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BB- i m- - Maai- aouuiM, -u ' ■; ) ''M TBTT'Tlic'OCf ïLd IS PUKELY A Vr,;;ETABLE PltEPABATlOH, corfl. poaadilmply of wcll-kcown ROOTS, HERBS ana FRUI'í'Si combinsd' -witn other properties, wnich in tueir nature aro Caliiartic, Aperient, Nu tritious, Biuretie, AHerat;vi and Anti-Biïüo'js. Thá wholoi yreserved in a sufficieiit quantity of Bpirii from thü' C.VNJfi io keep tiiem in aay elimate, whicluaakastha plantation " Bitters oneof ihi most desirnblo Tonica nnd (ii(hrtirs in llie woild. 'l'liuy ara intended strictly as a TPlTlTVTinÊ _Bt4"TCÍ only tobe used as a medicine, and ahvaya according fco directions. They are tbo eheet-anchor of the feeWe and debilltated. ïbey act upou a dineased liver, and stimulata to auch a defrrte that a Leulthy actiou íb at onca brougbt about. As a reiuedy to whicb. Womrn are especiuiiy subject it is Buperseding everyotber BtJmulant. As a Spring anti Summerïonio tbey have no equal. They are a mild and gentío Purgative as wcll as Tonic. Tliey Purify the Blcwxl. They aroa!--plctidid Api,etiser. 'Iheymalie iho weai Btrong. They pnrify and invigorále. Ihey cura Dyspepfiia, Constipation and Headacbe. They actss anpeeilic inail species of üisordérs which undeimin the bodily ötxengtii and break down íhc animal spirits. reuot, 53 Park Place. ITew YorL . KJ$!ÊS S' ' ATHAIR01Í - "Only 50 Cents par Bottte. - ■ tè promotes the GROTVTn, PPXSEEVES' tbe COLOR, aiul increases the Vigor and BEABTï' of tho DAIB. 4 , Over Tüiktt TEAriH ago Lton'3 KATHAnio ros' THE Haib -waa ilrst placed in the inarkut by 3?rofeasoc E. Thomas Lyon, a Rrnduato of Prinoeton Colletro. The name Í3 derived from tho Oreek, " IÍATnno," BignifyiBRto chanse, purify, rejuittnate, or restore. Tha favor it lias receiveii, and tho popularity ithas obtained. is naprecedanted oud inorcdible. It inoreasos tha Gbowth and Iir.AUTï of Iho üaik. It is a delightful dressing. It erndieatos Daiulrulf. It prevents tLo Eair from turning gray. It lieops tho liead coo!, nnd gives the hair a rich, Poft, pl03áy jippearance. It is tho same in Quantity Mld Uüality ns it was over a Qcaeter of a Oenïuky Ago, and issold by all Driig-gists and Country Store ut ouly l'ifty Cents per Bottle. KWnaift GIofj is Her HairJ LYOftl'S fiTHAIRON T)OOT AND SHOE HOUSE. C. A. LEWIS, ( SuCCEPSOlt TO FllLEY & I.EWTS,) 8OLE AENI "BURT'S" cklLbi:ated HANO-MADE WORK Is uow opening some elog;tnt lincs ui' Ladiös' Button & Lace Boots, And very g-onieel SLIPPERS t TSES! Victoria's, Parepa's, ■ Jülsson's, ÓiC, &C. In various gradea. Also a fasMoiiable lïne oX Gentlemen's WOLK! Togher wiih all Tarietios in chpa'p gooi. AU büujjht :or CASH ami to bo boid at loiv dowa Come in and Look ai Tlicin AT No. 2 E AST HURÓN STREE V. 1417m3 STEARNS' COCO-OLEIIME, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye - nor ft reetoratire, bant a dressing, elegant f -- and cl:jnozoical. ■■■a- STEARNS' COCO-OLE9NE is cooling to the scalp, imparta a détfghtfo] seno of vitality 1 and softnesa to liijg tho hair. í n fTiii Í STEARNS' COCO-OLESNE, sweetly perfumed and limpid, rendera the hairsnpple and " - dreasea it in any H- - 4 ( f orín. m STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevenís that dxynass of scalp whicli 1 n causes dandrulí' - -y- to accumulate. " JiiAi-r f. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE containa in onc largo bottlo more oil and moro perfume mm Mthan any othcr - hair dressing mhJíu marïtet, and !■■■■ " I besiik-s ia sold twenty-flve per cent, lesa than most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair, darkensaub n . urn hair, renders luötrous browu and black ■■■■■ hair, lessens the harshness of coarso huir. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE IS MADE ONIX BY PEEDEEIOK STEAE1TS, - OHEMIST, f DETROIT, MICH. f Sold everywhere. Bo sure and get tho Genuino Coco-Oleine. Let no one palm otf on you a boltlü of some cheap and toorthktê imitation of Coco Olcine. Thero aro more than twenty counterieita of it now sold, put up as near Ukfl the genuiue as thö makers darc and evado the law, rISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTJVERSH1P! The co-pi rtneryliip lierctoft re existing between E. }. Kli.-s tinfi J. Vollund is rhis day dissolvcd by munul ( (mst'ii1 . All Hccomiin due the fiini and all tho .abta 1 ifüintit viil be setllcd by E. D. miss. (; gnèdj . E. D. BLISS. Ann Arlo , Match 7lh, 1S73. Thoabove busii ess ïriJl bo conlimied at the old ! .(Hud, na t'tual-, by HJ2ml j; YOLIA1TD,


Old News
Michigan Argus