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"sectarianism" In The University

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On the lhít business day of the session, Mr. DeLmnl, chaimian of the Seuate Committee of Investigation into thocharacter of tho teachings at the State University, in respect to the quostion of sectarianism in mattor9 of Bcionco and religión, Bubmitted a report upon the conclusions reached by the committee. This report, Vhieh is, in sonie rtpects at lenst, of a deservedly complimentary nature to the XTniversity, is a t'ollows : "The spucisl coinraittee appointed by the Sonata to inquire into the sentarían character of the University of Michigan and the teachings of the medical department of thn saine, respectf ully report that thoy havo performed the duty assigned thein - have visiied the University, investigated itj condition, teaehinga and inbuences, and exumined the leading meinvers of its faculty and others relating to he ïr.atters referred. Tho pressure of otber business will prevent a, detailed or extended report, and we are of opinión there is nothing to cali for anything more thiin a brief subraission of the facts. ' We are unanimously of the opinión that the general charge of 6ectarianism is a mistaken one. The toachings of the University are those of a liberal and enlightened Cliristianity, in the general, highest, and best use of the terui. This ia not, in our opinión, sectarian. If it ís, we would not havoitbanged. A school, a society, or a nation devoid of Chrwtianity is not a pleasant spectacle to contémplate. Wo cannot believe the peopla of Michigan would denude their great UuiTersity of its fair. liberal and honorable Christian oharaeter, as it exists to-day. " The teachings of tho literary and law dèpnrtments. and tho personal character of the several professors, so far as wo can lèstrnj aro unexccptionable in allrespects. "As to tho medical department, the coramitteo oan simply gay, it teaches what is known as tho ' old school' or 'regular' practico, commouly denominated as 'allopathy.' In view of the laws inteudédito regúlate aad reform, thig I I " pirfuicnt, passetl by the present Legigj latín-, w" leavti this subject without turthr comuient. " Tha oonimittee talte ploasure in sayiiig t'iflt tlioy wpi'o coriially greet.eil, COUrteouily troa!,od, aml cheerfully nided in inaking thp investigationa by "all the otfioers, professors nnd studunta of the University; also, by tho memburs oi' tbe Boni-d of Kcgents, with a singlo exeoption. " Wo submit horewith the testimony takfin, and other docimonts legitiamtoly hearing upon the subject tnattorj recomniend that samo be printed, and tisk to be disoharged frora the further considerntion of tho subject."


Old News
Michigan Argus