASONS WHY No Famiiy shöiiht Ie WftJióut d toïile of W1ÍITTLESEY in ihe house, Ist- Jtwill rcli-ve the -worst ense of BlÜOUf Cholioor Cholera Morbusiuis minute 2 cJ . - J l wïll cure the must obstinate case % Dyspepala and indigestión '■ a fen ■werk;. 3d. - It s the best remedy Ín tlic world PÍ Sick Hoadache íis thouanJs can tcstify.4 taken wheii the fiist symjitoms itppcar. 4th. - k is the best diuretic ever pfit bcforf the public; turing thosc distressing cmiiplaints,Diabetes and Gravel and other Urinary d i fTi c u 1 1 1 e s ■ 5th - It is a most excellent F m m n a - notïue, and to the Younn GlrlS middlc ajedWpmenyindat the Turn Of Llfthir remedy ís of ihcaïeiiJablc' valué. 6 t h . - It will remove wind from the bowelv and henee a few drops in soine sweetened Hateí given to a balie is better than a dozen cordials td Uoliove and make it leep. Containing no ano dyne. 7th. - It is a sure relief for adults nnd chil'iren nfTected with Worms and Pin Wormi lt will bring away the Worms. 8th. - Itwill cure the Piles and HertiOI-" rhod al diificultics. 9th - It wiil cure CörtstlpatlOn and keep' the bowcls regLilar. ït wil! nlso cun: the worst case" ofSummerComplalnt and DyaenterylOth- - It will cure Eour fitomach, fitimulate tho Llver to hcalthy actiun. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the syst'em. Wlien taken ifiluie the doee with iïugor and Water toa Win e-Clasa full and you have a pie a sant ton o. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) Jfíi.oo per bottle. Whittlesey Ane Cure 50c. per bottle. - Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Sold by all druggistraad warrarvted. WhittlesDy Prop. Med. Toledo, OV 2=== "" HATTER í tï'AS SSCEiVfiö'ÏIïS pau 1 wm stocr CF Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIES' FURS, (StüTS' FIRSISBiSG COODS, ETC., wnicii üe propost:s to seu, at prices WUÍCII ILFY Co.MI'KTITION. VSoutli JVÍain St., Aun Áríior WISHART'Sm JÏNE TREE NATUEES GBEA.T REMKÖY FOB TH 3 TI1KOAT AJVI LINGS. Il A g-ftftffyiftg io t ffl Nfnrm tho pTtbTrc thnt Dr L "Q. C. M'Miart's Pine íiee1 TarToncSil, for l'íiroat renñ Luiiff Diseana's, ha galifed nn envinble reputatlon íiom i'i? Atlantic lo the facifie cöast, and frofn" thenco to sorac oíthofirst fuitílíes of EiiTírp, liAÏ'1 t rougli thc ])reps alone, btit by persons thronghout the States actually benefited and cured at his ofl&e. "Wlule hepqbliehes less, so -Bny onr reporBfcr, ñeí ifüablfe tb Püpipiy thedemand. 5t gniíwancl holds its rppnttttion- ; First. Nottiy fttbpp&Qg.aoBgh, but by loosening airi assisiin maturo to throw off the mihealthy m.itter collécted ab -tft'the throatandbrooictñel tabes whick cau ■'; irritatioh. SecoiKl. I've-n.o'-'Pt; íhO'C.iasop of ïrï'ïfation" (whích proel iföea conh) of tho mucoiis merabrane ar.d broncïi'iii tubop, assists tho lnne to íiet and thmwoff thc nnheftlthy socrotiona, mil pt] rifles tbc bluod. Third. Itisfieo fn ia quilfe, lobcUí 9Vearnd o])inm, ol vphich most throat and luug romedicfl nre coiíipjscd, wblcb aliay eough only, and disirganize tho stomnch. It has a Boothing tíTect ou the storaaífts a-ctr oh tho IívciíuhI kidneys, and lym ])ftthi" atfd ifcrvtwi vct'ous, ilms reachleg to every pnrt of thc eystem, and iu ita invi;oratlug and purIfylng effeets it has galned a repntattón which it' must hold above all others ín thc Liarkct. NOTICE. THE PINE TRÍE TAR CORDIAL, GBEAT DISPEPSIA PILIJS. A IV D WORM SUGAR DROPS Bein nndor tny immediaato iroction, they shal i;rfttoso thcir curntive qualitics by tbe use of chcap and impnre artíí les, IIENSY II. WISHART, rrjo s bi ktor. FRÍE if SHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wlahart'a O.Tice Parí ora nrc opon on Momlays, Tucsd.-iys " WcJnos'Jays from 0 A. M to .5 P, M., for connultatíon by Tír. Wm.T. Magec. w ith hlm are awpeíatecl tw con?altí physlclsiM ef acfcnowledged abllity. ThU?pportnnltj is not oíTered by :my otblT ustitution iu iht city. All letters must be uddrcssccl to L. WISHAKT, M. Dv No. 232 N. Scconcl St., PHÏLADELPHIA. liotai


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