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Bberiff'a Sale. OTATE OF MlCa WAN, couiity of Woshtennw, 83. k} By virtuuof nwrit uf eaoeutl niasuedoul unaer tbe ml pf theCh-cuit Court for the ooutity of . oshtenitw. and to me rtirected and delivered wuinst ; the goods, chattel, hmds and tcnements ol 'Willinm Stevens, md ■.■, t f good nnd chaírela to ■■itnfy sni.i cxe. , ,.n the eighth M.irch. 1871, eií upo? „!l the rtahl and interest iaid ' bevcns ha in and to the tolkowinfr dcsciib'-d inda, to wit : f.ot number lour. n blnck number aeren south, range tv.-ihe oi'st in Lliecityof Aun Albor oounty nnd state aforesaid. wliteh ai.ove desci lied proptrty I sall expcie fot sale to the ).i ■' . ■;,,,, .lt u1(. sonth doov ol the Court HTwise in the city of Am Arbor, in the oounty of Waahtenaw, on tbe tvontviom tli dny of May, a. d. 187a, at om; o'clock r. M. uf sai'l dny. . . Dated, Ann Albor, April '1 ï ,,. , _ MYROX WEBB.late Sheriff. 14;ltd By Thos. J. HosiitHS, Deputy Sheriff Commissioners4 ZS'otice. OTATE OF MICHTGAN, county ot Wnshtenaw, 88. The undersigned hnTing been appointcd bythe Probute Court for snid conniy, Commisrioners to rect'ive, examine and adjust nll claims ad defrfirode of ■ui persons against the estrié of John Mükr. Inte of sairt county. decenaed, hereby me notico that ix months trom date are allowed by order of said Probate Court for creditoia to present tbeir claims agninst the esUite of saiddeoeased, nnd that tbey will meetattheresirtenee of John Immer, n tlie lowtislilp of Bn.lííewater, in Raid coiinty, pp Wednesdoy, the ninth rtay of July. and on Wednèeday, the cMith dnyot Ociohcrnext, nt ten o'elock .. M. of ech of aaid dnys , to reeeive, examine, and adjust said claims. Dutcd, April 8th,A. D. 18Ï3. F. .lÓSEPH IREY, JOHN IMMER,. Hilwl _ Commissii -.icri. Chancery Order. r HK Circuit Court for tlie County of Washti-nnw. ' In Chancery. Ëllnoru Tiioo, enmplainant, v ReubenTauoo, deTendnt, On thelSthdayof Mnrch, IS7:, on proof by alhdavit on c that the Êttift defiMidant, Reuben Tareo, rende out of the Ptnte of ttwhignn, and eines i-exide in the District of Colnmbin. il is on motion of U. B Frazer, Policit.or for paid inplainnnt, ördered that the said defenrlnnt, Rcuberf rasco, apjjear in tliis suit ind answer the hill ot eom:iaint herein, within three montbs trom 1 hia date, and ilso that thiH order be published íhc(í in each wi-ok for ix veaki in Kueoewion m the Ulehfatm Jrgm, a nspnperp inted and publühëd iH' Kma counly, ihetlrst puDlioation to be within twentydays trom tliisdate. Uated, Jlurch 13, 1873. .1. F. LAWBBNCE. Circuit Court Commis,ioner, Wnshtenaw liAWKEXCK & i'üAZER. Oounty, Mic'iit'an. Solicitors tor omplainartt. ms Assignees' Notite. NOTICK is hereby uiven that tlieassifncesof Henry Goodyear will meotat the Ooodyeat llous' , in the i illage of Manchester, in the County of" tVilshtenw, n;d state of Michigan on Tueadny tbe sixtli (:i,uf Vlsy next, it ten o'clock in the forenoon, to receive a slutcment of uil claims nr,iinst said lfenry Goodyeiir ■xistiny at. tlie date of the UMinment totheundersiineil, and that all perrons wh desire to reet-ivc nny dutribulion ulider said owignment, must give notice of their cluims with the TOnoluts nr proof thcreof to the undelsined at or bet'ore said meetinir, as it. is intended to declare a dividend among creditois at that time or soon thereafter as may b. Dated, ilanchcsttr, Feb. 25, 1873. KANSOM S. KMTTH, JO8EPU McMAHOÍT, 1VÍI. R. CALKIN, 1415 Assignees of Heniy Uoodyenr. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hoving betn mude in the eor.dition of a certain mortgage extcuted by .Joseph W. Wflit, of the city uf Ann Arboi . County of Waan'-' teinuv, and State of Michigan, on the twenty-second day of June, A. I). lS67,loKobert .VcCoimick, of the township of Ann Arbor, County of "Washtenaw aforesaid, and recorded in the oflice of the Eegister of Deeds tor the County of W'ashtenaw. and State aforesaid, on the twenty-stionf} day of June, A. D. U(7, at 3% o'clock P. M. of snid day, in liber number 3 of mortgages. on page 78 ; and tliat there is now claitned tobe due and unpaid on gaid bond and mortgnge the um of tour hundred and forty-one dollars and I yrt nty-flve cents, also an attorney's fee of thirty dolían should nny proceedings be taken to foreclose aaid mortgage, and no pioceedings in law er in equity having been had to recover said sum of money or any part thereof; uow, therelore notioe is l.ereby given that by virtue of a power nf sale in said mortjjnge