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Estáte of Josepl F. Bchill. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couájbx M tn At n s,-,,, ,,f 11,0 PTObte Coírt for hl7 ül Wuhtnunr, holden at the Prolmte Offi,( mi eityof Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the twu C (Vht day of April, in the year one thousanu êS F?1 drea una serenty-three. b l "u Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judgeof Probnt 1 B fttöttw of the estáte of Joseph F ï i. meiit now nu iite in this court. pm-portin i0 u l?' hist wijl mid tetnra ni of Eid üecensed mar 1 k ■■! Ihul ïohnHulaleBfat 1H pointi L sule exècutos.thzBof nP Theroupon it is ordwed, that Mond the „■ teenthday of May noxt, at ten o'clock in the foro? SBéd for the hearing of mid peti J that the deviae. and heirs at luw V '' eeased, and uil othcr persons in terts! M1 Biiid estáte, ure roquirt-d l0 appear ♦ l ' of enid. Court, tfcen ft be hoWín ■tute Office; in the Cjty of Ar.n Lití and show cause, it iwy there be, why the prat, ' the petitiüï.er shulii not be gmntfcd. And i further ordwefl, thntarM petitioner give noticeW persene mtereated in .said esttite, of the pendpn sn&L petition, and the hearing therrof , bV cu3 copy of this önr?f tit.fy published . in the MieS Argut, o newepaper printed and dreulutine SÍÜ Comity, tbre succeusive week previous to aid dZ hearing. ' T (A tr-ue popy.l NOAH W. CHEEVER 1423 Jud of Profe, Estáte of Electa S. Abel. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenn ' O At a scssion i.r tTHï Probare Court for the t_ouïf of ashtennw, holden at the Probate Office intiT city of Ann Arbor, on Saturdity, the twelfth i 1 oí April in the. year oue thoufmnd eiirht w;fc and suvonty-three. --ar Present, Noah W. Cheever. Judijeof Probate In the mattei of the estiite of Electa 8. Abel J., On Ctadin and flling the prtition cluly reriftt # be licensed to tel anta real cL ie wherc-of %$L ceased ü.ed sMzed, tor Ou, puipose of payingK i U-MK,uh(.d l.y L last win imM testnmSt' B " il,r.y-,pniLi:sord'red,that-Vdr(.-BaHy,thetwentï Htday erf M,y next, at ten oVlock in tlfeforoS assigMd ioi heaiing of said p.tiiion „5 that the deviaees . lepi.tees and },ei Ht ï said (leeeased and all other persons intt-reatii in Baid Mjate, ate mriHff, to apptnr at TÏS sion of said Coiut, thën t be holden at ih v bale Oíhcc, in the City of tó! Jofj ' ciw, if mr there be' why the SK& Mhï ï titioner should not be allowed : And it i3 fUrY?.i ordeiod that said petitioner give notice to the wT sons interesled in said estáte, of the pendencr of ES account, nnd the Dearinp themf. bv ptuisinen 1 of this order tq be published in iheSHchiaai , ArS unewpaper piintrd nhñ cffculaliTi iñ snid Cnum tour successivc weeks previons to u dyOf h eannV lAtrnecoiiy.j NOAH W. CI1KKVER, i4-2 Judge of Probate. Estute of Philip Eirün " CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oMVasMeimw m At ii session of the Probate Court fnr the Count Sf WnsliteDUW, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesdiiy, the ninth dar April, in the year one thousaud eight Imndwrf and seveuty-throe. w Present, Nonh W. Cheever, Judge vf PfóBaf?1. In the matter of the estáte of Philip Eidinir de " ceased. John Keek, admiiiiiip.tor of said VtatV comes into coun and representa' tlint he is now tire.' Pred to render his final necount ae'such adaaiil Thereupon it is ordered. thnt Wedncsday, the scTenth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be oaugoed for exnminingr and illowing such ac count, and thnt the hem at law of said fa ceased, and all other pei'tre irrterestea' in" 8ai' estáte, are reqtfffèd to appenr nt a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office - in the City oí' Ann Arbor, in said county, and shot cause, if any there be, why the baid nccount shotli not be allowed: And itis lurther ordered. tht Bnid? ministra oi -givenoticeto the persons intt-rested in-iu;; evtnte, of thependencyofaaid account, and thehcnriiit thereof, by CRusing n copy of this order to be publishí in the Michigan Argus, a newspapcr printed nnd circu. latine in said County, thrcé successive weeks preTioci to said day of hearing. {Atrae copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEIt, 1421 Judge of Probate. Real Es+ate for Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WasMenaw,M, -J In the matter of the estáte