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Local Brevities

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Times tight. Money scarce. - Business is dull. Spring very backward. These complíiints are general. - Money wanii at the, AECJC9 office. - Not very many May flowers to be seen. - Oíd Probabilities is decideslly fickle-minded. _ Yesterday afternoon : indications of a snow storm. - Look out for next weok's AsotJS : íllustrat' ed edition. - Farmers report their mows and stacks of hay nearly exhausted. - The Circuit Court adjoumed sine die on Saturday afternoon last. - Dr. Eominoeb has returned from his visit to his oíd home in Germany. - Order your Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, and Statements at the Aboüs office. - Nebraska Potatoes I " them's what " out city grocers peddle out to customers. - The Saline Review has a religious department conducted by Eev. Bexj. Pabsons. - Signs indícate that the old fence around the Court House Square is to be put in repair. - Messrs. Evebts & Stewaet are meeting excellent success in canvassing for the County Atlas. - Coming: the Great Eastern Menagerie and Circus. Time- May the 15th. Premonitory of stmimer. - Capt. Fee, of the Adrián Times, and Post■master elect" of that city, gave us a cali a day ■or two ago. - The "Queenof the May" soured on her Tould-be aamiring and loving suhjects That's all. - A special meeting of the Ladies' Library Association is called to be held on Monday next, at 3 o'clock P. K. - April repented ker sad trieke and gave us a few lovely days just at the last. But May, we 'have nothing to say. - The men who advertise (in "the Anous) are the men who have goods to sell and will give their customere good bargains. - The Register reprats a yeung girl ialljng into Allen's Creek a few days ago, and teiug rescued by an older companioii. - The Manchester ErJerprtee ís the official organ of that village; and S-40 a year is the fixed renrmeration ior Corporation advertising. - Severa! Aun Arbor merchants have flaming tisemants in the Derter ieaêer whose names even can't he foiiüS in the Aequs. - Eev. C. H. BsiOHATt, f this city, has been appointed a member of the State Board of Health, for the four years ten. A good selection. - The Begister is assignmg ntflid sl learned reasons why capital punishment should "be abolished ; and, lo ! it has been a'bolished rn this State these many years. - Prof. Watgon has receivefl -a letter of thanks from the King of Denmark, for naming a new astproid af ter the Princess Thyra-: ot so the New York World says. - Senator Childs votefl for tho Troman suffrage constitutional amendment, to the grcat joy of the Ypsilauti Commercial. ' " Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw." - L. B. Buchoz, of this city met with a serious accident on Tuesday afternoon, falling and breaking his left collar bone very lose to the Bhoulder. He is reported as doing wlL - Gov. Felch and daughter arrived home from Texas on Tuesday evening. The GoTeraor, we are pleased to say, is looking in better heaMi tlian when he left home early in the last winter. - 'S ow is just the time to get your Bill-Heads, Cards, Circulars, Letter-Heads, Statements, etc, priuted, and the Arous office is the place. Good stock, good work, and low prices. Give us yoar : orders. - Members of the old " Ann Arbor Base Ball ■Club," under tho organization of 186G or 1867, are requested to meet at the Zouave Armory, this (Friday) erening, .at 7 H o'clock, as important business will betransacted. - Ma), lt. J. BfEïty, of this city, has been ap_ pointed Deputy Collector of Intcrnnl Revenue for four counties, Washtenaw, Jackson, Ingham and Eaton; and Thss. F. Hill, also of this city] íauger for this Revenue flistrïct - eight counties. - The time to " grease & wagon" i when the tailes are dry and harth and masic ís " ground out" at every turn of the wheel : the tkne to rertise is wlien business is dull, customeTS shy and sales few and far "between. Who'll take the tint? - The Ypsilanti Commercial eridently looks for the early death of Mayor Ssydek of fhat city. This is how it preáicts it : " It is our helief that the dram shops in fhis city will Jie c'.osed in ninety days ox "VVatson Snyder's wife is a widow.'' - If yon propose to go to Central, Southern or Western Kansas "buy your tickets at the Anous ftice ; and if you wish to purchase Kansas lands cali and get a full descriptive circulad of the lands of the A. T. & É. ï ïtailroad lands, the best in the State. - Is theré a provisión in the city charter uuder whicn an apprópriatiori can be made to pay for pasturing the cows which, not satisfied with tiie freedom of the streets, rnnke öaily and nightly raids on dooryards and gardeiis f If not snch a charter is not worth á red. - An accidentally detached stove )ipe and an escape of coal gas carne very ncar proving fatal to Gertrude, -daughter of J. J. Robison, on Wednesday night, and a coúsin who roomed "with her. As we went to press yesterday p. M. hoth of the young ladies had so far recovered as to be considered out of danger.

On Saturday afternoon last, at about 5 o'clock' Charles E. Handy, a young lad between 14 and 15 years old, son of Isaac C. Handy, of this city, was drowned in the pond at a point a few rods above the ice house. In company with George Carrington, a boy a little older, he had been boating on the pond, in a boat some nine feet long, one-and-a-half wide, and made of inch boards. The boys took turns as the boat would carry but one. In turning the boat it capsized, and being unable to swim Charlie called for help in vain and finally exhausted sunk to his watery grave. His playmate tried to go to his rescue, but was unable to give aid. Alarm was immediately given, but the body was not recovered until a little after 11 o'clock A. M. of Sunday, when it was found very near the place where he went down in about fifteen feet of water. The funeral was largely attended on Monday afternoon; the Grammar School being dismissed for the occasion, and the pall-bearers being selected from his class-mates, by whom he was greatly beloved. His teachers and all who knew him speak of him as a gentle, good-tempered, obedient, trusty boy, and the father and family have the sympathies of a Iarge circle of friends.

- The lesson of this accident should be heeded by a large number of the young boys' of thia city. . A capital job ia being done on Hurón and Mlin streets by scrapíng off the accumulatod dirt, mud and manure of year, to the depth of everal nches, loweíing the street to a botter grade, and furnishing a better and hardei bottom. With new, broader and shallow gutters,' ' and a little gravel to level and round up the road-bed the streets named will be put in good oudition. Nature has established grades for nearly all the streeU of our city, and with a little common sense in working them they may alwaya be number one. Water courses should not run up hül or Btreetá be piled up above adJoininglotB.