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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. lT COL.E, Dealer in ÖöaU Office withFELCn i 1 . & GnANT, over ilawson & Sons' Store, Cr., fourth and HnroD St. EltASTlT.S TIIATCH12HU Attdrney and Counselor at Law, No. 5 Kuát Hiirüh Street, Ana Arbor, Mich. 1386 Mr. FASCllTEIiliE 9t. i Office over k. A. rrr7 More Roaidence Woshingtou Btreet, four doors cast of State. lOTSyi A1ív Annn hiixerAl síhiís. Morris ftrile, K. 1)., Superintondent. Office la baüdinc, coruer Munn and Vest Hurou Streeta. WIXES & WORDE9I, 20 outh Main streel, Ann Ar jor, Mlch-, Vliült'saIe and retail dealfersiu Dry tíoods, Carpeta and Groceriee. 135UF MACK & SCIiniD, Dealers In Dry Gooila, liroceries, Orockery, Ac. No. 54 South Maiu fctrt. WM. JÁCKSOI, Dentist.silccessortoC. B. Pörter. Ofllce corner Maiu and Huron atreete, Over the store of R. W. BUia & Co", Ann ArBor, Itich' nestheticsadmiiiistered if reqaired. EJ, JOHNSON Dealor in Hats and Cap, íurs. Straw fioods. Gents' Purnishing Goods, te. No 7 South Main .-tïéét, Ann Arbof.üich. eUTIIEHLAND 4: WHEDOÍI, Lire and Ö Firelnsuraiice Asrents. and dealers. u Keal Eitate. Jfflceon Hurou Street. BACH t ABEL, Dealers n Dry Goods. Groceries, c c.,No.8 South Main treet.Ann Krbor. SLAWSON Sc SOW, Grocers, Provisión and Oomoiiaslon Merchante, and dealers in Wnter time. Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris. No. 10 East Huron street. ti SOXDJIEIM, Wliolesn'.e and RetailDenler 5 in U'jmly Mailo ülothlnff, cloths, Cassimeres, VutiDïS.andGent's Furnlshing Goods. No.9South Mam Street. WW. WAftÑElt) Dealer !u rt 'adV MHdeCloMl11?. 'lotbs. Ciiasiinercs, Vestinss, Hats. Caps, [ranks.Oarpet Hags, &c. 21 South Main street. piILTIOItE A; nSKC, Éooksellers nnd StaX tiouen Mddlcal Law and College Text Books, Sctool :ii!d Miscci'uinsous Books. No. 3 North Main ítreet, Gregory Block, Ann Arbrtl'. juaTr w. cheevek, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Öfflie withE.W. Morgan, EaBtsïde of Court House Sqmre. 1331 TrTsCHAEBËÜLË, Teacher "f Mnsic Q'ee inetrucUoh ón tBe "PIANO, V10LIN AND GÜITAR, itliiB office, No. 57 Soiith Mn'n etrep.t, (MoOre'B building), at tile res'.doace of Ihe püpü. PIANO TUNING, tade a pecialily and satlsfaction guáranteBfl; 1324yl pEOCKÈRY GLASSWARÉ & ÖROCKRIËS, J. & ï- Donnelly ÖivnirUtnre alargestockof Crocker}, dtafsware, Pluted Wafe.Clitlery Orocehe, &t., ie. all tobe fcoldat uuHSially Inw prices. No. 12 EastHüron Street, Ann Arbor. 11281Í J. A: r. BOSfNELtY. TOHN G. GALL, DEALEB I1T FRESS AND SALT MEATS, LtRD, SAtSAGES, Etfc.. Ordcr?olicitert nnd pffmptly fllled with thebest ttiats in the irtafket. 31 Sast Washington street Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1589. 13B6tf NAEKSËY, Ci Manulacturer at VBW. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANDSLEIUUS, t 'Ie, martrr tt'e best toiterial, and Vi i ■ I Etepalril ! d oMpty and pricee te '.'utroit ttreet, uear II, R Deput, Ann Arüor, ;iilch. 1384yl. TjR. C. A. LBITEK CONTIÑÜS3 TO PÜT OP A1ÍD PILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all hoüra, at Ko. 1 Ótegdry Ölocfc. C. A.LÊITER & CO. Ann Arbor, Deo. 22dl871. 1354 JQR.Ü. B. POUTKR, DE1STTIST. Office in the Savinga Bank Block, Ann Aiboh „i All Operations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. ONSURPASSED PAClLlTIËS AWD BXPBRÍHNCE mmi ARTÏF1CIAL TÊETH, TO G[VË ñACti ifíDlVíntíAL; Öefiturei of the proper site, kapt, olorJrmneBË and natural expre$sion. 1244 HURRY UP ! PAUTIKS wishing Wnll Paper, Fhadee Hollands, Window Fixtures, Co'd?, Tasaels, &o , all ew Stvle. at tjatisfactorj, b} J. I. Webster de Ca.j Book Store, ncar the Expiess Olüco. W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! t)eals in both FINE CÜT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Smiff, !Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET, Next to the Express Office ann a ie urn:. .ïrini.1345tf JTOÜSE FOK SALE! Th? residence of the subscriber on Tïortb. streefc. PcmeMiou -jiven immetliateljr. Ale, the beautiful BuiWina; site on the hill just enst oi Col. örant'8 98ifeníTñ. Terma very easy. A goud bargain oan be made. Inquireof Zina P. Kino. M. C. TYLER. tnn Arbor, Jaa. 23, 1873. H10


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