of Cornelius Laiighlinj dcceiised : Noticeis hc-ieby given, that in purmiaiice oí an order gmnted to thv undersig-ned Adminiaraior of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hou. Judgeof Probate for the county of Washtennw, on the ivrw ty-sf;cond day July, a. d. 1872, thfre will bc aold at' public vendut', to the highest bidder, at the dwellinghouse on tlie premisei hereinafter described, in the county of Washtenaw, in said (State, on Saturány, tin1 twenty-fourtH dny of May, a, d. 1873, at ten o'clock in the foienoon of thut day (subject to uil oi' cumbrances by mortgape or oiherwise existinp t th time of the deaih of wid decensed). the followisg disoribed reul estáte, to wit : The west hnli of thcBoutiwest quartcr of soctiou twenty three in townehipon tontn of rantre six rust, in snid State, contH.niny eighty acres, moie or lew. Aho a parcel of luntl desenbed as cominonciny al the qu:irter post betweea sectiorta twentytwo md tventy-three, snme tuirr-ihip and range, and ïunninp eaat on suid QuarteT line lo tiie sub-division post, thtnee noilh on oiid line twen' ty-four rods, thence west tu ?hid secfíon line eiM]' ïods, tbenot' pftuth twentv-iour n ds to ihe place of bepirming, containii f? tvclve acres of land, exeeptinr; lroui the abore the ionr acres ooneyed by deed fnm said Cornelius Laogblin and wjfe, undcr date of Df ecmber 8th, 18ft;ï, to Jumes Kennedy, -nhich caid deed is recorüVd in liW (!0 of deed. o"n pape íí)7, in th oftice of the Begigtei oï Deedfl in said cuunty. Bater1, April 0(h, 1S7,". 1421 WTT.l.lM BüRKE, Administiator. Mortgage Süle. pEFAULT having been made in theconditions of ■ t eertain mortgage dated the second doy oí July, A. D. 1856, made and executed by Hugh H. Vreeland and ll.innah Vreeland, hia wffe, of the townshtp at Lodi, Washten:iw County, and State of Michigan, to John Geddis, of the same place, and recorded in the ofhceof the Elegister of Deeds for the County of Wushtennw, State oí Michigan, on the gecond day of July, A. D. 1850, and recordea in liber %'l of mortgages page 657, wliich said mortgagQ Wftfl on the Sd dny of Jnnunry, A. I. 187i, duly assigncd by Charles F. Crane, Adminis-trator of the estáte ; of .John Geddis, to llunnah Vreeland, and whieh issignment was rf-cordtíd in the Register's Otface of thi County of Wushtcnaw, in Iiher3 of aesignmentsof mortgiigeson page 6 6,nd' which said nsortgdge waa on the 3 st day of ttanuury, A. D. lhTii, assignefl by Hannah Vreeland, of the township of TiOdi, Washtenuw County, Michigan, t ilenry r-'oland. of the same place, and which assignment waa recorded m the Kegiflter' Uüice oi the County of "Washtenuw, in liber 3 uf mortgnges on ]i;i;icüu7. and which sftid mortgüge was on the l-thday of' Maroh, A. D. 1473, assiined by Henry Vrev-' land to Christian Muck und Fredt-rick Schmid, Jr.t wiiich assiirnment was recorded in the Kegistcr'i Offloe, Ín the County of Woflhtenaw, in lier 3 of mortciiges on page 668; and vhereas, there is duc nnd unptud on eaid Eoortff&ge at the date of thi notice th sum of two thousand one hundred ;ind seventy-t'ifjht 50-1' 0 dollar {$2,178.60-100), nd no suit nr pruceeduvj; at luw h;is been instituted torecover the same or any part ther ot'; notice is heieby given th;it on tiüturday. the fifth day of July, A. D. eifihtecn hundred nd seventy three, nt twelve o'clock noon, oí thaf day, at the front door (south sideï of 'he Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Couuty, IMieliiuan. by virtue of the power of sale con tuin ed ia said mortpügc, we shitll sell at public imction. to the higliest bidder, the piemises describid in said mortgage, or BO tnuch llienoi as may be newssary to fntisf y theamount duo on said mortgage at the diiteot tlii notice with intereBÉ and the cot and expenses tl lowed by law, and also ;tp uttorney lee of twcniy-fiv dollars as pr-tvided in said mortgiige. 'Uie loliowing is a deseription of the land Êfi prtmii-es na givm in bail mortxugti and to be sold in pnrsxiuice of tbe abve notlOf, to wit : The west half [] of the Southwest quarter [% of section one (1), town three i3) soulli range iive e st, Wahtpnuw ' ouuty. MícIuüd, wuh the iippurtenancea thereunto bel nging. Uated, Ann Arbor, Msreh '27, 1873. CillilslTAX MACKonA FHEDEBICK SCHMlL, fc, FKKDrr.TCK Pisroun's, Assigneeii. --ttorney lor Asyignecs. 