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The New Jury Law

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The law regarding the qualifications of urors, recently enacted by the Leghlature is as t'ollows : . bECTlON 1. That the previous formation or expression of a partiál opinión or pxpression, in reference to the circumstances upon which any criminal prosetion is based, or in reference to the guilt or innocence of the prisoner, or a present opinión or expression in reforence thereto, suoh opinión or impression not being based on personal knowledgo of the facts in the case, shall not bo sufficient to challenge for principal cause, to any person who is otherwise legttlly qualified to serve as a juror upon the trial of such action : Proviilcd, The person proposed as a juror, who may havo haveformed or expresscd, or has Kuch opinión or impression as aforesaid, shall declaro on oatb, that he verily believos that he can render an impartial verdict according to evidence submitted to the jury on such trial : Promded, furtlua; The court skull be satisfied that the person so proposed as a juror üoes not entertain sucb a present opinión as would influence his verdict as a juror. Sec. 2. That the people ami the accused, in all capital cases, shall each be entitled to twenty peremptory challen ges. Tlie First National Bank of Lyon,s Iowa, has just recnvexed a verdict for $53,200 agrainst tlic Ocsan National Bank of New York. Tbree trials were had, both sides being repres.-nf.ed, by large array of counsel. By the robbery oí' the Ooean Bank in June, 1869, securitiös belonging to the Lyonr, banks were lost, henee the snit, Judge Larrcinore ohargcd the jury that if the Ocean Bank was guilty oi' gros-i negligence plaintiff could recoven This is tbeflrst case of precisely this charactor which has been tried in this country or England, and is considered of great importancia to bank?, bankeis and lawyers. Tho dinner to Secretary Belknap, given at " the Springs" uear San Antonio, Tex., a fortnight ago, must have heen a rather informal entertaitiment One writer mentions, ae a Himple of how the tables were stripped. tho seizure of a negro who " was oaught walking of witb a barrel upou his head, whicli contained one roasted pig, two turkoys, thrce ehickens, cake anci otlior delicacies,". and the local papers say that, ".though there wa3 enough provided for people, the table was cleared iu 10 minutes. A Prench woman reeently died of norloct iu the streets of Florence, who was supposed to be of low origin, but who proved the daughter of a nublo in a high military position ander the Bourbons. Upon the announceinent of her death tho authorities took posses%ion of her effects, and on forcing open tho drawer of a large hos in her eleeping room, fonnd it fnll of sacks of gold piecos. Evoiy box and drawer containcd quantities of gold, Govcrament honds and bank stook, and in her shoes, the soles oí' which wore of extraordinary size and thickness, layers of newly coined gold pieoea were fouiid. Many persons are liablo to extreme euffering from felona on the finger. These afflictions not unfrequently occasion permanent crippling of the members affected. The fullowing simple prescription is recomniended as a curo for the distressmg ailmeirt : Take comnitm rook salt, suoh as is used in salting down beef or pork ; dry it in an oven ; then pound it fine, and mix it with spirits of turpentino in equal parts ; put it in a rag and wrap it round the parts affected, and, as it gets dry, put on more, and in twenty-four liours yon are cured - the felon will bo dead. It will do 110 harm to try it. The politioal eomplications in Louisiana are inoreasiug, and the attempt of the Kelloggites to govern the entire Stato by the employment of the New Orlcans Metropolitans is likely to provo a failure. ïhe disposition among the pcople to subrnit to Kellotig's rule only when conapelled to by United States troops seems to bo spreading. Man y Metropolitans are leaving the forcé refusing to bear arms against the peoplo of the State. The Metropolitans of New Orleans were concentratcd at the station Tuesday night, fearing an attack. The oldeet stove in the TJnited States is one which warms the hall of tho capítol in Richinond, Virginia. It was made in Englnnd, and sent to llichmond in 1770, and ■warnied the house of Burgesses for sixty years, before it was removed to its prnsent loeation, where it has been for thirty years, and is not yet stovo in. John Sleet, of Lapeor, caino to his death on April 29th by eating too i'reely of horse radish. A few moments after tea }ie i'Us seizod with votniting, andsonio of tho partióles loo1 ging in lus wind-pipe, ho died very quickly. Hu was a healthy robusl raap, and onïy 21 years of age. The widow of the Inte Maj. -Gen. Wool died Wedn-s(iay morning, ui New York, aged eighty-six j'ears.


Old News
Michigan Argus