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The Phelps, Dodge & Co. Frauds

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The Treasury Departmenl p-.ibhshes the correspondenee relativo to the case of l'Uelps, Dodge & Co. It appears thcrefroui that January 3d, last special agent Jiyne roported to Seoretary Boutwell as the result of tlie exaraination oí' the bookg of isid firm that the flrin had deliberately vïotated every provisión of the law ot 1863 frovomirift the invoicing and entering of impoiUd mprehandisp, pnying an ml ralorem duty. The total value of the invoiers examined ainounted to $1,750,000, which under the law is plainly forftüted to the United States, not by any '.Qchniual constrnction or far-fetched intorpretation, but by doliborately nnd 'vstematically statin.n the cost of goods Iw'qw tho puro.h!)f rr-Vi ' ■■ ■ fnlne mT0ÍC3, made falso by no conceivable reaeoa but to lessen the duties. The items pro eu in these seviral iuvoioes to bo und rvalued vln n taken separately maunted to aboi.t $275,000. The matt js in disputo were liiüuiy setthd fur the sum of $271,017,2:5 The final scttlemeut is accompatiied by a lotti r from Mr. J&yno to the efïdet that bis investifations eovered aïl importations of' the ïiouse for fivo years next preceding January lst, 1873. An eininent English oculist not long since was caHecf in to see n cnrious casr, or rather patients, for there were two oi them. Thej7, were two grizzly bears at tho 'Zoo,' and he was asked as a favor to opérate upon them for cataraot. Chloroform was administered, and the operations were screefifsiul, but unlu#kily onc of the patients rpcovered from the ana;sthesia too quickly, and oonsiderably mauled his keeper. Some time afterwards tho same oculist was asked to operot o-a eii oí the tigers. But he respeetfully declined the proposal, saying that lie must draw the line somewhere, and he drew it at grizzly bears.


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