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The Circuit Court--may Term Jurors

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The following is the list of Pctit Jurors draw for the May term of tho Circuit Court, and or dercd summoned to appear on Tuesday, Ma 27th, tho second day of the term : James B. Arms, Scio Chas. Bassett, Ypsilanti City James H. Begole, RttsBeld. Wells Burt, Tpsilanti Citj Albert Case, Manchester Arthur W. Chapman, Sylvan Orman Clark. Lyndon Samuel E. Cooper, Sylvan Eoscoe P. Copeland, Scl Alonzo M. Doty, Ann Arbor City John B. Dow, Ann Arbor City Isaac I)unn, Ann Arbor City Moransa S. Every, Bridgewnter Edward Graf, Ann Arbor City Ernst G. Haarer, Freedom Hiram M. Lazell, Bridgewater Jefferson Lemm, Sharon James Morgan, Plttsfield Andrew J. Murray, Superior James Olcott, "Webster Hiram Pierco, Sylvan Joseph Hogers, Ann Arbor City Natlian Salyer, Nortliuuid Jas. M. Seeley, Ypsilanti City Elnathan Skidmore, Lyndon Chas. Thayer, Ann Arbor City Loyal Tower, Lodi. E-üvard Treadwoll, Scia. Henry Uphaas, FreedomJus. M. Willcoxson, Ann Arbor City. One day last week a eauvasser for a printing and stationery establishment locatod in a city which 8hall bo nameless made a raid on our eity and took a long list of orders from merchants and others for letter and note-heads at priccs abovo what they could have been duplicated in our office, and we should have given botter work and stock. The bait was a patent holder, to be paid for of course, and ahvays to bo iu the way. Men ordered who probably never saw the nside of one of the city printing offices, and who would havo given a local canvasser a shoit nnd decisivo NO. And this is tho Way home enterpriae is encouraged. - In this connection we suggest to wholesale !3troit houses to send canvassers here immediately. Let them perambulate the city, take an order in this house for a pound of tea, in the next for tvvo pounds of callee, in the one bevond hat for pepper, saleratus, soap, etc, and then br sheeting, cambrics, knivcs, scissors, needies, ins, tapes, and endless and nameless notions. 'hey can then retiro to the depot or some other. place of deposit, weigh and nteasure and start on their delivery round. The citizens suppiied might not make a cent of profit ; but thoy would think they did which would answer the same purpose. Besides, it might encourage our business men - -whether dealera in dry-goods, groceries, hardware or furniture, lawyers or bankers - and make both trade and manufacturing lively. The "Bureau of American and Puropean Correspomlence," claiming to have a local habitat ion in New York, offers the AKOü?a weekly letter Jree, conditioned on granting the agency certain privileges. The " sample " letter is toothsonie ■being a compound oí' scandal, a libel suit (puff for a Ufe insurance company), and the spring fashions. To give our readers a touch of its qualiiy we quote a single sentence vctbátun : uOny one wittiess was heard at the meeting, ne JMcC uïlock a broker in unrectified ho's greaae, and his evidence nearly established the iact, Umi he considered himself bcttflr to be a shilling luminary in the insurance wourld than to drag out a miserable existance examinirfg the entráis of diseased swine, with a view to ascertain the anioiiBt of oleganious matter to be drVided there froDO." Not even the names of the two prominent oorrespondents ajad authors attached to the circular accompanytag the letter can niake such stuff pass muster, though coupled with the guárante tbat the writexs control the advertising patronage of leading firms. There is a fraud in the signature or a miserable, ignorant penny-a-liner has Teen employed as correspondent or copyist. The Êsllüwisg conversation is rcportod as having aotually taken place in one oL the Ward Schools Of thiö city a áew days since : Teetchar who fead boen readiiig the daily chapter).- Who wrote the Bible ? First Scholar (prompüy, cc-ufidently, and with niuch earnestness). - Chase. Sectuid Scholar (equally prompt and confident). - No, it's Mr. Beii, now. The feelings of the teacher can be bet(,er imagined than de.scribed. - It is suggested that ttie first scholar had pljA'ed truant from Sunday School and spcnt his hour in F. H. C, whürs he mistook the recipe book carved on a certain prominent monument ior the Bible, and very naturally got himself mixed as to the author. The second scholar, misled by the blunder and being used to stick to his bargains, coiacluded that authorship was trausferred with copyright. Perhaps ? We are indebted - xce presurae - to President White for a copy of the Cornell University Register for 1872-73, a handsomely executed pamphlet of 132 pages. It is fuil of information concerning the working of that young, growiug (we had almost wntten giant), and popular