contained, I shall sell at public auetion to the hiöhest biditer on the thirty-iirst day ot May next, at two o'elock 1'. M. ei said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the Oounty of Wiishtenaw, an,l Sute of lliehigim, that being the place where the Cjicuit Courts nre held in said county, all those certain pieces or parcela of land siluatni in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtcnav nforesaid, being lols nuraber one [11, two, three, and four, in block number six ;fi), Brown ana Puller's nddition to the village now city of Ann Arbor ; also a pir-ce oí land eight rods squtire. bounded on the west by l'ontiac street, south by the north line of bleek aumbt'X ■ix, Brown and Fuller's addition, on ther.orthby land owned by James, and n the cast by tlie party of t,v rlct o irt -ui 1 D.iniel Cr.iwford : als'o a jnec ■ of land lying between the nortli east cornci of lot number two and the north line ol' block number six, Brown nnd Fuller's addition to the villaje of Ann Arbor aforesaid, beinf u triangular piece of land Iyint; betueen the nortii line of lots'one and two, block nuinbrr six, Brown and luller's addition audtlie north line ol said bloeli. Bated, March 0, 1873. AVILTAAII GEER, A'iminUtrator with tlie Will annexed N. Gott, of the Estáte of Uobert McCoimick, Atlomeyfor dcccised. Adininisi ralOT vf Mor ga.;ee. 1410 Shoriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coukty of Wabhtesaw, ss. - By virtuti ot a v.-rit of execution issued out of and under the f".'i oi the Circuit, Court for the Counly of Va.-l;te:iav,and to me diiected and delivered atminst tha goode, oliattles, landsand tenements of Moaea Marks, and or the want of goods and cbattles to satisfy said execution. I dk!, on the twenty-ürst day of Jannnry, A. 1). 1S73, scize and levy upon all the rijjht, title and interest Marks has in and to the foilowing deBuribed hmds. to wit: l.ot number two (2). four (4), six (8), eight f), and ten (la), in block live north, range Cour east in the city of Ann Arbor, County and Stnte aforesaid Which al ove described propoity, r shall exposé tbr s:ile to the highest bidder, at public anciion at the south door of the Court House, in the Cty of Ann Arbor, in the Connty of V'ashtenaw, on the seeond day of April, A. I). 1873, at one o'clock IJ. M. ol' said dny. Dated, this Ttli ihiy of Februaiy, A. D. 1673. MlnHAKIi FLEMING. Sheriff. Ml.". ■ MYKON' WEBB, T 'mier Sheriff. For want of bidders the nbove siüe is adjourned until Wednesday, April nintli, at the sume place and time of day. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 2, 1R7?. M1CHAEL FLEMIWO, Sheriff, By MtbOS Webb, Under-ál.eriff. The nbove sale is further postponi'd to the twentysi -i? li ilay of April inst-, at the same place and time of day. Dated, April 9th, 1873. M.CHAEh FLEMING, Sheriff. By Myííon Webb, Under-Sheriff. The noove sale is further postponed until Saturday, 4he tenth day of May next, at the same place and time of dfty. Dated, April 26th. 1973. MICHAEL FLEMIN-G Flierlff. By Myron Webb, Undar Shorfff. J E, GIBLEÏ, Saccessor to COLGHOVE 4 SON. JJrtí" '. "','.'■'' i 'l' tëJ DRÜCG1ST ANB ffliST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURÓN STEEET, DEALER H Rl'ftS, KfEDICIflES, SIKCICAL nSTRÜlffEltTS, PIKE WIXES tX LIQIORS, (FOR MEDICAL PUIÍPOSES ONLTJ Fancy Gootls, Periumery, PAINXS, OILS, VAItMSKKS, I.AS9 A9ID PUTTIT, PIIÏSICIANS' PBESGRIPTiOÜS Cftrefally compoundecl at all honrs. I PB0P0;E NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN ÏHE CITY WH0PURNI3H AS GOCD AN ARTICLE. E. B. IDLET. lSGTtf TAMKS MoMAHON, Justice of tlie Peacc, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collected and promxitly p:iid over. USTSUrtANCE AGENT. ""ritimph, aspets, $T-27 0or 11 Nortli Missouri, " I'45,41T.1 Hiheruin, " Söu.oou.ou bkaií : : ?tatk. I have 5P acres of hui, 1 , (jí a i:ii!o from the city mits, flnely located for fruit or „uden puiposes. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with h ue nnd ham, and a llvel trenm of water runnin!; thivugh the bain yard. 60 acres, a mile out. 1 will uil atiyor all the above cheap, or exchaDge ! or city proper w, 1 74 JAMES McMAHOtT. GENTS WANTED FOR EOOK3 MEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! Tliobost bookl imblishetl on the Iforso nnd the ow. Liberal tormi nvmey maderapidty by Afienti t '1 ing these hooke. Sejid for r.ircv lar, OKIEK & COATES, l'i'uuauEBtí.rüilaJelphifl, Pa


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Michigan Argus