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i ■■■■■ TEPfl HEASO!S WHY No Fattiily sfmuld he without a botile of H'l-IITT.ESEY in tht house. Ist.- Itwill relieve the worst case of Bllloud Cholicor Cholera Morbusim; minute 2 d . - It will cure (he most obstinate Í Dyspepsla aní I n ti i b o s t i o n a a Cn weeks. 3 d - Tt is the best remedy n the world frj SiCk Hoaclache, r.s ihüusands can tcstify, jj laken when itie first gymptoms :ippenr. 4th. - It is the best dinretic ever ptit befort the public; curing tliose distrassing ccmpkiints, Diabetes and Cravo I and other Ur i nar y 1 ifricu It le s. Oth.- It is a most r-xcellent EmmennHOgue, and to the Yo un pc Clrl3 middlc aged Women, and at the Turn Of Life, tliis remedy is of incalculable valúe. 6th. - It wil! remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops in somc sweetened water given to a babe is better than a dozen cordials td Relieve a nd mako it Sleep. Containing no anodyne. 7th. - It i= a :;urc relief for adults and ehildren nflected with Worm o and Pin Worm 8. It will bring away the wornis. 8th - It will cure tlie Piles and Hemor rhod ial difficultics. Öth.- Itwill cure Constlpatlon and keep the bowels regular. It will also cine tbc worst case ofSummerCqmplalnt and Dysentery. lOth. - It will cure Lour {.tomach, Stlmulate tho Livor to healthy action. Relieve Henrt-Burnand :xt as a genual Regulator of the system. When taken dilnte the dose with Ptlgar and Water to a Wlne-Claoofull and ycu haveapleaiant tonlc. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $i.oo per bottlc. Whittlesey Ague Cure 50c. per botile. - Whittlesey Cough Granules 2-c. per bottlc. Sold by all druggists and warr antee!. lïliittlescy Prop. Eed. Co., Toledo, O. Dr. Coï's IMvo (Crnnp) Syrnp has heer Known and nsed by the medical professíon over 100 years, and as a remedy for Colds and G'oughs has an okler and better rqmtation tbnii itny oihcr Cough medicino ever offcred to the public. ït is known aa tho Coinpound Synip of Sqmlls. and a formula may bc found in overy medical dispcnatnry, Br. Uaiisiim8 Hivc Syiuj and Tola, in addition to tho ingrediente for Cox's Ilive Syrup, contaius Balsam of Tulu, decoction 01 Skunk C'abbage Eoot and Lobclia, a combination Ihat must comnicnd it to eTcry onc as a superior reniedy for Cronpj AVlioopiigEoneli, AsIlmiH, Bronchitis, CoukIis anti f'oids, indeed for all affeetioiie of the Throat and Lmisa whero a Cough Medicine is neecssary. Tïklx Syrnp fs Carcfully Prepared UTiclcr the personal direction of a regular Physician of over twenty vears' practice, wtaoae sigimture is ottacbed to the direetions on tbc bottle. lts taste Is Tery picasant and cbildrcn like Every iinnily Bbonld keep it es a ready remedy for Croup, ioltls, etc, among the children. D. Ransom, Son t Co., Propr's. Buffalo, N. Y. . DR. J. R. MILLER'S M AGNE1IC EALM. Tlifs medicincmay wi(l) i;ropriety be called an " Universal MvniPdy,'' aa it is fast Buperscding all othcra as :t geneial fnmily medicine. It cures, as il' by MAGNETIG ISFLÜENCB, Neuralgia and all pain. and i thereforo very praperly tormi'd " Magnetic Balm.'1 It is ])uiely a vegetable preparatíon. It has no 1 cjual as a remeay for Cholera, Cholera Morhus. JUarrhcta, Jysentertf folie and a'l JSotirl i oniplahits. Its timcly se vill enre Colds, Crcrap, Diphtheiia. Quiusy, and all 1 hroat ufl'octior.s. Win n properly Hced, Fcvcr and Agüe, and other compluints incident to ourwcstern and southem clímates, are cagily brokexi up. Ncrvoii Ialn, ïick-IIoaiacho, and Eheumatisra are enred by th.