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BACH & ABEL. We have now ín store and are receiving our usual large stonk of New Spring Goods, bought for cash, and will be placed on sale at as !ow prices as any house in Michigan. BACH & ABEL. A large assortment of fashionable dress goods in the new sliades. BLACK SfiLKS! A specialty. We nave tliem direct trom tbe Lyon'd manufactory agents and can warrant them made of pure stock. BACH & ABEL FIFÏY PIECES OF THE - HART STUAHT BLACK ALPACA! a nd cali special attent ion to the 45c, .50c, and 75c qualities. These Alpacas aremanufactured by A!ex. T. Stuurt Sí Co , and without doubt excel in texture and finish any ever biowght to lliis country. BACH & ABEL. From the importen, direct, a largi stock Tafole Lincns, ïiapkins, DAMASK TOWELsT&C. BACH & ABEL A FULL LINE OP 3rown and Bleached Cottons, Tickings, Denims, Cottonades, üc. fhese goods wo buy by the packago, geting discounts, and can make low prices. BACH & ABEL. We desire to cali especial attention to our stock of FBENCH AND EN0L1SE CASS1MERES, And SUITINGS, the largest and best assortment in the city. BACH & ABEL. A FÜLL LINE OF SHADES IX THE STEWAKT ALBXADRB KID GLOVES ii both one and two buttons. This Slove has been recently improved, and is qow conceded to be the best in use. BACH & ABEL. ( L.C.RISDON'S AÜVBRTI3 EMENT. j Now is thn timo to buy i PARtffR & HBAT1NG i i STOVES. i I will aell them M OOST until furtlier notice. I flto. 31 S. Main St, Aun Arbor. yj i T AST CHANCE ! FOR TEN DAYS ONLY, I ehull offer my stock of gooiJs at SETAIL AT COST Af ter thnt time thty vti be withdrnwn from salo at retail. Goot! responsible cuatomorb can have mZZ MM. 3E3 HE JL TT From two to four months. JAMES B. GOTT. Ann Arbor, April 17, 1873. 1422 TMPEOVED SAXON CEYSTALS, SPEOTACLE8, - ■ ---ANll E7E PAESBRVERS. PtroniKed and roRoramended by the most eminent Oculista and fontlflmeti.of th medicil profpssion, us beinp; of greattraiwiüirunt rcfruotive quality, go constructcd.AH to effpet the utmost relief anJ preserve the functions of the eyee. The Bight of the iig-ed ffreatly tMáíitted ; weaksiijhtstreiitheiicd, und perfect sight prefrcrvfd. SOI.OMOIVS & SOIVS, Fsaotioaz, OrTiciAN, and Munufacttirers of the improved EYK PHKEttVING SPKCTACLK8, CATAIÍAOT liENS CONCAVE GLA8SB8 for naar-rfffhtad persons. JACOB IlilJ-KR, Agent, 141 3m3 No. 22 Kwt Hurón lat., Ann Arbor. PLOUE AND FEED STORE. HENRY WASCH, (Successor to Geo. Lanbengayer,) At 14 Weit T.ii!orty Strcct, willkpcpconstantly on hand a í'ull titook of Fiour, Moal, Oats, Corn, 1ill Feed . &C. AJÍ order nroroptly fllled ut tbe lowëst cash pricts. Cib jwiid fot Corn nd OsU. 1413j-l


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Michigan Argus