institution. It shows thirty-two resident professors and assistants, seveo non-resident professors, two lecturers, and tivo instructors, with 525 studeuts, a record many an oldej:. university might well be proud of. We ffcigratulate President White and his liberal and earnest supporters on the deserved success their efforts ha-ve conimanded and won. Fot several years we have annually urged the ■Comnion Council to establish, by actual survey and plat, the grade of the important streets in our eity, and then to order, by ordinanco, that all work dease from time to time be in aocordance with suoh grade. We have asserted that in no other way eould good streets be secured and the maney economically expended. We are, therefore, glad to see an engineer, Mr. Fullee, at work ia oar streets with compass and leve!, a-ná to hoar that the plan so often advised and urged ís to be at last adopted. WitH such a survey and ordinance, and the work placed in charge of men of practical ' sense, iré shall liope to note an improweraent in our streéts. A Firé Comp'any "has been organizel in the Fifth Ward with the following officers:: Voreman - Moses Seabolt. lsí Assistant - Wm. Crouch. Id Assistant- 'S . D. Gates. 3d Assistant- Eli W. Moore. Secrclai'y - Chas. II. Manly. Treasurer - Frank Ortman. Steirard- Guy Beckley. Wardcns - Geo. Rollett, Wm. Porter, Jacois Seabolt, Andrew Covert. We aro advised that about 50 members have heen enrolled, and that the boys mean business. They " run njit" the old E ijle machine, whxk lias beeñ put in capital order. The Ypsilanti Sentinel is fesponsible for the foüowing, in whích local cnterprise and radieal tcndcncies are snrcastically mixed : "At Cornwell's Paper Mili the other dav, we saw the atraw foing np the elerator, from the oixtside, that was to corae tack as ' Chicago Times' next morning1. They are getting roady to run a continuous sheet in an air line from'. here there. One end will connect with a straw stack in Ypsilnnti, and the otlier with a Bullock Press in the TimcS office. And thcn the coiumdrum with Radieal lyceums will bs whether the atraw is wasted or not ! Always decided in the aflirmative." In the list of aiiicles in the Onertand Monthly f"r May aré : The Gold-Sands of the Pacific, by Monroe Thomson; Oregon twenty years ago, by Samuel A. Clarke ; Borneo Cinnabar Mines, by Therese Yelverton ; Arab Stories and Traditions, down the NÜe, by N. S. .Dodge ; The Tlúrd Napoleon ; Ultrawa- VIII., - The Qiie?t, by Eugene Authv,-ise; stories, poetry lesser sketches, etc. Joiiïr H. Cabmany & Co.,"SaiiVrancisco, CaL .. . . „ t-B( Just beiore the close of the sessioa Uov. Baox-ey and the Senate made glad the hearta of the iollowing Washtenawians : C. Backns, L. D. Burch, W. J. Clark, J. Forbes, J. M. Forsyth, Ë. J. Johnson, B. A. Lumbard, D. W. Palmer, Johu Peebles, S. H. Perkins, J. H. Vanee and P. Winegar. It was done by ordering üjeia oomtuisiiontd aa Notaries Public. In the list of Commercial Adverlistr premium nwarded on Saturday last we discover the ïiamcs of a few fortunates (?) residing in this county, but none of them gathering in anytliing very valuable. They aro : A. Kanenburg, Ypsilanti, 5'20 in greonbacks ; G. M. McMullen, Chelsea, P. E. DeMill, Jr., Ann Arbor and Mrs. S. Johnson, Chelsea, B. Dlinick, Ypsilauti, and W. Schaber, Saiine, euch $10; Thos. Martin and Maynard & Flinn, Ypsilanti, eacli a 138 silver (?) ice pitcher; II. A. Smith, Chelsea, a $2ó caster; W. R. Tnylor, Chelsea, a $45 American silver watch ; A. J. Hnston, Ypsilanti, a lady's Eussi writing desk and jewel case, completely furnishcd, $28 ; Geo. A. Siramons and W. F. Bell, Ypsilanti, each a silver cake basket, $20 ; and Mrs. A. McOmber, Ann Arbor, a $20 sil-per butter dish. The names of the Washtenaw subscribers who drew blanki are- legión. 40,000 tickets were placed in the box, indicating thatnurnberof subjeábors with receipts aggregating ?S,000. Gue3s the publisher made a " phat take." The following indorseraent of the Babcock Hook and Ladder Trucks is from the Chicago Chict' of Fire Insurance Patrol : " In my ostiraation they are just what ars needed in town and .village fire. departments. They will prove not ouly au excellentuixiliary, hut almost a complete iire departmeat in themselves, for smail towiis and villages. The efuipmcnts are first-class, and my íirst estímate of the " Babcock " haa been more than conflrmed, the FlBS Ins. 1'athol having extinguished somo twenty fites during the past year with their two Extinguishers, and in doms? so have saved a very large amount of property from damage by Cre and water. The Ypsilanti Sentind threatena the Commercial with ti libel suit. Take that ' sober, second thought," Bio. Wooduuff. f he gamo isu't worth the powder.


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