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Special Meeting1. Tho Ladies' Library Associatiou will meet on Monday, May 5th, at 3 o'clock p. m., in the Ladies' Parlor of the Presbyterian Church. The question of increasing the.annual tax of memberá will be preseuted for decisión. By order, L. L. POBTEB, Secy. Kin? of tlie Blood.-FoR Swhixed Neck and Eklaügei Cílands. Case.- For sevend years pitst I have been badly afliicted witb Goitie, or fewelled Xeck, and ït luid becoine so bad that au effort to tise my arms nbove my heiid produced a chokir.g eupation, which was almost unendurable. Ai ter ryinj? flcVeral romedies with no beuefit, I wns ndTised to try King of the Blood, which I did, nnd he effect has been almost miraculous. It took nearly even bottles, and it bas rot only cured my neck, but greatly btuefited my genend liealth. I have not feit o well for years. I have been troubled from cliildïood with fatty tumors on my arnfs, and I can seethe wond er tul effects of your medicine upon those, for Iiey liavo already begun to diminish, and I think h:tt if I c-ntiuue on with the medicine, they will enirely disappear. With grutitude, I remain, Charlotte S. Smith, Columbus, Pa. See advertisement in another column. Bi y on il tlio Mississippi.- Thousandshave already g-one, and thousauds more are turniug thcir eyes" towards new homes in the f er tile West. To those ffGtBg to Missouri, Kansas, Xebraskn, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregyn or California, we recommeud acheap, saie, quick and direct route, via St. Louis, over the Missouri Pacific Raüroad, which runs its fine Day Coaches and Pullman Sleepers from üt. Louis to principal points in the West without change. "We bëlieve that tho Missouri Pacific Railload has the best track and the finest and aafest cquipment of any line west of the Mississippi, and its connections with roads further West nre prompt and reliablc, The Texas couuection of this road ia now cumple teel, and passengerd are offered a first-class. all. rail route from Ut. Louis to Texa3, either over the Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. It., via Sedalia, or over the Atlantic & Pacific B. R., via Vinüa. For maps, ime tables, information as to rntes, routes.&c, we lefer our readers to Z. Ö. Wheeler, Northei-n Passengtr Agent, 72 Lloyd street, Butfaló, N. Y., or E. AFord, General Passenger Agant, 8 1. Louis, Mo, Questions will be chetrfully and promptly answered! Emisfration Turning1 ! Cheap Farms iñ Soutli-wesít TIisoitri !- The Atlantic & Pacific Raüroad Company offers 1,200,000 acres of fan cí ih Central and Southwest Missouri, at from $4 to $12 por ncre, on seren years' time, with f ree transpi;rt;ition from St. Louis to all purcha.sers. Cliinate, soil, t.irabcr, mineral wealth, schools, churches and law abidinsr society invite emigrants from iill points to this lanil of fruits and üowers. For particulars, address A. Tuck, Land Commissioneri St. Louis, Missouri.1417 lodoc Tactics Practiced by White Men. We have no desire to excuse the cowrdly and treaclierous murder ot' General Cauby and the Peace Commissioners by the Modoc Indians. On the other hand we hope that a swift and terrible punishment will be meted out to theni. But any perstfi familiar with the bloody annals of Indian waïfare knows only too well that deeds fully as murderous and treacherous Bflj this havo been again and again perpetrated by whites upan Indians. A correspondent of the New York Tribune, who resided for many ypars in Northern California, has told with some particularity in its columns the story of the ñiassacre, twenty years ago, of a number of Modocs by a compauy of whites to which our telegraphic dispatchns have made brief allasion. Twenty years ago, when the whites began to settle in the country intho neighborhood of Yreka, tlie Slodocs, then a flourishing and wa'rlike tribe, resented ■the innovation and waylaid the wagons of the immigrante, in one inslanee rnassacriug every man, woman and child, with a single exception, of a train. The exasperated settlers foimed ff company to punish this cruel and cowardly act, and under the command of öne Wright, started in pursuit of the Indian band which was led by a chief named Seh.onchin, the father of hiui of tha same name who was a cluief under Jack. Wright first proposed to invite the Indiana to a ffiendly feast and to kill tbem all by feeding. them apon a roasted ax, the flesh of whieh had been poisoned. But public sentiment was against this mode of extermination, and it was abandonad. At length AVright caine up with the band at. a time when their bow-strings wero wet and úseles, and proposing a conference he offered his hand to Schonchin in token of iinity. Then suddcnly drawing his pistol, as Jack did his upon General Cauby, ho shot Schouchin as a signal to his men for a general ilaughter, as Jaek's shooting General Canby, was a signal to this Sciionchiri's son and the rest to murder the eoinmissioners la it aiy wonder that tbpse savages, with tliis examplu set the'ii by the whites, should retnember it? Is it strange that whon the occasion ■comes at lat to repay the treacherous .murder in kind, they should nvail themselves of it ir Certainly, with this exaruple in inind. tlio white people ennnotcon■demn the wkole Indian race on account of this murder. Tliey cannot do so without a'so cojidemning their own race. The Indians can say to the whites, as Shylock to the Christians: "The vil1 linjr you did teach me I will execute, and it will go hard if I do not better the exftinple." - Detroit Tribune. Fresidext U-raxt i.y St Louis. - At thfi reception tcndcred to General in St,. Louis ho made tho following speech ; " Laiies and gentlemen : The compliment has been such that I scarcely know kom to rsspond to it; but I can say that i t is with erv great pleasuro I come back hcro, I do always annually, to a city where I carne lirst as a very voung man 30 ycars ago, and where I first made the acquaintance of that spouso -with whom - (cheers and la-ughtpr)- I have been stopping a day or two with General Harney and hi family, and he knows that we don't getaiong'as happily asyou think. (Renewed laughter.) I shall endeavor iu the future to make my visits quito as frequent ps they haye been, although I vc,fy much doubt -ivhether I hall ever mako my ,permanènt residence hore. I have never lived long enoügh at any one place. to form.yery closo attachintnts, except here and in Washington. Since I have been grown, uy fortune has bron suoh that a ysar is about as, long as I.have bren permitted to remain in one plar-e. Nowl shall be loft rather free to selert. I will propose the health ' of our' Woitby host.


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