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SmrVfgSBn % % sVeW Or TasSJosr..c;iitc;, CoÜCriltrtlte lïooi una ircrbal Jufoe, AntiËUlious Granulos. THK " ï.3Ti Lt, EAA'T CATIIAHTIf!, or Multi"n lU-Parvo I'hyalc. Q Tho novcltjr of modern Medical, ChomicM uid Pharmacuiilieal Scicticc. N,i ne of nu v louter tolci uur Ihe large, icpulüiïe nd imueeouo pin, i, ertutu, and bulicjr iJigrcdiesf, lu-u (voci'.i Iiï it aiviïil npplicaiiuii of ctrtniicai Kclenco, extract a!l ilio catharkic ftnü ullici' ïr.cdipinal ropertio9 frinp iho iiüiït valuahlu roots lid uerl3, and couccutrato Uicin nto u lulnutc (Jranulo, ficarculy largor tliaii a lllUKttud üuA, iliutcai barcadilv iwaUowud bythoseol the tiustsensitlvo ptuinnciís ftird fittftíúious tasteB Bachhttle Purgativo follot representp, in a roost concentrirte i form, as niucU callmiüc power ns ís embodicd in nny of tho lunro pille fotnxl for pale in the drug fc-hopa. From vliuir1 woiideríul cfttliailic p;)voi-v ui fn-onortion to tlicir fizc, pcoplo who havo iutttiic.1 tficm aro npt to fupp)t-o thafc they are harsli or draslic i:i cfluct, but such is not at all tho case, tfao dilfereiit activo nu-diciiial principies of whlcn t!icy ure composed 1 1 tj i n : tiu barnionizotl aud modiüetl, one by tlio oiherp, ns to piodmo a taoKt ■earclillIK ami ilioroug!i, yet geiitly and Kind!) opot'utine eafhartic. S5OO Eiotvaivt fs horeby offored by the propnetor of theso Iellets, to any chemiMt who, upo annl.vbis, will flnd m tbem nny Calomel er other forma of mercury or any oLhcr iiiiinsral poison. 'flsenif? pm tiren y vegetable, no particmur care is reqifired Miile thcra. 'J'lii'y onctata without distúrbanos to ilio constltntlon. dict, or occupatlon. Forf amicücc, tlcadaclic, Ouiislip.-uioii, Impuro ISluod, Pain in the Shoulders, 'JTii:i iiokj of lio Clicst, ItizxiiK'K'-, Sour Ui-urtatíotis of tho Miomncii, taate II moiith, lüüoa-i attiioks, Pain in reglou of Kldncys, Intcrnal I'ever, liloatcd foollua about Stomncli, Rusli of Bloud o Ifeacl, IIli Colorea Crine, ï üwociabiiiiy nd Gloomy l'orcbodiiiRS, tako )Dr. Picrcc'8 Plcasant i'urgatlve l'oHots. In explanaüon of the romocüaï power of niy Pnrfitivo Pellets over po gieat avaricty of discaeos, wisli toeay that t!ieir actlou upon tho animal ccoiioiny Is universal, nota f land or tivsuc escapingr tlieir fianaiye imprcss'. Ago doe3 not inipair them; tlieir coatinft and bcing encloscd in glaea bottlca preservo tlieir virtnes unimpnired for any lenirthof time, in any climate, 80 tliat they are afwaya treab and reliablo, vhich ia not the caso With the pill l'omid in tho ilnig stores, put up in Cheap wood or paütfl-baard boxes. Rccollect that for all diaeapes whera a Caxativc, Alterativo 01' purgativo is indicated, these littlo Pellets wil! give the most perfect Batiaiaclioii to all who usethum. Tliey aro sold by nll enterprisinar Di-uggists al Ji cciUs a botilc. Do not allow any drugglst lo Induco tob to take anythiu el.-e that lo may eay is j'ust as good as my Pellota becanee lie makes a larer proflt on thnt which ho recommends If your druïgist cannot Fnpply them, cnclnmo 25 cen's aud receive them liy retarn mail from r JC. V. FLEllCE, SI. 1 , JProp,;W EÜFFALO, N. r. ViiK'Star Bitters are not ■ vire Fancy Drink made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits ani] Refuse Ltquors, doctorcd, spiced, nud sweetened to please the taste, c.dleil 'Tonics," " Appetiiers," " Restorers,1 &c, that lead the tippleron in diunkciiness and ruin . but ar a trne Medicine, made Grom tile nativo rools andlierbsolUahioniia.freefioniaHAlcoholicSlimiilants Tliey aro. ilie G:e,it Blood Pürifier aud a Life-giving ] nncipie, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and resfcring tile blood ló a Ijealtliy aondition, enriehing it, refreshing and ilivigoraliiu) botli miad and body. Tliey are easy ofadmiiiiMralion, prompt in tlieir acii'on. certaiu in tlieir results, s.ue and reliable in all forms of disease So Pcntó can take thcie Bitter according to direcüons, and remain long umvell, provided tliiïir boucs are not dcstroyed by mineral poisoh orother means, and Ilie vital organs wastcd beyond the point of repair. . Dyspcpsiu r Indlreation. Headache, Pain in the Shoulden, Cotiglis, ïigtitnest of the Cltest, Uw. ziness, Sonr Eructationa of the Sloinach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, liilious AttacUs, Palpitation of the Heart, Dflaminationof tlie Lungg, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a Ittindred ollier painfu] BymptomA, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no eqnal, and one bollle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a leogthy advertiseinent Por Female Complalnl, m ng or oíd mainel! or single, at the daun of xvomanhooil, or the turn of li ie, these Tonic Bitters display so decided ad inauence that a marked improvemcut is soou percepFor Iiiflnmiiirtiory niul Clironic Ti.Kltmaiismand Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, líilious Remittent and Intennittent Kevers, Siseases of the lilood, I.iver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been. most successful. Such Diseases nre caused by V itiated Blood, wlrcli is generally produced by deranement of Ihe Digestive Oigans. Tlicy ure a Chanfle Purgallrc ns ivcll as a Toulc, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieqjng Congestión or Inflammalion of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilioua Diseases. Por Skin Disensrs, Bruptions, Teller