1419 Mor tg a ge Síile. DKIAUIjT hariug been nnule in the conditionsof h tertain mortptige, diited the twenty-fourth cuy of February, a. d. 182, made and executed by Jlurv E. Kuckmun and trun C. Ruckinan, 01 the town.-hip of Maocbvbter, washtenaw County, Michigan, w l'iedfiick Schmid, Senior, ot the city of Ann Arbor, County and Mali; liortsaid, and ii ooided in ihe oftic) of the liegister of Deed for tlie county oOYaplitenaw, Michigan, on the twenty-eighth day of Febntaiy, a. u. 1S72, in Libei 4(i of Mortgacs, on pMfl fji', ty which (lefitiili iho power of tole oootained in mórtgage beeame operative, aud no ijroceedingi in law or eguitv having been insiituted to recover' the debt secuied by said niortgge nr any part there-' erf, and the sum oi' nine hundicd and ihirtylour dollars and twenty-six centa [$D34.26) being now olainieu 1o bc ilm; ipon said mortgage at the date of tki notice, besides oostl fnd expenses of this foreclosm and iilso an Attorueyfl fee of twenty-five (9-6.00) dollars : Notice is tlierclere hereby j,ivon that aaid mortgagc will ïe iorcelostd by a tale of tlie premï?ed described in Baid mondige, or some puit thereof, to wit: All the Jollowing describrd land táfcuuted in thé enunty of Wa&littnaw, State oí Michücun1] being the wubt half ( '._■) of the northwest quurfec?'('4} of section neven (7), eontainin tliirly ucres ; alto all that part of the west huif (V2) of the southeust quarter (,lL) of section nnmber one (1) lying soutÜwe t (jt llivcr Bttisin nnd north of the fenhffï' Uoad, oontaining a bout eig-ht acres, all of caid Und being in townshipfoar (4) south of range tnrre B eftst, ;ü pubHe v#dne to ha higneet bidder, at the front door jsouth sideï of the Court House in the eiiy' or' Ann Arbor, in said coun-ty. of Waühtenuw, on the twenty-eighth üay of Juuenxt, at noon. Uatèd, April 2; 1S73. FBEDX&ICX ECHMID, Senior.-FKEDKr.ICK PlSTOKIUS, MoitURpCt. Attorney for Mortgwgee. 1420td Mortgagc Sale. ÜEFATJLT having been made in the conditiona of' a CflltaÍD mivtgauo dated the tirst day of March,A. I'. 1-f'Vi, made tmê executed by John Diehl and' Margwretta Diehl, of the city of Arbor, Michigan, to Henry 1. James, ot Williamsburgh, in ha mate of Sfaesachuactts, und recorded in the office vt: R gister of Deed tor tlie Cownty of AVushtenaw, State of Michigan, on the third day of Mareta, A. D. 1869, in liber 39 of mortgage, at p;ige 53-', which bnid mortgage was (m tho twfiity-sixth day of December,A. D. 1872, sold and Hsnigntd by said Henry L. JmC8" to Leonard (inner which saiu assienment wns on the thiitieth day of -January, A. D. 1873, recorded in theoiticeoi the Repise] af lAeds nloresaid in liber 3 of awiifnment of mortgagCR. on pnge ti4 ; and wherfrtiB, theie is due and unpuid en Mid inorlpape nt the date of this notice the sum of tv nty-six hundied dollar (2600.C0j and no suit or proceeding h.w haa b'.en institnUd to u--jver thestnie op any pnrt there-of. Ntie is htieuy fiicn Unit on Mcnday, Jiy tweMih, A. 1"). 1873, at 12 oVKck noon nf that day, ut tht front door i sou tb side) oi the ( (uut lU-iif-e, in ihe cily ot Ann Al uur, WasliU naw CcttPty, Miehipun, by virtue of ihe power of sale containeú ïn saiooit-ffdö, IsbaU sll at public anetion. to Ihe hifhest'bidder, tht premwesdtBcub d in said moxtgage. or o much theieof a may be necéssHry to SHtVSfy tb um.iuut dueoiwid moltgage at the dato of this notiee, with inttrest, ajad tlie cot and expenses ullonca by law, nd also an iittorney fee oí #30.00 as piovided' in said mortgage. The ïnllowiitg is n description of the land and premieee as given in íi1 siorignge, and to be boM Ín puistianrc oi' tht1 above notice, to wit : All those ctrtiiiu pieces oi parcela of land siluntt-d in the city of Ann Aibcr, County of Washteuaw, nrd Btftte aforeeaid, known, bounded and desoriwd ns 'ollowB, to wit : Hciiïg kirsivurubem live midsix (fi nd 6) Ín block number nine, ie Ormsby and Paffea uddition to the villaje (now city) of .-pn Aibor and nlso that part of lot number feight in uld bluck, lying south of ü direct line from the eiist corner of aaid lot five to the wmtheast corner of s:iid Hoek niimbt r niue, with the ippurtfiiances thereunto belontiinp. Duted, Ann Arbor, Februwy '3, Ifi73. LK0NA11D GRITNKR, FlïEDERICK PlSTOKTTTÍ, AS6Ípnee. Attorney for Asrifréro 11-1 T IVEWEESE FEATHüKö PIBST GiTJALIT-ST , lonei lyonhand and forealeby BACH fr ABEÍ,


Old News
Michigan Argus