- medicine when al] oühts hava failed. Toothache. Earacho, Bnrns, Chilblains andl Bruises are relieved at once by its use. Xlie Kenulne lias I. lian: & Co. 's Srivite Revenne Stamp oti tho outside, and Dr. J. K. [iller's Mngnetic Balm blown in the bottlc. Exanïijie closely, and buy none l)tit the rremifne, Sold. by all DrogglBts. Píleo 25 cents per botüe. ■D. Eaksoji, Son & Co., Propr's, Buffrjo, N. Y. OK'S.lViNEOFTHB J10 YEARS v" PUBLIC Tl3T Í& 1Ias Proved _ Fo lsave íHoro yw _.Tit tliHii :i!s.y í?,11 i similar preparan :,-&á&te t ion evt'i; llered íhe public It !,rlcli ia tlic tiaeslicinaJ (ItialiUusofí'aiv nntl uiieqnaletl íor ifiMeases oí' íSao Thror.t nnd l8inM, performing lUe uiost reniurfe nble cures. CotJgilS, Coldü, Cïirouio CougU. It cffectually carra tlicm all. Ast!iLií;i nntl BrondiiíiSk 1 1 us cu red so many cases it has been profe notinced a specific fol tliest cimipUiints. i('oi' pains in Breast, Sido k Cack, Gravel or Tíiflney Discase, Biseases of ílie Urinary ürgans, Jiumdice or any Liver Comylaiuí, It Ims noequal. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strongthens the System, Itcstorcs tlift Weak and Bebilitated, Causes the Food to Bigest, Removes Dyspepsia anfl Indigestión Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your System. CAW GÜMMER & SHARPENEE A CIIEAr, simple, ank durable Michine- Misily operated aud running Wheels trom 8x)i inclies to 12s 1 inch. Frice of Machine, $15, Whods with bevelled, doublé bevelled andround füce from $2.12 to $7.3, ticoordiog to thickneM. Eeaviei Mnchinee $?O iind $9O, runniug W'li e els iip to 24 iitóheu in cliarael cv. For illustrate.1 Pamphleta or Pliotograph3, iiödross THE TAÏÏITE CO., 14'3ml Sirouüsburg', Monroc Co., Pa. SPECIAL J TïCE! AU of the TAKITE CO'S gootls are directly m:tlo by tho Co., al theirown Faotory and nuclei their own Píllente and Proci It is cheaper to bny Standard GooSa diroetly from well known MnnufucturerB tliao to buy of Heulers or get low priced or pooi g'oods. TIn ful lest iu forra iion on all puints conneoted with limery Wuccls and Eniery-Grindlngr-iiaacUiBiery willbe furnistiftd by ttas Cumpany. Í413m3 A Rare Oliance TO XET. A lare and paodorn now Orocorv -torc in BQohoz Block, Detro t Btreet. Undubtedly the best location in that nart oi i.he city for sald imsinoss. A trood laree cellar and oew barn attaehed to Lhe ■ at is 8300 yearly, to le tfikea in grocerles for my fumifv use. Als a fine ucw Meat Market, rII complete.Joining my blo".k, with mo leru (mprovementa, marl v table &c, large nnv smoki: houw, Larfle brlck clatern and cellar, new barn ftndall re.-idy lor use, with threfl family roonw ftbove. Store reots for $230 jcurly ; taken in ment Tor my Huuily uso. Also a BiXfc&U sLurc In uiy bljck, hoiisee, roora$, te, té let. FOfl SALR. - Three k"0( ïafg carrmge or farm horecs, one flne new carrlace, boggiea, wagon, farminj; toolfí. Aleo three gnod cowr 1400U iquiraofL. ñ. BUCIIOZ.


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