SaltRheum, Blolches, Spots, Pimples, Pustiiles, Boils Carbuncles, Rinjr-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes. Ervsipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloratious of the Skin, Hinnois and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature are lilerally dug np and carried out of llie system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Oné bottie in such cases will convince the most incredulous of thelr curative effects. Clcansc lic Vitlatcd ülood whenever yon fiiid its imparities bursting through llie skin in 1 nuiles, Lruptions, or Soren ; cleanse it wlien you find it obstructed and sluggish in llie veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will teil you when. Keep the blood pure. and the heallli of the systein will follow. GrateTiil tlioiisnmls proel airs VlNEGAl! Bitters the roost wonderftfl Invigorant lliat ever sustained the sinknig systein. Pin, Tpe, und otlicr Wiirms, lurliing in the tysteni of so tliousaiids, aie eneetnaliy destroyed aud removed. Says a distingui&lied physiol. ogist: Tlrereiascarcelyan individual iip'on the faceofihe earthwhose body isexempt froin the presence of worms It is not upi .11 tlia heahhy elementa of the body worms exist, but upou the diseased humors and slimy breed lliese living monsters of disense. ■h o( Medicine, no verinifuges, no amhdminitiís, urn froa tiie system from worraa like these Bitters. nicclianical Disensos. Persons engaged in Goldbcatcrs, and Minors, ns lliey advance in Hle, will besubtect to paraJyaia of the Bowels, To guard against iliis uike a close of' Walksr's Vinegar Bitters once or twice a wee!;, as a Preventivo. Bilioiis, UeiuUtent, nnl Iiilermh i.i.t "vers, whtcll are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivera throucbptlt the United States, e.specially those of the Mississippi, Oliio, Missouri, Illinois Tennessee, Cuinberland, Arkansas, Keil, Colorado, limos Kio Grande, l'earl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roano;e, James, and many othcrs, vrilll llieir vast tributarles, lllrougtiout our entile country dnringlhe Slimmer and Autnmn, and remarlcably so during seasons of imusinl heat and diyncss, are invariably accömpanied by extensive derangements of the sloniacli and liver, and otlier abdominal riscera. 'l'here are always moreor less obslructions of the liver, a wealcness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being elogged up willi viliated accuuiiilalions. In their treatment, a purgative, exening a poweiful inlliience iipon these varloiu oi-gan, is essentmlly necessary. Tliere is lio catharlic for the purpose cqinl (o Dn. J. Wai.kkk's Vtnkgah liiTTHüs, as iheywiH speedily remove the daikcolored viscid maller wiili wllich the bowels are loatled, at the same time stiimilatihg the secielions of the liver, and generalij' restoring the lieallhy functions of the digestive organs. Bci'ofuln, or Klng'a Kvll, White Sweliings Ulcers, Erysipelas, Suclled Neclt, Goiler, Scrofnloiis Inflamnialions, Indolent Inflainmalions, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruplions ql' the Skin, Sore Kvus, etc, etc. )n these, as in alt otller constitutional Diseases, Wai.keRS Vinbgar liiTTriüs have shown their great curative powers in tb; most obstinate and intractable cases. Dr. AVniUcr'sCnliroijilaVincgnrniMcrs act on all these cases in a similar mannen líy purifying the Blood theyieraove the cause, nnd byresofving away the eftcls of tlie iflflanimaliou (the tubercular de'posits) tlie aflected part receive healtli, and a permanent cure ís cffectcd. The propertics of Dn. Wat.kitr's ViNEnAR IÍITTERS are Aperient, Diapliorehc and Carminative, Niunuous, Laxativa, Diuietic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Stidorilic, Alterative, and Anti-Iïilious. TIic Aporlenl and mild Laxative broperties of Du. Wai.IvRü's ViNRGAR litTTERS are the best safegaard in all cases. of eruptiona and malignant fevers, their balaatnic, healing, and soolhing properties protect the huniors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties ajlaypaill in the nerroua systeni, stomach, and bowels, either from intlainmation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-Irritant influence extenda tltroughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kidneys, correcting and regulatillg the tlow of urine. Their Anti-Bihous properties stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile, and lts discharges througli the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fevcr and Ague, etc. Foi-lify lie loly Kgatnst disease hv purifyin all its fluids witll VtNBJAR Hittkks. No epi. deiníc can take hold of a system tlms forearmed. The liver, the stojnacb, the bowe's, ttie kidneys, and the nerves are rendered discase-proof by this great invigorant. Take of the Bitters on poing to bed Bt night from a lialf to ouo and one-half wiiie-glasfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and t.ike out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, and contain no spirit. J. WALKER, Prop'r. H. II. MCUOJVAI-D&. CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San 1-iancisco, Cal.. and cor. of V'a,hin-lon .mdCharlton Sis., New York. SOLD BYALL D1ÍUGG1STS AND DEALERS. HURRY UP ! DABtlBI wishing Wal] Paper, Cloth M n ud Paper Shadea, Hollands, Window Kixtures, Coida, Taüsele. &c, all New Styles, at Satinfactorj Priesa, by J. 11. Webster k Co., Bok Store, near the Express üiüce. X X


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