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Constitution Revision

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in JN ew ï ork the present State Constitution bas been revisod by a Commission, and tho revisión, or suclj portion of it as is deeuied advisable, will'be submitted by the Lsgislature to the people for their approval or A Constitutiomil Convantiou, eleoted by the people of Permsylvauia, is now ritting in Philadelphia, und is doing good work looking to the amendment of the organ ie law ia many partioulars, especially in thopp provisions wliieh havo refonmee to the elective franchise - -a feature ia which experienea provcs reform is most needed. Ohio rcoently eleoted a Constitutiona-1 Conventiou, which will soon assemble, %nd at whose hands the Constitution of the State will bo pulled to piecos, what3ver is good retained, and whatever is difterent or nndoubtedly bad either iruproved or stricken out entirely. At least, this is what it should do. Whether it will or iiot can only be told when its work is coinplcted. New Jersey is to tiave a Constitutional Couimission, the merabers of which will be appointed by the Goveruor, by and with the advico and consent of the Senate. Michigan, too, is ;o have a similar body, oomposed of oighteen rueinbers - two í'roru each Chgressional district. Ia this State tho apointment rests solely with the Governor, tnd is a most weighty responsibility. As ;he Connecticut Legislatura is Democrato, it is more thau probablo tliat ures win 00 tanen at lts next session to eeure the revisión of the Stite Constituiou, iii ordur, more particulirly, that tho jrosent glaring irregularitiei in ropresenutiou in tho Legislature uiay bo remedd. The work of the various Commissiónsnd Conventions which will soon bo in ession, and the manner in which it will o reoeivoid by the people of tho several States interested, will afford a fino opiortunity of tosting the relativo merits ot tne two systems. Any general revison at this timo in Michigan could only }O accomplished by ineans of a Commison as a coustitutional Couvention could ot be called save by a voto of the people n favor thoreof. The work of a Convenion, however, would be submitted direct o the peoplo, whereas that of a Commison is first subject to review by the Legslaturo, and can be either acccpted or reected, in whole or in part, by that body. 'ho opinión is fitst gaining grouud that oinmisgions are much bet tur adapted to the work of revising Constitutions than comparatively unwioldy Conventions. It is to be liopod that the Miclugan Oom-, imssion will ocmsist of mijn of broaciand ctNflpfehetisife Ties,. , wbo un'derstand the needs and íeijüircfiiejits of the State, and that, whi.lo thoy, propose such changes aa aro Jemanded by popular sentiment and the growth of the State, thoy will propose nono simply for the sake of change. State pride should be taken in this matter, and it should bo the aira of the Governor and the uommissioners appointed to secure for Michigan a Constitution Inferior to that of no State


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