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Local Brevities

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■Wet yt _ Aiid Sul! vet. _Gold 117 1-4S117 3-8. _- Coming : warm vreather. _'WÍn ? would Hke to know OUÏsolf. _ The ARGU3 oflice is the place for job work. -Order your Shipping Tags at the Aaaús ".TaIso your Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, and Statements. _ If you would in business thrive take the Abotrs and advertise. _ Good jmstuvage : in the Court House square ,nd in the University Campus. _The late heavy rains seriously interfered yith the business of street-cornor löaflng. lhere was some horse-racing on State street on Sunday aiteruoon last No policeman seen. _For Salé Uheap : a good house and two lots-centrally located. Inquire at the Akqus e'Atlast: numerous citizens were een itauding on the street corners on Monday last- ,-ithout overeoats on. _ Bev. C. H. Bbiüham has gone to Meadville, pa t to deliver his animal Course of lectures in the Tlieological School there located. _ Bev. C. H. Howi-akd, late of Kalamazoo, 11 preath in the Unitarian ChUrch otl the next threc Sundays, morniug and evening. _ The butchers have put up thé price of beef 2 1-2 cents a pound : notwithstanding which the Abgüs is still published at $2 a year. _We were about to paragraph about the weather Wednesday and Thursday, but dear resder "you know how it was yourselt. - The Council made a good selection in electng Marshal PaksH ALL. He wül break in easily Ja make a good officer- ifhedon't get "enougli" too soon. - S. B. IlF.VEXAtiefc has received direct from Dublin a new negativo of Dr. TafPan, and can lucply the many frionds of the t)r. with photograplis to order. - Joseph M. Gelstc, of üus city, was one of the graduates at Union Theological Seminar} Xeir Yurk, at the CommBiiCemeüt held on Mon. day even ing last. _ In repairing the ience arouhd thé Court House Square good seats or roosting places have been provided for attendents upon coïuer auctioos : on the cap that is. - Dr, Lewitt has sold his fine residence on Hurou street to Mr. J. A. Jatcox, for 813,000. Eeport says that Dr. L. contemplates removiug to California. Be cautious Dr. - Il the sidewalk in front of a certain resi. aence on State street was in a little better fix we would cali the attention of the city fathers to the dilapidated and dangcrous oonditioli of the walks ou otlier streets, -Geo. F. (ÜFrank), of tliis city,- bow a Ecnior and for sorne tirne the correspondent of the Free Prest,- goes to Detroit on the 29th inst. to accept a situation on that paper. Success to him. - In one of the latest grist of patents gïound out at Washington is one to Edwaed Batwell, of Ypsilanti, for a "Ilorse Collar ;" and another to William E. Travis, also ot ïpsuanu, ior a "Cross-cut Saw Ilandle." _ Tlie Odd Feilows, _t this city, are making tensivo ímprovemcnts in the appearauce and rrangement of their hall; with new Brussels cárpete, painting of walls and ceilings, graining of wood-work, and nevvly funiishing of the room, etc. -Eï-County Clerk Eoeison has removed Vth iis famify back to the fertiie fieids of Sharon, and his many fricnda hcre taiso hil hearty grip and genial phiz. Joiin is a wholeouled fellow and true to his fnends. " Joy go with liim." - And now Pattisok "gets up on his ear," layt that his nuighbor of the Sentinel has callcd him a liar " two, three, several times," and gives hm i chanco to retract. We hope that no lawyerwill norse the anp-y passions of oul' cotemporaricE donvn the Huroti. - Hexuï S. ChanEV, of the Detroit Tribuna and a gradúate of the University, Literary De" pariment, and class of 1869, has been appointed Chief Clerk to llailroad Commissionet Cobb, nd has gone to his post of duty, Lansing. The Tribune loses a valuable man. - The Chronicle says that Mr. Jenisox, of Hh class of 18CS, and architect of the nc w Uniwrsity Hall, meditatos a raid on his class, with tkw of getting theref rom a copy of Hogers Statue of Michigan, with which torown the dome. Succcss to his eftovts - Those newspaper fello"vs who are dishingup the cold summer of 1816 - when thcre was stiow and ice every month in the ycar - are begged to chango the subject. To rcatl their iugubrious tiles on such a day as Wednesday last i not at ill iuspiring. Have done with suoh harruing reminiscences. - The city ordinanoe requires tlio Marshal ind his dcputies to drive cows to pound iound running at large in tlie streets of this city betrccn the hours of 8 o'clock P. M. and 6 o'clock i. M. As " half a loaf is better than no bread," tve suggest to Marshal Paesuall a strict enforcemtmt of the ordinance. - Booth is pcrforniing in Detroit this week, kut declines to visit our city because a portion of W audience bchaved so like the - well, so unlite gentlemen at the time of his visit last winter. And so our well-behaved and order-loving Booth admirers are to be pöiiished for the coniuct of a few clownish boo'fs - Eev. Geoisge DufField, fatheï of the Rer. S. W. Duffif.ld of this city, has resigf.ed the pastoral charge of theCJPrwbyterian Ghttrch .t Et Saginaw, and goes South for a prolonged ty in pursuit of health. Louisiana, Texas, ith perhaps New Mexico, are spoken of as points to be made in his projected toúr. - Though the city ordinances do not make it the duty of the Marshal and his deputies to iuvpound milch cows found running at laVge in this city between 6 o'clock . M. and 8 o'clock r. H,, irom the lóth of Ma'rch to the lóthof November, t is the privilege of i'af and all citiaens to impound tliein at any hour of any day in the year. Both the ordinancee aii'd the State statutes proWbit cattle of all kinds running at large any Portion of the year, and the State statute affords our citizens summary remedies if they will but euforce it. A co-operative protection association in order. We are sorry to lre&r imïavörable repnrts of the eondition of the growing wheat erop in this wunty. On rolling ground, where the snow blows off, wheat is reported seriously injnretl, and on lbw 'Bt ground, where water Mood at the time of the Jannary thaw and f reeze, it is sad to bc both choked and froken hy the coatï'if; o{ ice. It is datmed by ir.any tliat the erop üocs not promise as f avorably as at this time last 'ear. We hope, however, that a few days of rowing weather will put a bette r look' on the fields and banish the fears of prowers. - Grass is reported improving rapidly, promWg luxuriant pasturage, to the great sati.sfaction of a largo nurnber of farmew who have been Wing hay ; and to the equal satisfaction of the town's peopíe wíio í-ould liké to test a little fresh, swect, golden butter- at a fraction less Ulan 25 or 30 'cents a pöuiid. The class of 1818 of the Literary Deparhnen' ï the University, will li-old o, re-umon at the 'raing Commencement. Thereara but 17 mem ufcrs of tlie cinss now living, 11 of whom expec 10 be present.- Flint Citizen. As the class of 1848 originally numbered bu 16) and as two of those are chronicled as dead in 'he last trieunial catalogue, we are at a loss to 'Mount fur the "now living" numberiug 17. I' ""ay lit [lono, however.


Old News
Michigan Argus