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Detroit Live Stock Market

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Michioas Central Yabds, Monday, April 28. The receipts at these yards trom the various points iu the State for the past week, and also the tu-o previoua three weeks of the month, and months of the year, were as follows : Week ending April 7, 370 833 1 353 Week ending April H, 140 224 1 515 Week emlmg April 21, S05 735 1,009 Week ending April 28, 2G9 922 1 ,210 Total, 1,084 2,;i9 5,087 Month ol' Junu'iry, 1,915 10,026 13,771 Month of February, 1,798 5,905 11332 Mouth of March, 1,238 3,052 6,671 Qrund total, 6,035 22,302 36 801 Through eattle shipped East, 831 head, against 1,G82 of the previous week ; hogs received, 635 head, of which two-thirds wore retained here by packers and the balance shipped East. CATTLÜ A very close leolins prevailed at the market yesterday, compelling drovors to seli to home buyers at a close figure. There was a total absence ot prominent operators who buy for Eastorn markets, and this fact alone had a depressing effect on the tone of the market. The local tzade was not represeuted, oiving to the continued impassability of the roads. The quality presonted to buyers was quite fair, some very fine stockers and young bteers, partly broken for the yoke, being in the lots. The demand was confined to choioe heads for immediate conversión into beeí, aud tliis class alone brought maximum rates. It was thought that the light shipments to Bastera markets via the Michigan Centra) Eailroud would stimulate prices to a higher figure, but it seenis there is a great rush via the Grand Trunk Railway ; several large trains of stock have gone through on that road to Boston and other seaboard points durirrg the past week. It is noticed that this market is subject to the demanda of thoso in the East, the home demand being insufficicnt to exhaust the supply, and drovers having lots unsold must seek such channels for their final disposition. This was in a great measure the case in the market tions of yesterday and to-day. Sellers realizad almost the same pnces as in the quotations of last n-eek, whioh we givo below. Chuice to extrn, averngíng 1,000 to 1,200 lbp., in good ilesh and build 5 25@6 25 Oomraon to chinee, aVeragiiíg 1,000 to 1,200 tt)S , In medium flesh und build... . 4 2.1(95 75 Lipht cattle for feeders , 4 50@5 35 H0G8. The arrivals were more liberal, though tho lots in pens were very light store hogs. The tninsactions of the day exhibited no material change in the prices, the domand eiceeding the supply. Clioicc lots suitablo for packing are obtained from remote sections of the State, which were kept on hand from the time of the depreciation of prices in december last. Packers are actively engaged in securing choice lots. "We quota : Lots avcrnging 150 to 200 lbs. nice shape nnd f-ood lor store . ... $5 10.5 25 Lots fiverugiug 100 to 150 Iba. guitable for pacJtcrü, $4 2J@4 50 SIIEEP. Few Iota were in the yard?, and thoso brought in because of their contiguity to railroad nication. It would bö impossible to drive shcep on tho by-roads throughout the country, and thia fact emboldcns many to venture on the market who are not compelled to do so, and it also has a tenilency to ad vanee pnces a trlfle, through a scarcity of fat sheep. Operators sGemed to bo anxious to secure what lots veere We quote : Lots rtyeraginfi SO to 90 lbs, choice grades and in excellent condition $5 50@Ö 50 Lota iivernning 80 to 90 lbs, medium grailps und order 4 ñ0(&5 25


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